Friday, July 12, 2013

The world as it is becoming

Sara, your comment: "What's up with the train wreck in CANADA? I keep getting bits and pieces of it on the news, was it a delebrate act of violence? Some type of revenge?" And what a sad comment it is in view of what is happening in the world today. After 9/11 think of how the United States views things and think of how it was before. No, I it was not a deliberate act of violence but I am led to understand that it was incompetence, just as the Asiana crash in San Francisco was an act of incompetence. I doubt that either of the companies who own the aircraft and the train will be in business after the lawsuits and the govt. are through dealing with them. The rains in Toronto were very serious and very extensive, subway stations, a train derailment, people removed from the train in boats, cars submerged, left, basements flooded. We are an hour north of Toronto, on high ground, the Niagara Escarpment and in the country. We have plenty of places for the rain to run-off. Still, crops and farmers, who last year, despaired because of the drought, now this year, may find their crops either in great abundance or ruin because of the flooding and rain. Out west, the prairies have been experiencing flooding as well. Calgary, like Toronto, was under water at one point. There will be more extremes in weather, said one of my B&B guests the week before last. He is an environmental engineer. What causes it, I asked. He said, partly pollution and partly what the world seems to go through every once the Ice Age and so on. Global warming is happening. Until the reality of it lands on your doorstep, it's only a bunch of words from people we take with a grain of salt. Rosey

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Update on weather and my Mom

Thankfully "Chantal" is becoming no more that just a rain storm.  It should effect the entire state of Fla. from Fri-Sun. as it goes north from Miami area.  It could be a lot worse than rain.
My Mom has lived 1 and 1/2 year on her Hospice program.  Evidently when my brother signed her up for it in south Fla. her life expectancy was 1 year.  Hopefully the shake up will give the current Hospice a jolt and she will get some better service.  Now that her UTI is totally cleared up, she is much less anxious and not feeling she has to "go" every 10 min.  If they had kept on top of it, it wouldn't have gotten to be such a long ordeal.  Thankfully I recognize all the symptoms.

What's up with the train wreck in CANADA?  I keep getting bits and pieces of it on the news, was it a delebrate act of violence?  Some type of revenge?  Good grief.
Got 30 min. to play in the quilty room before DH gets home.
Sara in Fla.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wild and crazy weather

Doris had flooding, and I saw that Toronto,Canada had almost 5 inches of rain in 1 day.  We are having Tropical Storm warnings from Chantal which is expected to go over Hati tonight.  There are high mountains there which could rip it up some.
The few days at the beach were nice and relaxing.  The dogs went out early and ran around on the sand with a few other play mates on Sat. and Sun morning.  They are not supposed to be off lease there, but at 7AM there were only a few people around.
I've had a real shock with the care for my Mom.  Was trying to get  her on another Hospice organazion, but  was turned down!  Evidently they are not supposed to live so long on Hospice--she is outliving the expitations.   I wasn't happy with the level of care she was getting, but hopefully it will improve now.
Got a good Dr''s check up for me last week, I've lost a bit of weight, and doing OK.
Sara in Fla.