The Maritimes

Sara, here is a map of Canada and you see down to the bottom right, are the Maritime Provinces, New Brunswick which is tucked next to Quebec, Nova Scotia & Cape Breton Island to the east of that, Prince Edward Island tucked at the top inbetween and then there are Newfoundland and Labrador which are up to the north and which are very wild and beautiful, very short growing season, both take the brunt of the Atlantic Ocean weather. Newfoundland has spectacular scenery I'm told. The link here is directly to the Maritime Provinces. Our Provinces are very large compared to most of your States. Jean from Mill Bay lives in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada where her daffodils and tulips are blooming long before ours here in Ontario and you see how far south we are and how far north and west she is. She may tell you the secret as to why her weather is so good and why Canadians love living on the west coast of Canada and not so much on the east coast of Canada. New Brunswick in particular have very harsh winters.
Rosey, who learned all the States in the United States of America in school but I don't think the American children were taught much about Canada. We've sort of been a knob on top of the United States...but we have many natural resources that interest the US.
Well it a lovely Canadian Spring.....4-6+" of snow expected (already falling since last night). From Edmonton to Sudbury and south to Minneapolis area and Green Bay....and anywhere along the border I suspect......I would raise the white surrender flag but you wouldn't be able to see it !
Sara, the maritimes is referred to any of our provinces along the Atlantic east coast, Nova Scotua, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoubdland/Labradour. Lovely country and folks abound there !
Revising plans for Easter Egg hunt for the grands.....maybe brown paper bags !!
Off to track down what the 4 year old Preston is up to......awfully quiet !
Canadian Maritimes?
Rosey--what are the Maritimes? Islands like Nova Scotia, and so on? Sorry, but I never heard of the expression before.
Sara in Fla.
Monday evening checking in
Love those pictures of the alpakas! Wow.
And the snow. No wonder all the "snow birds" are just now going home. The interstate is packed with RV's and cars with Canadian and New York, and Michigan tags going back home.
Spent the morning with my Mom. She has been in the nursing home almost 2 years now. Her macular degeneration is getting much worse, I've requested she have help feeding herself at lunch time (dinner for them). She has never wanted help, as it means she has to get up and into a wheel chair and be wheeled to the dining room. But I just can't help her eat and be there more than 2 or 3 times a week. Hopefully she will accept the help this time, as I told the social worker that "her daughter requested it".
Not much quilting going on here. Finished up the red, white, & blue top and took everything to the longarm person last week. I hope to get the Easter wall hanging up tomorrow afternoon, just something simple and spring like.
We had a local youth group come over, bring mulch, spread it down, last Sat. Cost $$$$ but I saved my back.
Slowly getting the house ready to sell. The real estate person is coming over the 25th to have a walk through.
Sara in Fla.