stitching Xmas gifts
There will be a few stitched Xmas gifts from me, but they are all machine embroidery. I really need to make up some of my quilt kits, and clothes for myself, but perhaps that will be my new year's project.
Thursday afternoon
Well, it has been a while, but finally a quiet moment here to catch up.....first of all ...Grace...what a year for you...sending hugs to you and DH....
Have enjoyed seeing the doggie pixs and the lovely scenery pixs....tho Kathy I will say that those mountain shots sent shivers up and down reminds me winter is coming and soon....but right now we are enjoying very "warm" temps for us in November....10 Celsius today or about 50 Fairenheight....we have been protected by our place on Lake Superior from any of the real early storms.....we seem to be just on the edge.....but the local forecast is showing possible flurries for the this time of year I look forward to the snow....the nights are so dark so early....I have had a difficult time this year with the time change for some reason.....
Sara....I know what you mean about feeling under pressure about gift making....and this is my year to feel that.....I am in the process of sandwiching 5 twin size quilts for the grandkids.....not sure why this was such a brilliant idea when I had it....but once I get going on the quilting it will be enjoyable.....I may be sewing the binding down on Christmas Eve but it will be done.....I have a day or two of grace since I won't see the two step grandkids til the 27th probably so their binding may be last.....and I have elected to have the gang here......will only be eleven of us but it sure fills this house fast......
Next weekend I have arranged to have a family pix taken ..... with all 13 of us plus some individual ones with the grandsons.....if my own sons cooperate then maybe I will get some updated individual family ones as well.......We did this approx 15 months ago but the famiy has expanded and it is time to do a retake.....we are using the same photographer who did our wedding pixs almost 29 years ago and did a family shot of the five of us about 18 years when I literally bumped into him I figured it was a good time to ask and he agreed......I would have liked to have been outside but even at 10degrees Celsius it may be warm but not enuf to be standing around.....
Have a new vehicle on order and since the production date isn't even scheduled we have been able to change the colour option I hope......after seeing what was our original choice on a vehicle we both agreed that it was better to wait a bit more and get the one we wanted instead of is just unnerving to sign for that will be the last new vehicle for a long long time.........we have always done a 2 or 3 year old vehicle but nothing is available for what we were looking for....
Well break is over....back to pinning quilts.......wishing everyone the best day possible....
What are you making for Christmas?
Just wondering if anyone out there in cyber-land is making quilts or other stitched gifts for Christmas this year. I've learned that I don't do well under Christmas stress, so only making 2 pillow cases this year. For brother and SIL.
Sara in Fla.
Uploading pictures

Here I am, the one who said ten years or so ago "We DON'T need a computer in the house".....but it happened and I've finally figured out how to upload pictures, so Sara, this might be a help to you:
1. make sure your pictures are kept in your computer under "my pictures"
2. sign into the chat board and when the new post comes up, look at the top of the blank page where there are letters and images. Click on the picture image (with the blue sky) beside the check mark.
3. Add Image will come up on your screen. Click on Browse. It will automotically go to "my pictures" if you have such a file. Choose your picture, give it a right click, a chart will come up on your screen. Choose "select". Click on it.
4. Your process will go back to the chat board message screen. Click on "upload image".
5. It will now say "loading", when the next screen message comes up, click on "done" then you will come back to your original email posting and can add a message to it, as I've done here.
This is Oliver, my granddog, belonging to SD Katie & husband, Mike. The geraniums are courtesty of my garden and delivered to her home to grow over winter. I bring my geraniums in (northern climate here), cut them back when the leaves turn yellow and cut the flowers off leaving about 4 to 5 inches of stem growth, water every week. In February they will start blooming again, growing leaves and stem prior to then. They are welcome colour when everything around outside is white.
Hope this helps, Sara.
Rosey, who is clicking on "Publish post" to post this to the Chat Board.
We'll see if this
posts. Pumpkin & Polly
playing in the back
on July 5th
Now that our dang daylight "savings" time is finished I'm waking up at 5:30AM. I just lay there this morning, and fell back to sleep for a bit.
The last 2 nights we have put the heat on. A nice change from the heat. And the humidity has fallen to 30-40% instead of 90%.
Questions-has anyone bought the "organic" sheets? They are 2 to 3 times the price of other cotton sheets, or blends. I'm wondering if they are worth it. Are they softer?
I'm still shoveling out from coming back from our short trip. I emptied and re-organized the food pantry, and gave stuff to our food pantry. Got some new containers OXO Pop--clear hard plastic that can be opened with one had. Found out I had about 6 boxes of spagetti. Good grief. I still have 3 large jars of Mayo, but will keep them for the time being.
DH & I are working out. Trying to get off weight before the Thanksgiving-Christmas season.
Sara in Fla.
Sawtooth mtns.
Kathi, it's hard to believe that this is your view every day you step outside your cabin door. What a sight it beautiful.
Have you ever wondered how a husband can be so oblivious to what goes on around him that he wouldn't notice a wee shih tzu puppy sitting in a puppy playpen in the familyroom and which he had to walk around after getting home from a flight (admittedly, he used to be totally zonked after flying in from his long distance flights). He changed, came downstairs, tried the usual: "if you're going to have a cup of tea, I will too" which never worked and by now he knows better but then, he didn't. So today, returning from a long day at the glider club, he walked in and said: "so how was your day; what did you do"...well, for starters, I did the laundry after my B&B guests left, hung it on the line (hardly any precipitation and the sheets dried in no time despite the cool temps) and I put the Christmas tree lights up on our outdoor Xmas tree which sits right outside the familyroom window that he walks past all the time. How long before he notices the tiny lights shining in the dark inky night outside...well, your guess is as good as mine. How do men notice a young woman's perky boobs and tiny wee bottom and never see what's in front of their faces.