Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hey Ya'll!

Been away from the board, but just now catching up.  The pictures are beautiful, love the large quilt and also Love the rug by the door and the great close ups of the flowers.  That DH of your is one smart man for suggesting the dry cleaning.
Has been "Cold" here- I'm sure a very relative term for the Canadian friends.  My DD & family live in a weather zone that is close to Winnipeg so I have that on my cell phone.   8 degrees there, 48 here, but foggy for 4 days and rain today.  Is it any wonder that I'm down and gloomy also.  Florida is the Sunshine State - and it's supposed to clear out tomorrow and be really sunny and warmer Sat.  So we hope to get in a 5-6 mile bike ride.  Trying to do yoga once a week, and walk or other activities 3X's a week, eat yogert,  etc.
Rosey, thanks for your wonderful way with words about immigrants.  I did not read all the comments because I tend to go down "rabbit trails" and never remember what I started out to do.
I'm not sure what we in America call Native Americans-Indians - maybe just Indians- but if one isn't that-- we were immigrants.  I have heard oral stories, but of fammine not of threats of death.  Being sent to Florida to live with relatives is what the Cubans did after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, so there are many 1st, 2nd, and now 3rd generation Cuban-Americans here. One of my dear friends here in the neighborhood has such a story.  She and her sister were sent to New Jersey -under the direction and protection of the Roman Catholic Pope- in operation Peter Pan-Pedro Pan) they went to a Convent- were not allowed to speak Spanish by the nuns and snuck off into the bathroom at night to speak to each other in their native language.
We also have many Vietnamiese immigrants here in Jacksonville, due to it being the location of Luthern Social Services- who's main focus is re-location of immigrants from war torn lands.
Thanks for your cyber-friendship ladies, it's been a rough, rough road the last 2 years, my Mom is in the very end of the end of life, we are yet again making an offer on a condo at the beach, and my health is suffering.  Stress is overwheming when there is no let up.  The ultimately being by the beach   will be one of my many earthly rewards of walking this walk.
Obviously no quilting going here, and I'm not ready to learn another "new" thing.
Sara in Florida

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Such lovely hand worked rugs Marion. I love your idea of posting photos of some of our treasures. Currently we are visiting DD#2 in Arizona so unless I discover something in her possession I will have to wait until we return home. Oh, I just remembered our first night here I remarked about her grandmother's quilt on our bed and she said, "It brings me such comfort and I sleep under it all the time." These are treasures with fond memories attached. I would also enjoy seeing what others have. I am fond of textiles of all sorts. My DSis once said "fabric fondling is in our genes". I am convinced she is right because I derive as much pleasure from it as she did.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This is the other one ...

Missing a few flowers,  due to the over attention of some children !  I have washed them (the flowers not the children ! ) and they will be replaced , when the strikes me !! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

And now, for something a little different !

 My mother made this rug when she was very elderly (let's not go there.........she was probably younger than I am now....)   She was a widow, didn't drive and spent a lot of time at home , spending her time doing a variety of creative work.       She crocheted these little flowers and then sewed them onto a woollen background. Not everybodies taste, but I treasure it and it sits well just by my front door. She said she thought I might be missing the wild flowers of England....  

 Last year I decided it was looking a little tired,  so started to remove the flowers to wash them.  DH suggested that I took it to be dry cleaned instead !  What a good idea ? It saved me hours !  
I love it dearly and will always treasure it.