Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prince Andrew & his jeune filles

Marion, you're absolutely right...I was restrained. I prefer your succinct comments better. All I could think of was that they were an embarassment to 'the Company'....the name Prince Phillip has given to the royal family. But then, Prince Andrew has been somewhat of an embarassment; to say nothing about his former wife whose behaviour has been tasteless...and that brings me to gossip from a black cab driver in London many years ago discussing why the marriage broke up and Andrew's preferences in dalliances, which may explain why Sarah has remained on good terms with Andrew....and then...did the Queen take a trot outside the family paddock at one time...??...gossip...gossip...


U.S weather.

Thank you Doris, for checking on some of our BB friends. The images on the TV are terrifying. Can't imagine the horror of seeing a tornado approaching. The images of destroyed communities is all too familiar to us , the recovery will take a very long time .... Our love and prayers for the injured and homeless.

Rosey, I think your comment about the Princesses hats was very restrained !! I fluctuated between thinking them to be a joke, an attention seeking devise or an insult to the main players and the viewing public. ( Can you tell that they are not my favourite royals ?!?) Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the TV coverage and think the young couple looked happy and relaxed, not an easy ask considering that there were a potential 2 billion viewers ...

We've enjoyed some lovely autumn days lately but the first of the frosts arrived this week taking with it, most of the remaining colour in the garden. The trees look beautiful though.. A nasty after-shock hit us yesterday and this time it was our side of the river (Christchurch being the southern side of the river) No damage here but they are unsettling, to say the least..


update on another BB'er

I emailed 'Lavinia in TN' who lives in upper east Tennessee, to check on her. They had no damage in their area, but they approx. 30 miles SW from where tornadoes hit in Glade Spring, VA.

She gave me permission to share their recent news, since her computer crashed back in December and she can't figure out how to sign in to post here at the BB.
They listed their house for sale a couple of weeks ago, and already have a contract on it. Subject to the inspections, etc., and closing, they're going to move out to Arizona in order to be closer to Lavinia's son. Her DH's health isn't in great shape, so they want to be near family.

Hugs to everyone,

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hats (OMG)

I'm not sure who is whom (Beatrice and Eugenie) but that beige hat isn't a hat, it's an antenna!!!!

Laura and the hats

Poor Laura, such devastation and so many more deaths, we are all thinking of all of you in the tornado zone. Now to the hats, I just can't imagine how on earth anyone would let those hats on the princesses heads, they were appalling .Not one word could be said in their favour, so many beautiful hats and they wore those. I loved Kate's dress, so elegant and the back view was outstanding, surprised at the lace but it worked. I personally think Carole Middletons outfit was very elegant so many details and beautiful fabric not a bow in sight. I wasn't going to sit up and watch but so many memories and the pomp and ceremony was wonderful. It was lovely to see London at its best, We only lived 34 miles from London and we knew it fairly well. Harold and I both had relations in the Guards and as his was in the Irish he used to guard at the Palace and apparently Harold and his friends used to go and try to make him laugh when he was outside in the box . Many a hiding the boys got from their parents for that. Boys, I imagine it still happens. Hugs Bee in NZ.

we're safe here

Several tornados went through our area Wednesday. Power is out for the entire northern third of the state, and is likely to be out for at least several more days.
We're fine. We lost a major limb off a tree in the back yard, and have no phone or power. There is a dusk to dawn curfew, as there are no street lights, and no traffic lights, and nothing is open to go to anyway. They're talking 4-7 days until power is restored in the Huntsville area. Based on the damage I saw as I tried to leave my neighborhood, I'm guessing toward the 7 day estimate for my community.

I drove to Montgomery with the remains of our frozen foods, so I'm using Dad's computer. I have not had time to read the page yet, so I hope everyone else is fine. School was cancelled due to weather and debris on Wednesday and Thursday, and again today due to the fact the highways are gridlocked with people trying to get gas, tools, batteries, food, etc. Fayetteville is one of the few towns in the area that still has power. We'll have to make this day up.



Princesses Eugenie & Beatrice challenged good taste in hats. One looked like Mickey Mouse, the other, like she had an icecream sundae on top of her head. I'm glad you posted that Doris, it gave me a better chance to look at something I couldn't believe.

The alarm was set for 4 a.m. this morning and as I rolled out of bed, the dogs looked at me and said: mom, still the middle of the night, we're sleeping in. I went downstairs and turned on the television, brought the dogs downstairs..they went back to sleep, sensibly, and I've been awake ever since. Katherine Middleton's wedding gown was beautiful, understated, elegant and in good taste. Her veil caught the wind and framed her face. It suited her very well unlike the birthday cake that the Emanuel's dressed Diana Spencer in thirty years ago. The British Royal Family certainly know how to stage a great performance. It was all quite breathtaking.

Yesterday, southern Ontario (and us) caught the edge of the tornadoes that ripped through the mid-and east coast of the US. High winds, trees down, power off...fortunately, we were only subjected to high winds up here and not torrential rain that occured in Toronto.

Yes, Doris, puppy's head all done by hand and applique. I gave a talk to a guild in another city last week and since I am primarily applique and more pictorial in my work, one lady came up afterward and said she was going right home to dig out an applique quilt she'd started five years ago. It's nice when others are motivated by your work. I know applique is not as readily done by many does take time and may be tedious to some. The sewing machine, with which I have a tenuous relationship at best, appeals to more quilters, I think.


Royal Wedding

I recorded the coverage and have yet to watch, but turned on the TV at 6:00 a.m. CDT to watch the coverage at that moment. I enjoyed seeing the festivities and got sentimental. (I usually cry at weddings-LOL).

Apparently Fergie's daughters' hats were .... erm ... different so I Googled and got this:

No. Fla checking in

Lovely day here, a bit windy-the aftermath of the storms.
Was glued to the weather reports all day yesterday. Yes, Ala. got hit hard. Over 160 people died and many homes & schools destroyed. As the storm went east they got less and less.
By the time we had thunder it was about 1:00pm here, lots of wind, but little rain at my house.
About 45 miles west of here, on I-10, there were many trees down.

Our back yard is just dirt right now, waiting for sod. The person was supposed to be here every day since Monday, now just got word it will be Sat. about noon. Can't let the doggies out of my sight, they come in all muddy.
Little Pumpkin had had an upset tummy for 2 days. Not fun--DH got up at 3:00AM and took her out, and bathed her off, and I was up at 5:00AM.
Since I was up anyway turned on the TV, saw Kate leave for the wedding, etc. and watched the whole thing. I loved the wedding dress, nice to see a wedding dress with lace and sleeves, and generally beautiful, without showing everything God gave her. So tired of strapless wedding gowns.
Going to take an early nap today, then hope to work some on the antique quilt top.
Sara in Fla.


jane in nc -- I just heard from a friend whose daughter and DSIL live in Huntsville, the same area where Laura in AL lives. They have had no electricity since the tornados. I emailed Laura yesterday morning, and have not gotten a response. I hope it is just a matter of electricity. . .


I'm sure I write for many of us when I say I'll feel a whole lot better when we hear from Laura in Alabama. I'm so happy to be where I am with the Great Smoky Mtns. shielding me from the worst of the weather approaching this area from southwest, west and northwest. That's our little gift to our neighbors in the Ohio Valley.

We did have an inch of rain out of that weather system and the gardeners are delighted that things are starting out so well for this growing season. Some strawberries are beginning to appear. Even though I always eat them in excess resulting in major case of what DH called the ("drizzly willies"), I love them so much. The unseasonable heat we've been experiencing has abated and so have the clouds. It's gorgeous out there.

Gotta move on and get ready to drive to Franklin to stitch & bitch at the frame.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nice day for a wedding !

Lovely morning here,( following a frost !) I hope they will be as fortunate in the U.K. The royals have picked a very convenient time to wed, for us in NZ. The viewing will start around 6p.m. and go through until after midnight ! Perfect timing ( for those who are interested), to party and view with some friends. We will be doing just that. We are having a "pot luck" dinner with neighbours and will all be dressed up in red white and blue. It should be fun. Our host family are really into it and have decorated their home appropriately. There will be tiaras galore (from the children's dress up box..) They have a modern , spacious home, with a large TV, so it's all looking good for a fun evening.

Bee, enjoy your "time off" . Gus will think he's died and gone to heaven !

Jane, good to hear that you are mobile. The wild flowers sound so beautiful. Any chance of a photo ?

We are concerned to hear of the awful storms in the States. Such destruction and power. Keep safe.

Off to bake some red , white and blue cookies !


Storms and tornadoes

Just reading about all the storms in the US. Take care my friends and good luck. I can't stop and write as my kittens are away today, yippee!!!! They are going to a 10 acre block with horses, calves,chickens and a Dalmation dog. They should have a wonderful life as long as Afa doesn't try to chase the horses. Gus is in heaven and now will get over his nervous breakdown, I am looking forward to 5 months without kitts, now I can get my bathroom changed and painted . Didn't want to even try to do anything with the kitts around. Lots of hugs and good luck with the weather. Bee, in a much cooler NZ.


JANE IN NC - I was just thinking of you this morning. I hope you survived the weather with no damage.

We're okay here. Southern Middle Tennessee had a lot of tornado warnings, some touched down, and Laura in AL was on my mind all day. She teaches school in southern Mid-TN, right in the middle of where all our action was.

This morning I had the Weather Channel on TV and saw all the damage in Tuscaloosa, AL. I had no idea. Omigosh. Such devastation. Then they showed the damage in Ringgold, GA - a suburb of Chattanooga, TN. A friend was in Chattanooga on business, and his car was totaled by the tornadoes there. (He's okay, but not his car) Our local TV channels yesterday forewent network programming, and stayed on local weather coverage, so we knew nothing else.

I wonder how the river is, in Paducah, KY. The AQS show is on right now, but moved more inland and away from the river.

Kentucky has been pounded all week, too. Our son has a day trip (business) to Land Between the Lakes. I told him he'll probably see a lot of flooding.

We are grateful that we escaped the worst of the weather. This has been going on for a few days, making for poor nights' sleep. This coming weekend marks the one-year anniversary of Nashville's epic flood, and everyone has been jumpy with those memories and this weather. The weather finally cleared out late last night, and I slept like a rock.

Here is video footage of the Tuscaloosa, AL tornado on youtube:


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Doris and you other mid southerners, I hope you all emerge from the present spate of storms in one piece. With luck that includes your homes. When the weather clears be sure to post about your experiences. I just checked the weather map and it looks as though we will get wet and it will blow a bit but not much more than that. I think the Smoky Mt'ns deflect a lot of nasty weather systems heading our way and then the Ohio valley gets the brunt.


Monday, April 25, 2011

checking in/Royal watch

Hi everyone. We had a great time in St. Augustine over the weekend. I think I've caught up with the laundry.
Evidently lots of families go to St. Aug. over Easter break, it was very busy. The weather was perfect, which helped. We had a lovely dinner on Friday night, and re-read all the old anniv. cards. The best one was actually a mistake. DH found what we call the "chippy-dippy" card, which has a drawing of a sloppy man spilling chips out of the bag , etc. At the end it says "Happy Birthday"-he was so taken with the card, that he didn't realize it didn't say Anniversary.
Did some window shopping, and some real shopping. Decided that dresses, pants, etc. look better in a size 10 than my current size 14. So. . .back to the walking miles, exercise, and saying no to lying on the couch eating chips or ice cream. Hoping to get back to a size 10 by the end of summer, if not before. DH says he will cooperate, as he needs to lose 20 lbs. also.
Will keep you posted.
JANE-so glad you are able to get out an about. The spring flowers sound lovely.

There is a wonderful quilt shop in St. Aug. owned by a lady from South Africa. I bought some books and patterns, and want to start a new quilt for the youngest g. son. Friendly space monsters.
Are others as interested in the Royal Wedding as we are here? (female we). I'm not going to get up before 5:45AM, so it won't be much of an effort for me. I'm usually awake then, just waiting till 6:00 AM before rolling out. I remember Diana's wedding, and loving her dress.
Since Kate is older, hopefully she will be able to handle the press, and all the attention better than Diana.
Sara in Fla.

AQS - Paducah *alert* last=minute venue change

AQS SHOW - My quilt guild forwarded us members an email from the AQS in Paducah, advising us that the river is rising and flood gates are being installed. Since the show is literally right on the banks of the Ohio River, they're moving the show a little more inland.

Here is the link from the email to the notice on AQS's site:

* * * * *

ROSEY P - What an adorable Aussie apron! Did you appliqué by hand or machine?

GRACE IN ONT - I like your quilt in the photo!

JANE IN NC - Good to read that you've been hiking! Your legs, etc. must be fully recovered. Snoopy Dance!

SARA IN FL - Thank you for the tip on the quilt show in J'ville. I will email you as your trip approaches, and if you're not on your trip, maybe we'll be able to get together and meet.

Laundry room remodel is now complete. Hooray! I think I'll love having a F/L washer, but there is definitely an adjustment, or learning curve as some people call it. It kept me busy all weekend, washing and watching the show through the glass door. I am so easily amused. ;-)

Hugs to everyone!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


For the Christians among us I wish a happy Easter Day. For the rest of us I wish a beautiful day such as I am enjoying here in the mountains of south western NC. Just got back from a fairly vigorous hike up the mountain side alongside my house with the beasties. Two of us are wiped out. The other, Rocky, came in for a drink of water and took off again.

I have taken a gazillion wildflower photos this year as it has been the most spectacular show since I've lived here. Many are redundant of course. I'm culling out the best and will post them as a Picasa album when that chore is done. I haven't seen my field guide in six years so I'm not identifying them under oath but I think I've got the common names, all but one.

I promised myself some quilt time for the first time in two months today so will say good day to you all and don't eat too much ham. If you are of the Greek persuasion this year your observance of Easter coincides with the western calendar so don't eat too much kid.


Hello all,
Just wanted to come on line and wish everyone a very Happy Easter Day
Way to much going on in life right now and am extremely tired.
Happy day all
Grace in On