Saturday, March 15, 2014

Earthquakes, hurrican force winds, a "one in a hundred years" storm last week and NOW, a cyclone !

So much for the South Sea Paradise I was promised by my NZ boy friend when he was trying to persuade me to leave home and country for NZ.. !   You are quite right Fran, we have had a rough time of it down here, There are families still clearing up from the flooding last week and now this cyclone is upon us !  Just heavy rain and strong winds at the moment.  We are ofcourse, very exposed to the winds since we lost so many of our trees last September...  The worse is due tonight .  Rosey...I wonder where your young travelling friend is ?  I hope he's not caught up in all of this..

Doris, so pleased you are enjoying that DGD.  Such a joy to see them learning and developing.  I used to say that our children watched us working but now parents watch their children playing...!

We enjoyed our few days in Auckland. The weather was wonderfully warm and sunny, we just lapped it up..DH had a good day out on the boat with DSIL., they caught lots of fish which we enjoyed for dinner that night. It was a shock to return to our colder climate and more rain on Tuesday. Since then, I have developed and nasty head cold..Hey ho !  However will I get through the winter when it comes..!?!

Fran, thanks for checking ! Yes your email arrived in the correct box and I was delighted to receive it.  I will answer it soon.  I won't be visiting hospital with this cold, so will have more time at home this coming week.Hope your sore arm will soon be better.  I'm not a fan of taking potions and pills but the DH always says that it's not fair to HIM if I don't have the flu jab (!) so I usually fall for that one... I've never had a nasty reaction.... never had the flu either , but that could be coincidental.!

Enjoy the w/end.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Our daffodils bloomed today!  High was 60°F and we've had a few warm days earlier this week.  Tree pollen is out and about, and many trees are starting to show buds for sprouting leaves.  My mantra is 'spring will be here, summer will arrive, and hopefully the heat won't be dreadful.'     I know the people who live up North are sick and tired of the ice and snow.  Ugh!!!

I had DGD today, as Fridays are my day to babysit her at our house.   What a joy to watch a little one figure out sitting up unsupported!  (LOL.... life is simple, eh?)  Each week I see progress that one does not notice day-to-day.  I went to a consignment sale yesterday, of children's clothing, toys and equipment, and bought something called an ExerSaucer activity or entertainment center.   There was nothing like this for babies, thirty years ago. The kids have one for DGD at their house, but they're quite expensive.  They call it her "command center."  LOL!  This used one is  old but clean and still functional and only cost me $15.  I wiped it down well with vinegar & water and Abby enjoyed it today.   :-)  I love good bargains, especially on things children outgrow rather quickly!

Hugs to everyone!

Marion and weather

Was just reading about Cyclone Lusi in the North Island, which will then wend its way down south. I'm wondering where you'll be when it hits either Auckland or Christchurch and hope you are all safe. Also read that the storm you had the other week was a "one in a 100 year storm"? Goodness, you're certainly copping it, aren't you!
And (not expecting an answer yet at all because I know you're busy) just letting you know I have emailed you recently, and wondering if this one turned up at last in the right spot on your email account?

Hoping Bee had a good time (and weather) in Melbourne, and that everyone else reading this (in North America - I think we three are the only 'others' left) is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after such a cold winter.

Four days ago I had my flu and pneumonia jabs in preparation for our upcoming winter ills and chills. I've been walking around with a painful, red, dead upper arm ever since. First time I've had a reaction and I hope it's the last.

Off to vote in our state elections; not looking good for the side I vote for and that's all I'll say about the matter.

Hugs to all,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

From Mary Jo G.

DH passed away on Sunday after 5 days in a coma.  He was able to stay at home as he wished because of Hospice.  I cannot say enough good things about them.  The 4 local grandkids came quickly and stayed here that night.   DD got in about 3:00 am and has been a comfort and source of help.  Both sons call often.  One is on the Bering Sea and cannot make it here.  The other lost his wife's grandmother the next day and is busy helping there.  He will come for the first week of April and said to have a list of chores that he and the boys can tackle.  Since John wanted no services this is best.
The tears come often; guess that is normal.  I am at peace about his passing though.  I did everything that I could to make him comfortable during this time and have no regrets.  That helps lots.   I've promised DD that I will go out daily and not hole up here.  Hospice will check in weekly and provide grief counseling in about 6 months.  They say not to do it earlier.  Wonder why?
Our weather is in the low  60s, just beautiful out.  Crocus are blooming with the primroses.  Daffodils will pop soon.  This is the first time to see all the bulbs I've planted.  We come home from AZ after they are done.
Not quite ready to take up the quilting but it will happen soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Daylight Savings Time: 

Well, this is my first indication that something may be happening to my brain.  I remembered that it was Daylight Savings Time and so last night I carefully re-set all the clocks and my watch plus my alarm clock to go off at 6 a.m. as I had two B&B guests who wanted breakfast at 8 a.m. 

Only problem was, I turned the clocks back instead of forward and wondered when I woke up why it was so light outside my windows...After all, I'd set all my clocks to the right time, hadn't I.  Ooops, forward in the spring, backward in the fall...I scrambled into the tub, threw my clothes on and made it down into the kitchen at a quarter to eight.  I'm not sure I've fully recovered yet.



Again, tried to post yesterday, but didn't hit "publish" and it went away. We cleaned out gutters, trimmed burned by frost plants, swept, etc. for hours yesterday. The pollen is terrible, and I looked like a space monster with all the dust mask, hat, glasses, long sleeves, gloves. Better than a sinus headache. Only did about 2 and 1/2 hrs. then gave up. DH did more, and we were both useless last night. "Cleaning dinosaur bones" is a different way of having fun to me! Not something I would have thought about. Golf, bike rides, etc. I understand, even long walks. Starting to go into gear for selling the house. Tomorrow making appt. with handyman to come over for "touch up" and what he thinks should be done. Need a set of closet doors in one spare room. Shipping my Mom's wedding dress to my niece instead of putting it in shadow box. She wants it. Right now nave gluten free cup cakes in oven for a friend's birthday party tomorrow. Hope they are editable. will frost later today. Nap time is coming. I hate Daylignt Savings time. I agree with what Rosie said a few years ago, only a white man would cut the top 2" off a blanket and sew it on the bottom and think you have a longer blanket! This is Florida. We don't need to save daylight. It is the "Sunshine State" Although lately it's been the rain state. Will try to hit publish. Sara in now sunny Fla.