Happy New Year
I hope everyone had nice holidays. A week ago today, we lost our little Shih Tzu, Alex. He was 16 years and a week old. He had dementia for a few years now, was quite deaf and half blind, but still difficult because we lost a member of the family. Our vet assured DH we were doing the right and best thing for Alex by helping him cross the Rainbow Bridge. I am doing better each day and actually got through today without a teary moment. DH says we are now, truly "empty nest"ers.
So . . . to offset this sadness in my life I decided to create a diversion and am in the process of buying a vintage Singer 201. Nothing like a 'new' old machine to distract and entertain. I think I've found the right one, it's in process of being completely refurbished, and photos will arrive next week before I commit. With all the computerized machines I own, if my dealer should go out of business with this recession I might have nobody to work on them should I need a repair. Any OSMG (old sewing machine guy) can work on an old Singer mechanical. When I presented my theory and intentions to a fellow guild member, she laughed and called it my Armageddon machine, but told me a true Armageddon machine would be a treadle, because it will sew without electricity. Welp, I can't walk & chew gun so please don't ask me to treadle and feed fabric. ;-P
I'll sell my Janome Jem "Silver" to make room (and help pay for) the new old 201. I can't have those machines breeding like rabbits up there in the sewing room. Ack!
I have an old Singer 301, and that will become my lightweight machine to take to guild workshops.
No other big news here. I signed up for classes at the Atlanta Sewing Expo in Duluth, GA and look forward to those in March. Got my sewing room tidied up today, Xmas wrapping supplies put away, and need to get busy sewing!
Hugs to everyone,
ooooops...there goes grandpa !!

Nice to be able to post again. I tried in the New Year without success. Not sure whether or not the fault was with our machine, my technique or the BB Page !! Anyway. All the best for 2009. It looks as if it's going to be a challenging year for many of us.
Rosey ...I love your 'turn of phrase' !! Tertiary stage of the syphilitic shuffle !! The mind boggles !! Be careful out there. It sounds quite dangerous !
We enjoyed our Christmas with DD#2 and family. It was good to be with them all. We had a very relaxed Christmas day. The children all enjoyed their gifts and we had a surprisingly quiet day , the two eldest reading their new books and the youngest engrossed in his new 'Indiana Jones' lego !!! The weather was warm enough to swim (as you can see !) and Grandpa allowed himself to be pushed in, which delighted them all !!
We only stayed for four nights but it was worth the effort (and expense !) of getting there. One of the highlights was being able to "see" DD#1 and family via "skype" in Hong Kong. The cousins hadn't seen each other for five years so it was especially fun for them.
Now back to face a New Year and all that it may bring... We've had some very hot days and, just to break the monotony of that, we had a severe hail storm on Saturday which shredded the garden. A disaster for those with crops ready to harvest . Hot again today, and windy . I may stay inside and cut some fabric out for a scrap quilt . I would like to make a dent in my stash this year !!
Doris, so sorry to hear that you have lost a long time pet. It leaves such a gap..
No "Curves" for me today but maybe I'll be inspired by Rosey, and put in 30 minutes on the treadmill...
Marion .
January 6th 2009
I can't believe another year has gone by and I can't believe I'm as old as I am. So in order to forget the latter, I plan to start a snow shoe track around our woods at the back of the property and go around and around like the Duracel (sp?) bunny until I fall over. It's icy, snowy and the only way to walk around this house outside is by performing the tertiary stage of the syphilitic shuffle. Don't lift your feet or you'll land on you a**.
On a sadder note and I don't think Doris will mind, Alex, her sixteen year old shih tzu has died. I had shih tzus for twenty some odd years and know how cute they can be. I didn't meet Alex in person but I was well acquainted with him over the internet. I'm sorry, Doris...it's the aftermath that's hard.
I'm off to Curves and drive myself silly thinking I'm half this age.
New Book to Read
On the old board, members would share authors they liked to read. I appreciated this, and want to share a book I just finished and really liked. "The Lover's Knot" by Clare O'Donohue. It's a mystery/romance that is centered around quilting. I just happened upon it as a new book at my local library.
West Mi reporting
We have been home all day due to ice over night.
Wondering if there will be school tomorrow as
it didn't warm up enough to melt the ice on the
roads. I did some cleaning that didn't get done yesterday.
I spent the rest of the day in the sewing room cutting strips
for a couple of quilts. I plan to spend most of Jan. cutting
stuff for new quilts and charity quilts. I plan to knit and
crochet up all of my yarn in 2009. I don't have too much so
that shouldn't be to much trouble.
Don and I joined a fitness center last Friday. We worked out
for an hour. We are going to try to go at least 5 days a week.
Friday night I tried on at least 5 pairs of jeans trying to find a
pair I could snap! This weight has to go. Easier said than done.
I just happen to love to eat. Jean, glad your arm is getting better
and you are able to get some quilting done. I ask Don today is we
could swap out our bedroom and the sewing room. He said yes. Our
bedroom is bigger. It is going to be a major job. The weather man just
said we only had 3% of available sunshine from Nov. 28 to Dec. 29! We've
had over 100 inches of snow all ready and it's only the 4th of Jan. On the up
side it is only 75 days until Spring! I will leave you with that note.
Hugs, Mayme
I'm quilting!!
At long last, eight and a half weeks after my shoulder surgery, I am finally quilting again!! I picked up one of my UFOs last night and hand-quilted a block. Five more blocks and the quilt will be done. It's a "simply hankies" quilt, the blocks being fabric that looks like a hankie. Ah, it's nice to be quilting again...
Jean in VT