WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Snow dogs
We just returned from a five day stint at the cabin. With as much snow there as we have at home, the dogs were thrilled. I was less than thrilled. Enough already, and the season hasn't even started. We came home early, and judging from the weather report, it was a good thing. The mountains are expecting another 8 to 12 inches today.
I'll post a picture of some of our wildlife, but will do it in a new post. Much easier than trying to manipulate picture throughout the post.
4 pm Friday afternoon here

Sara, a skiff of snow is simply a dusting, where the grass is still tufting up above a snowfall. This picture, taken by a friend yesterday on her cell phone while we were standing looking out my studio window was taken around 4 pm. It's a true representation of our 'lighting' and lack of it, on a December's day in Southern Ontario. We've missed the huge snow storms that occured all around us here this week and have very little snow. There are four deer in the photo but they are not easy to see unless you push to enlarge the picture on the screen. It's a typical view from my studio at this time of year. Four yearlings came to munch on the grass, digging through the snow as the grass is still plentiful and plump beneath the cover of snow, not frozen yet.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
just an afternoon chat/Plantar stuff
Rosey-What is a "skif" of snow? Is it just a little bit?Yes, it has been unseasonably cold here in No. Fla. for the past 4 days and nights. This afternoon, however I went out the 4 leged children for a 30 min. walk and the sun was warm. It is about 50 now, no wind. Sunny too.
It is the wind that does a number on me, Monday morning's walk with the children was a bitter wind, and we jogged back home. It is supposed to be warmer tonight and tomorrow and then cold again Sat. & Sun, with possible rain on Sun. afternoon just in time for the football game downtown.
After not sleeping well or long both Mon. and Tues. nights I was a zombie yesterday, and crabby too. I was supposed to go to a GF's house for a small Christmas get together at 7PM. Because I was vain and wanted my nails pretty I was running late. Wound up close to where I was supposed to be (I thought) and called the GF. DUH! I was attempting to find the wrong GF's house. It was at another GF's place, about 30 min. south on the interstate.
So- drove home, had some supper with DH and ate lots of the desert I was taking to the party.
After that, took a long bubble bath, took a Bededryl and went to bed, slept almost 8 hrs, and am a new, and much nicer woman today.
I've been decorating the dining room and kitchen today. It seems to take longer than it has done in the years past. Maybe because I'm older.
Rosey--I had a go round with the Plantar Fasciitis about 7 years ago. Went to foot doctor, after a bit of adjusting, and being instructed NOT to go barefoot, rarely have problems now. I did have a pair of those shoes you mentioned, but they are long worn out.
I find if I wear good quality Asic gell, or other running shoes with good socks, then switch to Birkenstocks later in the day, all is usually OK. It is hard not to go barefoot in Fla. in the warm time, but sure not hard right now.
There is a new exercise-you probably know it-- place whatever foot is the offender on the top of the other leg above the knee, stretching the big toe backwards for a bit, it stretches the plantar area. Almost like crossing the legs with the sole of the foot up. It's hard to describe without pictures.
Hopefully DH will be home before 7PM for dinner tonight, and we can trim the tree together.
--he sits on the couch and supervises, drinking egg nog, while I do the trimming--afterwards we sit and look at it and say "This is the best tree we've ever had" Even though it's the artificial one down from the attic. (cold weather means good business for A/C/ heating company)
Making money, but not having time together.
Maybe we can do our tradition of watching the Griswald's Christmas Vacation on DVD.
God bless you merry gentlewomen, let nothing you dismay.
Sara in Fla.
In the seventies and early eighties when I was teaching quilting in Toronto, I found the greatest part of teaching women (and one man) how to quilt was not just the friendships I experienced but the networking of information shared around my teaching table. The Chat Board is like one big quilting table, I find. And I noticed in putting this up, an advert popping up about ankle pain. I wonder if it will travel with this posting.Yesterday, I received a notice from Naot Canada that they were having a pre-Christmas sale of their shoes. Since I've had Plantar Fasciitis several years ago, very painful and long lingering, the day after I serendipitously stepped into and bought my first pair of Naots (made in Isreal) the pain left. Plantar Fasciitis is caused by the overuse of the plantar fascia or arch tendon of the food running from under the heel to the front of the foot. Naot shoes are made to fit feet as they should be fit..not squashed in according to current fashion styles; they have a cushioned insole that, when worn down, can be replaced. They are not inexpensive but are worth it. Yesterday, I bought a pair of shoes, the same as I'm wearing now...for less than half price (Normally, $198 for $80) plus a bargain in shipping costs...$6. This may not be of any interest to you folks but someone, somewhere, is experiencing this nuisance of plantar fasciitis. Tell them about Naots...I know Doris is familiar with them. They ship anywhere.
This morning we awoke to hoar frost covering the trees, fields and hydro wires. It's bitterly cold but we missed all of the snow storms coming off Georgian Bay and Lake Huron this week. Fifteen miles to the east, people were inundated with it. North of London, Ontario, they had eight feet of snow fall in two days. That is 96 inches. We just had a skiff of snow and I am wishing for a little more for Christmas as I bought a pair of men's sized snow shoes yesterday hoping that himself might join me snowshoeing this winter but after making sure that he heard me...ignoring questions like this is always good so that he doesn't have to commit to anything...the only commitment I got was a.....hmmmm.
Monday, December 6, 2010
You tube stuff
Funny, I was in a mood to take a break a few min. ago (after spending 2 plus hours decorating) and got on Youtube and looked at the Walmart people at 3 AM--Oh, I feel so skinny and beautiful after that! I guess people don't check themselves in mirror, or don't care if their behind sticks out. I'll check out the Hallelujah singing after I get off here.My DH's friend from college left this morning, after FSU lost to VA. Tech over the weekend. It was cold in Charlotte, NC, they went out and bought long underware, and hand and feet warmers. Snow and some rain for the first 15 min. Now I'm washing dark red shirts, etc. and the normal Monday laundry. I'm glad they went and had a bit of fun, even though their team didn't win.
My cleaning lady cancelled on me today. AGH! Glad I put the party off until next Monday, or I'd be in a panic. --actually I was at 9:00 AM, but gave myself a good lecture, put on Christmas music on CD player and calmed down----
The fake Christmas tree is lying in the middle of the kitchen floor, taking up lots of room. DH promissed to help get it set up tonight. I've triped over it about 4 times already today.
We are supposed to have below freezing temps tonight, and through Sat. night. Have one tropical plant covered, but the majority of them are on their own. Too many to cover, lots of wind to blow the covers off also.
OK, off to have some lunch and something hot to drink.
Sara in Fla.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ads & a Christmas chuckle
Okay, how do these ads work on the chat board. Are there little gremlins reading our postings and then finding ads that fit in with what is being said. I still say...let's discuss Viagra and see what the ads do.Winter is here and along with it a youtube thingy...what do you call them...videos? Not sure...but a glider friend of himself sent this one, which in different variations, I've seen before. This has to be the funniest one I've seen so far.
Hallelujah Chorus, a question, and just checking in...
Another great view, similar to the one Doris posted is this one: http:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp_RHnQ-jgU. It's the Philadelphia Opera Company and multiple smaller groups in a mall committing "random acts of culture."The church group that was quilting my friend's quilt finally finished after almost 2 years. It is a king-sized spread, for two very large people. I need to get the binding on it. I noticed a few places where the batting is showing because one of the quilters pulled a knot all the way through the front, and damaged the fabric a bit. Does anyone have any advice on what to do about it? Does Fraycheck stain after a period of time?
I've been having a rough semester. I'm hoping it's just that the mix of personalities in my lower level classes is bad, and that next semester, with new students, I'll have a better attitude. This semester is taking their End of Course for the state on Tuesday, and then we only have a week of class before exams. I'm praying that the real test is a little easier than the practice test they have posted.
On a postitive note, my Academic Team just took 1st place in a tournament this weekend. Very much happy dance time for all of us! We beat one of the private schools in Nashville that has been the bane of our (competitive) existence. Personally, the coach there has been very encouraging and helpful to our students and to us as coaches, but nobody ever likes losing all the time!
It went from shirt-sleeve weather on Thanksgiving Day to miserable today. I've actually seen sleet. Last year was record breakingly cold, this summer was record breakingly hot, and now we're breaking record lows for this time of year again. I don't like this kind of climate change...a bit of middle ground for awhile would be excellent.
Y'all take care, and I'll try to post a picture of the quilt when I get the binding on it.
Winter . . .
We had snow flurries all morning, but the ground is too warm for the snow to stick and temperature is hovering right at the freezing mark. It is supposed to go down to 22° tonight. I think winter has arrived.This site can't post links, so you will have to copy and paste to see this 5-minute Christmas video on youtube: "Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus"
Sunday morning
and it is a cold one this morning.....says it is only -10C but windchill factor makes it feel like -22.....and the forecast for the rest of the week is no better....didn't pop my head outside all day Thursday....got brave on Friday and did some errands in afternoon and found it very pleasant//no wind at all.....for about an hour or so.....thank goodness the new vehicle has a wonderful heater and also the seats heat up.....that wasn't an option on the one we had ordered but was on the one we took off the lot....it does make it a bit more comfortable.....Yesterday was another day spent without having to go out !! DH was busy with a son most of the day and I was able to get some serious sewing done....I am very happy with all five of the grandkids quilts being finished except for the handsewing of the binding....I have had my doubts that I could get 4 twin size and a generous crib quilt done all for the same time....it has been a battle to keep at it.....so many other projects kept tempting me.....but now there is that full satisfaction of accomplishment....now I think I have it in me to do the matching pillowcases....that shouldn't be too bad....serger makes it fast work.....now if I can only remember the do's and don'ts of the serger......
Yesterday as well the youngest grandson Preston brought his parents for a visit.....it is unbelievable to think he is almost 7 months old....such a character....knows how to work a room for sure....
Then just as DH and I were debating about what to have for supper....our other two grandsons convinced their parents to come to grandma's for supper.....thankfully they brought pizza....we had to hear all about the Christmas party and visit with Santa ..... such fun to hear the almost 3year old talk and feel Christmas so excitedly......I had to keep wiping away the tears as I remembered this one's own father and his brothers when they were young and the innocence of childhood was in full bloom and so magical....the almost two year old wasn't really sure what all fuss was really about but gladly jumped up and down cheering on his brother and agreeing about it all.....
Rosey....the pix of the grey skies and snow outline could have come from here.....we too often have those grey days and for too many months......then on the days it is bright and sunny (like this past Friday) one can get fooled and not realize depsite the sunshine it is bitterly cold........I am definetly tempted the next time the sun is shining to go and find a place to curl up and just enjoy that warmth as all the dogs seem to do......
Just listening to the forecast and apparently there is still the lake effect snow storms happening in the great lakes basin/southwestern Ontario area....and not letting up for another couple of days......we have no snow predicted just cold air masses !
Well the dogs are restless and looking for breakfast....which when I come to think of it itsn't that bad of an idea......
Hope you are all staying warm and my wish for the holidays for everyone is to enjoy the simple wonder of the season ...... thru a child's eye......