so pretty....
( If the hen house hadn't been so pretty, maybe you would have been tempted to move the DH over there ... ) Thank you for posting Rosey. You know my thoughts on FB...Having joined, I am now tempted to leave....It doesn't provide the same level of exchange as this board. Maybe, even if it's just you and I who keep it going here, others will drift back too...?We are off to the UK next Monday. An interesting time to go, after the shock waves caused by the Brexit vote. I don't even know which way my family over there voted , but I'm sure we'll find out soon after our arrival ! What now I wonder ? Chaos and confusion for awhile I expect. I had some sterling over there and had planned to transfer it to NZ....might wait awhile now, in the hope that the pound will recover slightly...
Crazy weather here in NZ,, as in the rest of the world. Hottest summer on record , very mild autumn , followed by a mild (so far) winter. Nice for some but the ski fields are doing it hard, as there is very little snow around. We need a few more heavy frosts to kill off the bugs, there have been some nasty coughs and colds around . I am hoping to shake mine off before setting off on that long journey...11hrs to HK then 12 hrs to UK..and those are just the long flights...
We have an elderly friend coming to live in the house while we are away. He will look after our dog ,so that suits us well. He says he is looking forward to four weeks in the country, so I hope it works out well for him.. We have never done this before but the DH thought it a wise move this time around...
Somebody was asking after TerTer on FB. I was sorry to hear that she is not at all well, Somebody on FB is in touch with her and passed on our best wishes. She was an almost daily contributor to the original WWQP. so we got to "know" her quite well.. Time eh ? It waits for no one...
If you are reading this and haven't posted for awhile, drop us a line !
Marion .