Good morning !
We have been without the computer for a week , so I signed on this morning to catch up with the news.... and there isn't any...!! Where is everybody ? Busy with the autumn tidy- up in the Northern Hemisphere gardens or busy with Spring growth in the Southern Hemisphere ? Or, more likely, just "busy"...
We have had the kitchen/family living room painted this week.. It seemed to take forever. It's been a cold and wet week so we couldn't have the windows and doors open either. The smell hasn't been pleasant . All finished yesterday, but what a big job, replacing everything in the pantry and the kitchen cupboards !! It all looks nice and
fresh. The big question now is what goes back up on the walls. I really did have too many photos around. With seven grandchildren it's hard to be selective...
The garden will 'take off ' after this rain. The ground is warm and you can almost hear things growing ! Last year I was fortunate enough to have a young woman help me out there. I hope she will come again this year.
We had very strong winds last w/end. Unfortunately we lost one of our large Eucalyptus trees. DH has been busy tidying that up , we do have a log burner here , so all is not lost.. !!
I've recently acquired a digital camera of my own ! As soon as I find out how to use it I shall be posting photos. I love to see them on the BB page and it's a great way to see something more of each others lives..
Haven't had much time for quilting but I've always got something "on the go", just for those moments when nothing
else seems to fit the ' time- space' available ! I'm still working on the "garden "quilt, which has a lot of hand embroidered blocks as well as appliqued flowers... For a change of pace I machined together blocks for a baby quilt this week... Beatrix Potter fabric using the Disappearing- nine- patch . It went together like a dream !
Have a good w/end. The sun is out here today so it could be a good day to get out into the garden.
Feeling a little like autumn this afternoon
Hooray! We finally got a cool front, so we no longer have the 90degree heat. We are all sick and tired of the heat. We'll complain about the cold, too, this winter, but some experts are predicting a warm winter. Time will tell.
JANE IN NC - Your friend is right bout the birds being hungry. Except for acorns, there is nothing else for the squirrels...not that I like them. Our walnut, pecans, apple, crabapple, etc. trees all bore no fruit from the Easter weekend freeze that killed all the blossoms & leaves. We're lucky they're still alive despite the drought.
I put out a good plastic goldfinch feeder in August and the squirrels chewed a hole in it the size of a dime for Niger (thistle) seed. They're not supposed to even like that stuff, but the guy at Wild Birds Unltd. said right now they're so hungry they'll eat anything. No doubt they're loving my compost pile.
You're smart to preserve your well by conserving water. Some homes here on wells ran dry this summer! I saw on the news tonight that Alexander City, Alabama has run dry and has no water for the residents. This drought is serious and I am grateful for every spare drop we get, when we get it. The weather folks have quit telling us how far behind we are. I think they've given up. :-o
SARA in FL - we wish we could have some of your rain!
Back to working on a wall quilt for our son's Christmas present .....
Hugs to everyone,
Doris W. in TN
Weighing In
Whew, another pound off this week, and 3/4 inch off my measurements. In one year and one week, I'm down 43 pounds, and 10 inches off where my waist used to be! I hope in another year I'll be down where I'd like to be. From my all-time high weight of 3 years ago, I'm down 55 pounds.
It was nice to hear from Thea. I hope her husband will consider some therapy to deal with the PTSD, it does seem to help a lot of folks. Grace, congratulations on your ribbons, it's a lovely feeling to know that others appreciate our quilts.
Pat in Rockport, TX, who had to box up her computer and send it to DD in GA to see if she can resurrect it from the dead. Thank goodness DH will share his.
Looking for a particular Internet forward...
Does anybody out there have the quilter's Internet forward thing about the quilter whose "quilt of life" is shabby and torn and full of mistakes; she is so ashamed of it, until she holds it up and she can see the face of Jesus. I'd like to use that as an illustration for a talk I want to give next month, using a quilt as a metaphor for life. If you have the forward I mean, please post it in the "comments" to this post, or email it to me at lachimpa 40 AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk.
Now I wish I had made a very scrappy quilt for myself, so I could take it as an illustration of how a group can be made up of completely different personalities and yet get along. But all the quilts I kept have been carefully colour-coordinated.
(Yes, I know there are lots of non-christians who read this blog. If that's your case, please ignore this post. No matches required. LOL)
anna in spain
Labels: quilting anecdote