WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
QOV label
JANE in N.C.- I forgot to say that I wrote out a label for the Quilt of Valor.It says "This quilt is a mother's loving arms around you. It is a gift of love and thanks for all you have done to defend and protect us and all the best that America stands for."
Do you want me to add your name?
My GF in Mt. Dora is asking her quilt group to do some QOV quilts, along with the ones they give to missions work. I'm either going to take it down to her about the first of October, or send it down in the mail. I don't think they will turn in their quilts until close to Christmas time.
The storm is getting stronger now, the power was out for an hour (I took a nap) and will most likely flash on and off as the day/evening continues.
Hopefully by this time Friday it will be up in Georgia.
Soggy Sara
waiting for Fay
So far we have electric power. That is a plus.The rain bands have come about once an hour, but not much so far. The tropical storm is stalled out over the Cape Canaveral/Daytona area, and dumping about 20 inches of rain there.
I went to Jo-Ann's yesterday afternoon and stocked up on cotton flannel, and plan to cut out baby burp clothes, etc. today. DH is home, and already tired of the rain. This storm has all the weather people scratching their heads, it does what it wants to do. So, I'm planing to stay inside all day. The latest update is that it will move onto land at St. Augustine sometime about 3 this afternoon, then go to the Tallahassee area.
JEAN in VT- loved the pic. of your DD and the quilt. I could never get my DD interested, good for you.
Sara in Soggy Fla.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Another one hooked!

My 12-year-old DD is now officially "hooked". She completed her first quilt, hand quilted and all, last week. Mother and daughter are so proud! Some of you may remember that this is the DD I let play with my fabrics while I sewed, hoping it would pay off in years to come--and it did! She is eagerly anticipating her next quilt. Someone may use up this stash of mine after all!
I'm going to try to post a photo or two so you can see her smiling face.
Jean in VT
Monday, August 18, 2008
Glad to be able to post
Haven't been able to access the WWQP in a few days. Glad it is up and running today!Fay is on the way. Wouldn't you know the one time I planned to drive to So. Fla. on my own a tropical storm decides to come here. As of 6:00PM tonight it had blown over Key West on it's way to Tampa. The forcasters are unsure if it will come to my area as a cat. 1 hurricane or a tropical storm, but we will get lots and lots of rain.
The middle of Fla. needs rain, as there has been a drought there for several years. I just hope that the power doesn't go out and I can stay inside and do some reading and quilting.
I walked/ran 5 miles on Sat. morning! It about killed me to get up at 5:20AM, but once I got into the car to drive downtown things were OK. Did 3 miles this morning. I figured that Wed. and Thurs. will be washouts.
Hoping that the tree by the garage won't blow down. It was hit by lightning about 2 weeks ago, and has a few dead spots. We were hoping to wait unitl November to have it worked on. Maybe it will fall away from the house if it comes down.
Getting ready for the big trip to Ireland. Did a bit of shopping, some new Clark's walking shoes, black pants, etc.
Today was the first day back to school for all the grands. The youngest is in first grade now. Wow, the last few years have really flown by. I'm hoping to go take some pictures tomorrow morning.
Going to eat some comfort food, mac & cheeze.
Everyone stay safe & healthy.
Sara in Fla.