WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I've tried many times to get on here, and couldn't get it to work. Checked Jill's site a few days ago and saw that I needed to use my e-mail addy as my name. It worked, so here I am.
I wanted to say Thanks to Brenda C., Ter Ter, Susan F. and Kathi S. for the comfort blocks. These blocks have really helped me in the past month. At a time when I feel so helpless, it is great to know so many are thinking and praying for me.
Mom had a good week a few weeks ago, but in the past week has really grown weak. They transferred her back to her hometown hospital on Wed. Now her and Dad are in the same town. The nursing home took him to see her on Thurs. He had not seen her for a couple of weeks, so I'm glad he got the chance to see her, even if it was really hard on him.
I'm going to try to attach a picture of the quilt I made for Mom & Dad for their 60th wedding anniversary back in Aug. It includes pictures of Mom & Dad, all of the kids, grandkids, and great grand kids. This quilt has travelled with Mom to all of her different hospital rooms. When they were getting ready to transfer her on Wed., she woke up and told us to make sure we took her quilt along.
We have blizzard warnings here today, so I'm stuck at home. DH took me to see Mom for a little while this morning before the storm hit. We'll see if the weather allows me to travel to see her tomorrow.
I've been in the sewing room today working on a charity quilt. I really needed my "needle" therapy.
Karen in KS
thanks, Heather
I remember having been to this site of Rosey's quite a while back now. Have put it in my favourites so it doesn't get lost again. Thanks, Heather!Fran
Just checked and found the b&b website with the quilts....this should get you there Fran....
Saturday evening
and it is only a minus 14 Celsius.....remember that is more than mild for us in Northern Manitoba....we had light snow all day, it is amazing how much fell but it is soft and fluffy and the Yorkie Gang were enjoying chasing each other around in it.....why they have to put their faces right in to the snowbanks is beyond me....Hard to believe that the end of February is almost here....I like short months, especially in winter!
Quiet day around here with DH puttering with his stained glass projects and I have been going between doing embroidery on one quilt project and starting another...the new one is in soft spring colours so it is a good one to work on especially on snowy days...
Yes, Rosey please post your quilt pictures again...or can we access them through the B&B website? I tried the candian quilter website but they only have 2006 and the current one there......I still intend to do the bird one, but will hone my appliques skills first....
Winter in Minnesota
We're in the middle of an actual Minnesota snow storm here - we're in Southern Minn & it looks like other parts of the state have had much more snow already, but we woke up to ice & sleet with a few inches of snow. The second wave started awhile ago and they are predicting a total of up to 12-14 for our area. I started a pot of soup this morning and made some beer batter bread (less than an hour from start to eat) so we are set. We were supposed to have a "old fashioned quilting bee" at church tomorrow afternoon but I'm not sure if that will happen. There are several people going on a mission trip to Kentucky in April and our church is responsible for making 9 twin-size quilts to take along. I put together a couple of easy 9-patch kits for people to work on tomorrow and I have finished one top at home. Another person has put together a couple of kits and two other people have also finished tops on their own. We can always reschedule if the weather is too bad in the morning but we were all looking forward to the afternoon of sewing & chatting - and there was the promise of food, too - we're Methodist so there is always food.I'll have to try to get some pictures posted before too long - I've downloaded most of the pictures to my laptop so I'll have to see if I can figure out how to transfer them to this computer. I'm sure my 15 year old DD will be able to help me! I know I have a bunch of pictures from the retreat at Mayme's last year - Joleen in MN
Winter in Minnesota
We're in the middle of an actual Minnesota snow storm here - we're in Southern Minn & it looks like other parts of the state have had much more snow already, but we woke up to ice & sleet with a few inches of snow. The second wave started awhile ago and they are predicting a total of up to 12-14 for our area. I started a pot of soup this morning and made some beer batter bread (less than an hour from start to eat) so we are set. We were supposed to have a "old fashioned quilting bee" at church tomorrow afternoon but I'm not sure if that will happen. There are several people going on a mission trip to Kentucky in April and our church is responsible for making 9 twin-size quilts to take along. I put together a couple of easy 9-patch kits for people to work on tomorrow and I have finished one top at home. Another person has put together a couple of kits and two other people have also finished tops on their own. We can always reschedule if the weather is too bad in the morning but we were all looking forward to the afternoon of sewing & chatting - and there was the promise of food, too - we're Methodist so there is always food.I'll have to try to get some pictures posted before too long - I've downloaded most of the pictures to my laptop so I'll have to see if I can figure out how to transfer them to this computer. I'm sure my 15 year old DD will be able to help me! I know I have a bunch of pictures from the retreat at Mayme's last year - Joleen in MN
Birthday Quilt
ROSEY: Yes, please - is there a way we can see a picture of the Canadian bird quilt from the cover of the magazine? The ladies have done a wonderful job choosing the fabrics but what a lot of time you obviously spent in designing those birds. Could we see your flower quilt again too??MARION: Loved your photos!
MARY & SANDI: I hope you both were able to meet up at the craft show.
KNITTING: I started knitting in my teens - lots of jumpers and cardigans for myself but stopped once the boys were old enough to refuse to wear them. LOL But after a 20+ year break I offered to knit a jumper (sweater?) for DS#3 while he was going through a Canadian winter and he should be getting it in the post any day now (better late than never!) I'm just waiting to see if his head goes through the hole and if the length is OK.
Autumn just around the corner here but not quite yet. This has been our hottest February on record and the long-range forecast is for more hot days. Rain would be nice though.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Fran in S. Australia
"Bug Project"
LOL--Just struck me that the bird applique photos reminded me of those science projects where you catch bugs and pin them to a base in order to identify and classify them!They look wonderful! Such tiny pieces!
From Alabama
Feb.24, 2007I read the chat page more than I ever post to it, but I did want to have the option to do so. Finally, I was able to make it here.
All is well with us. I've always wanted to learn to knit, but it always escaped me. Until, I finally made my mind up that I had to learn it now or maybe I never would. Once I finally determine that I have to learn a new technique, I usually have enough stubbornness to master the skill. So back in July I endeavoured to make myself learn to knit and I have enjoyed it greatly. Another quilter from our WWQP (Regina Z.) has been a big help in patiently answering my many questions.I am now on my fourth pair of socks. Love the way they wear.
A few months ago,I noticed a few of you had mentioned your own knitting. I am especially interested in making a shawl and have been studying Zimmerman's Pi shawl. If any of you have any information to share, please email me at lightningsj@juno.com or post directly to this board.
Have a great weekend.
Rosey's Commission Quilt in progress

First two of the appliqued birds for Rosey's Commission quilt. Click once to make them medium sized, then click again, for larger.
Celia in NB
Friday, February 23, 2007
Hitting critical mass again...in the studio
The culprit, as usual, is paper. Bills paid, invoices unfiled. Paper pattern for this commission quilt stretched out across one desk, papers stacked around the computer on the other and the third surface is reasonably organized with one sewing machine, lamps, fabric and some bare space. It's the bare space that looks good. I've forwarded several birds to Celia, when she has time she might post one or two. They are from a design of mine that appeared on the cover of the CQA magazine a year ago and when a gentleman from Toronto saw the cover photo, said that this was all he wanted for his 50th birthday in July of this year. The pattern was purchased and his niece said: I don't quilt, can you suggest someone to make it up. It's too involved and no-one was interested...the long and the short of it is by this time I was becoming rather possessive of the whole idea and not wanting someone who didn't have a feeling for the design make it up, agreed, if I could find others to work with me, to make it up myself. My hands have not improved much from the chemical exposure seven years ago thus the other quilters have made up the birds, I take no credit for them other than having drawn them. Their choices of fabrics, their superb sewing techniques, all make this quilt come alive. I'm doing all the borders and leaves. It's a huge effort and one that will take until the end of March at least to complete. It's to go into frames in April and be presented in July. Best of all, it's for this gentleman's bed so it will be used and appreciated for what it is...a quilt. Meanwhile, it's winter here and its no hardship getting together for a day's sewing and homemade soup with freshly baked bread.It's nice to see you posting here Judy and I see that TerTer has managed to find her way to the other board, hopefully to make her way over here soon.
Thanks Judy....
That website with the cat was wonderful.....even someone who doesn't love cats won't be able to stop smiling at that one....made my day.....Misty's Very Talented Cousin
You might recall that earlier this month I posted a photo of my Supreme Quilt Inspector, Misty the kitty, as my way to draw attention away from all of the canines that were being featured on the BB Chat Page. I have recently come across a most charming video of a grey cat (who must surely be a cousin of my Misty even if she is Italian) who can play the piano. This is sure to please even the most serious dog lover for the kitty is obviously an animal of great talent.http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x181wu_gatta-pianista
More confessions !!
Rosey, I know nothing about digital cameras or downloading them onto the computer either... I used to be the family photographer but as soon as the digital cameras arrived, DH took over that roll ! Fortunately, the interest extended to downloading the photos onto the computer. I was most impressed !! He makes it all look very difficult, so I haven't asked him to show me how to do it ! It can't be too hard though, my DGD, aged 10, is another expert and she can put photos on CDs too !!I've been slow to pick up on technology in general , I resisted having a computer in the house for years ! It's only when I perceive such things to be of personal benefit that I get interested... now how's that for a confession ?!!
Another dull day here today,but not cold. Have a few outside jobs to do, then might settle down and prepare fabric for my next quilt.. How is the commision quilt coming along Rosey ? You MUST get somebody to post photos of it's progress. I have never seen such beautiful work..
Have a good day.
A confession:
Celia, I'm not even taking classes to figure out how to use my digital camera or how to upload them into my computer, I'm ashamed to admit. But you can see that I know exactly what I need to do when I have the time. Remind me when I run out of excuses. I don't have pictures to access so those were taken from my B&B website and the pool shot chosen for the variety of colour on the page...I often watch my guests use our pool and think, why am I not taking advantage of it too...as I bake muffins and scrub the terlets for guests over the summer....I am seldom in the pool myself, it seems...all of which is my own fault, I could take the time to enjoy it more and should...all these shoulds.Jane, I understand entirely about Molly. I feel the same way about the two 'girls' in my life...maybe it's because they are so goofy, warm and loving whereas Geordie is reserved. Molly sounded like such a character that I'm sure you'll never stop missing her. My biggest worry at this age is to outlive my dogs...and since I never want to be without one dog, I have to find a very nice person or relative to keep in mind to inherit it when I pop off.
As Doris keeps reminding me: one day at a time but I couldn't live without a dog. Looks like many others here feel the same way too.
An early start to my day and two quilters coming in to work on this quilt for the day...soup waiting for the pot and bread to make in the breadmaker...unlike Jean who makes it from scratch and is it good...still reminded of her wonderful rosemary bread...yum.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
No pics this time!
I think Sue and Eric must be so happy to see how active both the new boards. are. I love them both, especially the pics.Lavinia: The church you asked me about in the pic is the Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Fredericton,NB where we live.
Here is an URL where you can read the history of the church. http://www.anglican.nb.ca/buildings/cathedral.html
Brenda: I told Ivon what you said. He is somewhat quiet and reserved. Just like moi.(chuckle) I also told him not to let it go to his head. I think I will keep him. We have been married 37 years. The outfit I posted about was the blue one. That was when the sales clerk reeled me in by saying "Madam is about a size 6." I think she has since got herself some glasses. The last time I was a size 6 was probably when I was 6, a hundred years ago. 8^.
Marion, your pics are so beautiful. Do you know how hard that scenery is for us who are still buried neck deep in snow to look at and smile? Just kidding, they are lovely! I should take one of my back yard right now. Wouldn't be difficult to chose colours to make a quilt representing it. I would need white, and white, and more white and maybe a little white, and borders in white for contrast, and white binding! It is very pretty here in the spring, summer and fall though.
I am off to bed now. It's late,
Goodnight all,
Here is Molly, the spaniel from Hell.
It has been showing signs of spring hereabouts if you look for it. Not only have temperatures moderated but I have spied the beginnings of larkspur and cut leaved toothwort foliage this past week. They will survive numerous frosts to burst forth in March. The bloodroot and spring beauties will be out by the end of March. Oh how I love the spring flowers. I'll finally be able to regale you with pictures of them.
Have to go all the way to the south side of Asheville to see the vascular surgeon at 10 tomorrow. I'm sure he'll check out my purple swollen legs and tell me to continue with the $74 compression stockings and come back in a month. Short on sleep because of staying up too late last night and having to have Shadow at the groomer by 8:30 and the thunder storm the previous night resulting in my being visited in my bed by a panic stricken beast.
Jane in NC where it's supposed to drop to low 20s tomorrow night.
Meet Rosey and her Granddaughter Sarah

The top pic is Rosey in her lovely pool at the Farmer's Walk. The bottom pic is of DGD Sarah in Grampa Jock's raspberry patch.
I think I have just figured out that if you post the pics in small format, then view by clicking on them once to make them medium sized, then again to make them even larger.
Thanks, Celia
For your work in putting the pics up for me. And Marion, you've done well to figure it out with Celia's directions. I loved the photo of Holly and your DH, as well, your pic. on the other board...especially nice to see clear blue skies and water at this time of year when the winds are howling around my studio as of the moment. I'm sure it's going to bring snow with it as well.I just wanted to join in the fun and maybe one day I'll get caught up on my computer skills. Meanwhile, thanks to Celia, I can participate.
And I'm buried under a commission quilt at the moment and a long way to go so check in but haven't time for much else.
Rosey, who remembers just how devoted Hope and Ceilidh were to Celia and Stacie, her daughter...in fact, I think that they would have gone home to NB with Stacie.
Peer pressure !!

Seems that we are more interested in dogs than quilts on this page !! Here's a recent photo of Holly enjoying a stroll with DH at a nearby beach. She's not usually on a lead but there must have been somebody else on the beach that day, also walking a dog. Imagine that !
Wet here today so we are off to town to buy some new shoes to replace those chewed by " you know who...."
P.S. O.K. Rosey...I have to admit, your three dogs are beautiful and I can quite see why you are so besotted by them !!
...nice pictures. You have a handsome husband. Which wedding outfit was the one you wrote a really funny post about?It's nice to see pictures of the dogs, Rosey, for those of us who didn't get to meet them. I really like all these pictures. It was good to see Pat from Flint again; it brought back happy memories of Michigan.
It's very cold in Nn Ontario today with the wind chill. I am hoping for sun tomorrow, as I'm catching the bus down to Sault Ste. Marie to attend my grandson's baptism and get my car back (yayyy!). In the past 3 weeks, I've become a good beggar of rides. It will be great to have wheels again.
I sure haven't got much quilting done this week; maybe next week I'll get moving at it again.
A good weekend to all.
Brenda in Nn Ontario
Meet Geordie, Ceilidh and Hope Proudfoot
Well done Celia !!
It's quite brave to post a photo of yourself, after years of happy anonymity ! Ask me how I know ! I did it on the other page, deliberately making it small only to find that by clicking onto it , it enlarges and there's no-where to hide ! I'd like to put a few more faces to names...how about it ladies ? Celia , you looked lovely for the weddings..We're enjoying some lovely late summer weather at the moment. DH has been out playing golf today, so it sleeping in the chair (now...that would make a good photo !) I have been filling the tins with baking. Not the best way to spend a hot day but, needs must....
Any news of Thea ? She sounded stressed last time we heard from her. Has anybody got her email address ?
DD in Auckland emailed to say that DGD had been locked in her classroom at school (along with everybody else) because there had been two boys walking around with Air-rifles... This is NZ !! Things like that don't happen here.. I suppose it's reassuring (in some ways ) to know that there is a system in place for such an eventuality, but I was shocked to hear of it.
Time for bed. Hope you all have a good day.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Celia in NB
Wow do I ever feel great; as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. How did that happen? I sat down tonight and got my tax stuff together including adding up the obscene amount of money I pay in co-pays for all the darned pills I take. Yikes. Fortunately I have a drug plan along with the secondary insurance I get through Honeywell, Al's employer for 27 years. It isn't cheap but I wouldn't have any fabric money if I had to pay the full rate for all that stuff. Anyway, having waited until the very last minute last year and finding out there was a serious problem of missing information and struggling with that until October I resolved never to get caught like that again. I won't pay anything until the last minute since the wretched government doesn't pay a nickel in interest for the use of all that withheld money for the past twelve months. At least now though, I can cross it off my to do list.I got the birthday quilt redelivered today. The old girl seems very pleased and the colors go extremely well with the decor in the living room and in her room. What a sweetheart she is.
Now to attack the mess in the quilt room and all the correspondence that has been over due for months.
Spring-like today. After thunder storms last night the temps rose to 69 today with sun. By 5 PM it was clouding up again and rained. Of course Shadow sought refuge in my bed last night as she is terrified by storms. She insists on getting under the blanket with me and then thrashes around still seeking refuge. There is no comforting her and if I shut her in the laundry room with her crate she just about tears the door down trying to get to me. Consequently neither one of us got a whole lot of sleep. She's going to the beauty parlor tomorrow so she won't be so shaggy for a while. I had to vacuum my bed out today. My whole world is covered with dog hair.
Welp, I'm suddenly sleepy so will bid you all goodnight and pleasant dreams. Well, some of you are probably eating breakfast about now.
Jane in NC
Hi all,
Been enjoying the posts and the pictures. Still a little wary of trying but I am sure I will attempt some in a while.
Right now I have a slight problem. How do you get over the fear of your own beloved sewing machine.
Yesterday was was humming away sewing when I pushed the button for needle down on my sewing machine but my finger was not out of the way. Well you may have guessed the needle came down and went right through my nail coming out the other side. Right now I have a weird looking finger, but what is worse I keep looking at my machine as if it is at fault and will attack me. Maybe I should have sat down again right away again but it smarted pretty good. I have four days in a row of not having to leave home and I was really looking forward to doing a lot of catching up.
Any ideas other than just go for it.
Went to quilting guild last night and got lucky on the fat quarter draw again. Won a set of lovely colours. Four of them. Yippee.
Our kitchen sewer lines froze with not having enough snow insulation on the ground so DH had to wash dishes . Can't put my sore finger in the water right. Boy did they work hard at trying to get the ice out of the pipes today. Not successful yet but I have to give then an A for trying.
We have had this only one other time in the last 33 years, and it is not easy to change a piping system unless you do a whole transformation of all the pipes. This building is pretty old.
Well I better get and see if my machine looks a little more friendlier.
Take care
Grace in On
Been enjoying the posts and the pictures. Still a little wary of trying but I am sure I will attempt some in a while.
Right now I have a slight problem. How do you get over the fear of your own beloved sewing machine.
Yesterday was was humming away sewing when I pushed the button for needle down on my sewing machine but my finger was not out of the way. Well you may have guessed the needle came down and went right through my nail coming out the other side. Right now I have a weird looking finger, but what is worse I keep looking at my machine as if it is at fault and will attack me. Maybe I should have sat down again right away again but it smarted pretty good. I have four days in a row of not having to leave home and I was really looking forward to doing a lot of catching up.
Any ideas other than just go for it.
Went to quilting guild last night and got lucky on the fat quarter draw again. Won a set of lovely colours. Four of them. Yippee.
Our kitchen sewer lines froze with not having enough snow insulation on the ground so DH had to wash dishes . Can't put my sore finger in the water right. Boy did they work hard at trying to get the ice out of the pipes today. Not successful yet but I have to give then an A for trying.
We have had this only one other time in the last 33 years, and it is not easy to change a piping system unless you do a whole transformation of all the pipes. This building is pretty old.
Well I better get and see if my machine looks a little more friendlier.
Take care
Grace in On
West Michigan checking in
I'm love seeing every one's pictures. I was to be on my way to VA tonight butjust as we were getting ready to leave the house, the airline called to say my
second flight was canceled. They have me booked on a 6:30 AM flight tomorrow
morning. I have a feeling that may not happen either. It is a commuter flight and
usually is full. When I try to check in on line they say they have no flight for me at
that time. When I called the airline, they say I do at least some recording does. Guess
I will find out in the morning. I'm losing a lot of sewing time! Hardly think they will
compensate me for that!
We've had a couple of days that make you think Spring might be coming.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Finding Our "Oldies But Goodies"
I know that since we've changed to this new delightful blogging format I've sent personal emails to the addresses I had for Glenda (formerly Glenda in Korea and now Glenda in Florida) and for Doni. I received no replies. Neither of those emails were returned as being undeliverable, however, that does not mean those email addresses are still valid either.I thought perhaps I would mention this in case others might have email addresses for other BBers who may have given up on the old BB and left in dismay and thus have not been back to see the changes ....
If I remember correctly, Doni's little guys are Silky Terriers. I sure hope she manages to find us one of these days.Gus has a best friend named Kendra. She's an Aussie, but a tri-color rather than the merle. One of these days I'll have to get the camera out when the two of them are together...quite the pair!
And no, we didn't have to train him not to chew up his toys. He's just taken that hunting dog thing to heart and only carries things around with him. Never has been a chewer, even as a little pup. But he's physically incapable of going anywhere without finding something to carry first.
What Quilters love...
And I can see the pets are at the top of the list, even before fabric, I think. Heather, I just loved the pics of your Yorkies, Ceila, Miss Lucy is a queen...and a naughty one at that...and others...Doris, your shih tzu, memories of our three before Australian Shepherds...and when I have time, which I don't right now, I'll try to post our three too. Then after our pets and fabrics, flower gardens, books...and what else do quilters love...I think that we all have much in common.The fashion for the day has been dressed in grey...that's to say that the temps have warmed up close to freezing, after 21 days of near 0 temps...for Heather, that would be a daily occurance, but here, we are in the banana belt of southern Ontario. Still cold and still very wintry and a good time to bury under a quilt project.
I'm really enjoying all the pics here...thanks, Eric and Sue,
Aaaaack....is correct !
Doris, when it comes to bathing those mutts! The two youngest 'girl' puppies love their baths and never want to get out....was a major problem when having to use the regular tub, but now we have laundry sinks with a faucet that has the sprayer thing on it....Oldest gal loves bathday but only if DH does it....and the two 'boy' puppies must be tricked into getting to the laundry room....we just do them all at once and usually twice a month.... Summer time we have a small toddler pool for them but usually it's just the younger two who love water who indulge....After bathtime it's comb out for all, which is why we keep their hair cut short instead of the usual to the floor Yorkie style.....has anybody heard from Doni.....she has quite a bunch of terrier type pups as well....almost the same as Yorkies but can't for the life of me remember what kind? She must have as much fun as we do on bath days......
Marion in NZ - photos
Marion, did you wait until the photo finished uploading? There is a message when it's completed, but a large file photo can take a long time.Are your photos in the original size? They may be too large to upload. I always re-size mine through the "Paint" program.
Go to :
Programs -->Accessories --> Sysstem Tools --> Paint
Once in "Paint" open the file for each picture one at a time. If you're seeing someone's eye or head and nothing else on your 'puter screen, you need to resize it.
Click on "Image" and then "Stretch/Skew". I always enter 50% for length & width.
You can "Save" or "Save As" with a different name. Save AS keeps the original size and creates a second file with the smaller image. It really is quite easy. :-)
Baaaaad kitty!
CELIA - Lucy is one naughty cat. You are one humane person to not boot her out of the house. ;-)HEATHER - your picture of the Yorkies is sooo cute. It looks like it's raining dogs. I wouldn't want to be you when it's Bath Day For The Dogs. Aaack!
More Pets...
If this posts okay it should show our "Yorkie Gang"....it is a rare thing to have all five of them sit anywhere all together, except maybe on DH when he is napping on the sofa...
still been cold up here but not a lot more snow thankfully, temps are predicted to rise...hope so...I am at the point of any excuse is good enough not to bother to go out...even for groceries...not good for the mental health staying home alone!
Good thing I am never really alone with all these dogs (plus two cats....will have to look for one of them....)
wrong page....
Just sent my post over to the BB page....sorry, it was about posting photos..(I failed again !)Oh dear, it's late and I should go to bed. It's been along day. Our friend was buried today and then we all went back to their home and two friends and I were responsible for preparing a meal for the family and relatives and cleaning up afterwards... Good to be able to do it, it's been a warm and sunny evening and it was so good to see the family enjoying their relations, and the support of friends..
Night all,
Monday, February 19, 2007
Checking In from NB
Hello everyone,Thought I had better check in before I get too far behind. I can't say how much I am enjoying every picture. I really enjoy seeing everything, especially every-one's beautiful pets. I have introduced my own little"monkey "who has suddenly decided she doesn't like any of my wallpaper borders. She is really quite a sweet little thing.............on a good day. lol
Jill: I loved your pics too. I had a kitty once named Pansy and she lived to be 22 years old. I love the expression of Morgan... reminds of Sir Winston Churchill!
Martha: Good to see you back. You asked me about Riley's hair bleach job. Well......it was all my fault, poor guy. He got skunked full in the face and it was ghastly. The smell almost drove us out of the house. So, I mixed the potion up and left it on twice as long. In retrospect, not a good idea. He survived! It couldn't have made him any goofier than he already is. 8^
Yes, I go to Mardens in Calais, Maine just as often as I can. I was last there 3 weeks ago. I love that place!
Bee: Yes, that was Riley who subsequently got the Nice 'N Easy touch up job as a result of the above comment to Martha! His fur turned brown on the dome part of his head and he looked like he was wearing a bowler hat, so I touched it up back to black. Needless to say DH was not exactly pleased. But, once again, the dog survived, I survived, and DH has forgotten all about it! Toys you ask? My two don't go big on toys but will play with a ball. Riley prefers to drag fallen trees out of the woods. He steals too, from the neighbours. One day he dragged home a 4 x 4 new gate post. I had to take it back on the wheelbarrow. Should have named him Fagin.
Still quite frigid here but we are now plowed out from the last storm that came through. It's a great time to quilt though and I have been doing just that. I MQed my very first lap quilt today and it's turned out quite passable. I might just have now got my head around this technique. I think I could have mastered nailing Jello to the wall a lot easier.
Stay warm everyone and keep those pics coming. I look forward to seeing more! Marion, I am wondering if your picture posting problem is because your pic is too large. Are you able to compress it? If not, send it to me and I will do it for you.
Celia in NB.
All My Own Work!

Lucy in snowy and cold, NB Canada
We went to see Music and Lyrics yesterday, me, DH, my DB and DSIL, Mom, and my buddy Doris. We all loved it, such a nice romantic movie. Then we came back here for a bite of supper. Bill had made Picadilla (not sure of the spelling and don't want to dig out the Mexican cookbook) the night before, so all we had to do was heat it up, heat the tortillas, make salads, and get the stuffed eggs out of the fridge. After, we played a game of dominos. I was in undisputed possession of last place, LOL. What a nice way to spend an afternoon.Tomorrow will be the start of our 3-day Linus Sew-In, so I should be getting ready for that, but am procrastinating.
Pat in Rockport, TX
Here I go again..
Thanks to Rosey, who forwarded instructions on from Celia, all is not lost ! I'll try one more time ! Hmmmmm not looking good ! I followed the instructions and all went well until I got onto the page with the exclamation mark and flashing lines . The lines stopped flashing early on but the little green boxes at the bottom of the page kept filling up.. Still no picture though. I'll keep trying.Have a good day and birthday greetings to our friend in South Australia !!
at the moovies - a review
Well, the DH and I thoroughly enjoyed "Music and Lyrics." It's a very nice romantic comedy and all the "critics reviews" at the fandango.com website were accurate. We actually were laughing out loud through a lot of this movie. I haven't enjoyed a movie (of the 'fun' variety) this much in ages; maybe since we saw "Mr. & Mrs. Smith."Two thumbs up from us. If you go, be sure to stay for the credits at the end. ;-)
I think I've posted a photo but I can't see any sigh of it here !! Maybe it just goes straight to the BB !! Can you tell I have no understanding of what I'm trying to do ? The photo was taken at the w/end when we were up at Lake Sumner...It was lovely up at the lake and although we returned earlier than expected, we will go back before the end of the summer... DH caught a couple of good trout so he was pleased with himself. I read two books, so I enjoyed myself too !!Just had an email from DD in Auckland. She has Skype and had just been "talking" to my sister in England !! Not sure that's a good idea. When she phones the only thing that ends the call is her sudden realization that she has to pay for the call ! With Skype I understand that it doesn't cost anything (how can that be I wonder..) so she'll want to talk forever ....
Love the photos of the quilts. It's all inspiring isn't it ? Must take a look at my UFO's, there aren't many of them but they take the pleasure out of buying fabric for new ventures (IF I remember them.... !)
Off to a funeral tomorrow. A close friend, and only 60. Prostate cancer. He has been at home throughout and his passing was very peaceful, with just his wife and two children with him, so there's lots to be thankful for...
NOw....where's that photo ???
Marion in NZ.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Mary and Diane
Aww Mary, you're not making me feel any better about catching up with my stash! lol. See, the problem (or part of it) is my dear, dear DH bought me the contents of a sewing room. His friend's grandmother had died, and she had been a seamstress and a quilter. The grandson wanted to sell her stash in a package deal, so DH bought it all for me. I now have more fabric than I'll ever be able to use in my lifetime! But I keep trying!!!Diane, the quilt I'm currently hand quilting is the one I made with those blue and white star blocks from the Secret Pals swap. So you see, I'm not much ahead of you in UFO's. I lost the siggie square off of one block though; I should ask you whose it is! Dig those blocks out, would you??
Jean in VT