here goes...

I'll try again.. Mt Cook (12,000 ft.) from the head of Lake Pukaki, en route home .
It took forever to get the photo to transfer. After half an hour, I gave up on the second one.. I'll try tomorrow when I have more time. Mt Cook really did look wonderful and I'd like you all to see it !
Home sweet home...

We had a great week at Lake Wanaka. Drove home yesterday and thought how fortunate we were to have such magnifient scenery to drive through... Six hours, very little traffic, only one small town to skirt around, good roads and seemingly endless miles with Mt Cook (our highest mountain)in view... I will try to post a couple of photos. One of Lake Wanaka, where we stayed and one of Mt Cook from the road yesterday.
It's lovely to be home again.. The garden has enjoyed the sunshine and is looking lovely after the dreary months of winter weather.. Lots of washing to do and the dog to pick up, so I'll sign off for now.
Hope all is well , enjoy the day.
AQS Show in Nashville this week
Hi y'all. I just got home, and posted on the main BB re: AQS show. Must now go put my feet up. ......sighs.....
blogger profile
Did you know that if you sign in, you can then click on Edit Profile (upper right of the dashboard menu). From there, you can answer a series of questions. You choose which ones you want to answer. Then, if you click on "share my profile," the rest of us can see what you chose to answer. If you have a website where you have posted quilts, you can put a link there. I've chosen to put a link to a site I made and have not updated. If I can figure out how to upload to that site, I'll get it updated soon. You can share your email, or not. You can put a link to a photo, or not. If you just answer the questions you want to share, it'll only take a minute.
Saving a bit for fat quarters? :-)
I just read an article at: Imagine my surprise to read that I could save 15 percent at via my AAA membership! You might like to give the article a fast read to see if any of your memberships might provide discounts for you. :-)
We have a pretty slow dial up Internet service. It takes forever to log into this blog and a longer time to have this 'post' form come up. By the time I'm finally logged in I've usually forgotten what I'd meant to write about. LOL I miss the old format and freedom of sharing but don't miss the spam or ugly comments. Thank you Eric and Sue for setting this up!
I appreciate the posts of everyone else. Thank you for making the effort! I love reading about everyone's lives.
My summer has been quite busy. Fun and good but very busy. I'm looking forward to the changing seasons into Fall and Winter in hopes of being able to do more sewing.
Sending quilty hugz to all,
Mary in Oregon
this & that
First, I'm very thankful that "Dean" is going to Mexico, and not to Florida. It went on shore overnight in a sparsly populated area.
Linda/Kitty-It's good to hear that Linda is doing OK, send my regards to her if anyone talkes to her. Let us know where she is. I think of her when I'm reading about spinning or knitting socks.
Kitty-If anyone talks to her or E's her tell her I said hi.
Today I'm laying low, trying not to get sick. I think 3 weeks of going caught up to me. We had company in town over the weekend from PA, and took them to brunch Sunday and to the beach. Trying to avoid a sore throat.
The grand boys all went to public school for the first time yesterday. From K to 5th grade, the first day went well. They are excited about it, I think DD is still going in circles. Their dishwasher broke over the weekend, which added to the confusion. In about a week things should calm down. The boys were excited about their new backpacks, clothes, and the kids they are meeting. Fortunately elementary school doesn't start until 8:20 AM.
OK, back to the tea and vit. C and toast. Going to prop myself up in the bed and read a mystery book until I nod off.
Sara in Fla.
Just a note
Glad to hear Linda is well and good. If you would be so kind as to send along to her my love to both her and the kids. (((HUGS))).
Despite not doing much sewing lately...I did purchase a Moda Jelly Roll today. The Jelly Rolls have 40 pre-cut 2.5" strips of a fabric line. I saw this one of Acorn Hollow and fell in love with the colors. !! So much autumn inspiration! Well must run, my work here is never done.
Katie in the woods
Weighing in
I'm down one more pound this week, and 3/4 inches off measurements, so progress is still being made on the diet front. Slow, but I'll take it, LOL.
Pat in Rockport, TX
Blessed with the view from my window
It is only 7:18 a.m. and nature's acitivities are much more preferable to me than hearing traffic and I feel very blessed by this. My little red squirrel has managed to find himself in my bird feeding station. We have a squirrel guard on the pole but have left an old wooden wagon wheel propped on the pole which will replace the present one. The raccoons have broken the old one which was rubber-rimmed and thus safe for tiny bird claws in winter. The new one has lost its rubber but will go up eventually, anyway. The wheel has now been removed. Like Goldilocks, he sampled all the bird feeders and had his breakfast. And the dark grey cat has walked out of the field next door and again, I'm hoping she has a home and wonder at this. She is well fed at the moment so I hope that I don't see her there in wintertime because domestic cats don't wander far from home in the deep snow; feral cats are used to foraging and wander where the food takes them.
I'm glad to hear that Linda is doing well and will look forward to her posting back on the chat board when her life has settled down enough to spend time on the computer. Being divorced with seven children is no easy task, financially or emotionally. I'm sure that it was not an easy decision for her but I'm glad to have met Curt and will always be appreciative of his sensitivity and help at a time when it was needed here during the retreat....not to mention the great support from my in-house crew, Jean, Celia (who has lost her password and can't get on the board), Doris, Stacie, Celia's daughter and I can't forget Maggie M.Mouse..... all, for bringing such laughter in the house when it was most needed.
The air has turned brisk now but still no rain. We have green grass over the septic bed and where Jock flushes the pool water and around the house where I water from the well, which I'm very cautious about although it's an 80 ft. well. The apples are ripening early and I will drive northward on our line to minister friend, Penny's home. She has a lovely orchard that I use every year to make applesauce and freeze for the winter.
Have two sets of guests to feed this morning so time is marching on.