It's in the mid 70's, mostly clear with some fluffy high clouds with a mild breeze that makes my wind chimes tinkle. I've seen so far, mostly along side my .4 mile driveway, purple violets, cut leaved tooth wort, starry campion and DD told me two weeks ago when she was here that on a hike a bit too vigorous for me, she spied larkspur foliage is out and my favorite of all, blood root were in bloom. Don't get me wrong, it was 32F when I got up this AM but that was quite a few hours ago. The grass is green and was in serious need of mowing last week until my trusty neighborhood mower showed up on Thursday after his day job.
I've had the best week in over a year. No more prescription pain killers. That's not to say there is no more pain it's just that it's fairly well controlled with Excedrin which combines aspirin, acetaminophen and some caffeine which is something of a catalyst for the other two. I've been to the gym and done things I couldn't begin to do a month ago and I'm hiking down the long steep driveway for my mail with Shadow when weather permits. It's the return trip uphill that challenges me. Before the accident it was a piece of cake for me. I'm still reluctant to try the very rough old logging roads on my property as my ankle isn't very strong and my kness would object to the trip back down the hill. There is to be a bone scan next week to determine if the prosthesis in either knee has been damaged by all the twisting while I was wheel chair bound last spring and this fall. I want it fixed so much but I want so much to be through with surgery.
On a much happier note, last weekend I attended a quilting retreat I'd never heard of before this year which has been happening for 18 years. It's at a Methodist conference center which is a bit more comfortable than the Georgia Baptist Center where I've been attending a retreat for quite a few years. The latter offers classes and space to work on your own thing. The March retreat is entirely made up of doing one's own thing. The only vendors are a few individuals who are also participants in the retreat. A good time was had by everyone as far as I know. The attendance was down from their usual crowd no doubt due to current financial conditions so there was lots of room. I spread out and worked on DD#2's wedding quilt. I realize now that I'm just beginning to buy fabric for this effort. I had some consternation about moving smoothly from one color (green) to the other (purple). As so often happens at these affairs I got some very helpful input from the ladies in my room. I had a pot luck roommate who was, as has always been the case of pot luck roommates, an extremely good roommate. She has more stamina than I, sewing until 10 or 10:30 after dinner. 86 years old and going with great vigor both mentally and physically. A great role model.
By the way, the Methodists are much better cooks than the Baptists. Everything was under one roof in a hotel, one of several one the property, so we didn't have to venture out unless one likes chilly, dark, rainy weather.
I wish everyone a lovely spring except for the DUGS and a lovely autumn to them. Also hugs to everyone who is in need and those lucky ones who aren't.
Jane in NC
Okay, I quit trying to put a title......after two automatic postings of nothing.......my title would have been ""APRIL FOOL'S"" We are in the aftermath of the blizzard weather that came through North Dakota and the top of Minnesota I believe......It looks more like a raging January storm day than the 1st of April......Monday morning I was running around with only a heavier sweater and dodging the melting snow banks....our driveway was clear !! At 5AM I called #2 son who hadn't made it home .....He had to come and shovel out the back door in order to let the yorkie gang out.......so as he's shovelling our very dear friend and former neighbour Ken comes by with his truck and snowplough and Jamey moves our vehicles and gets that done as well....Timing is everything.....it is a heavy and wet snow and will be moving through the rest of Northern Ontario....watch out BRENDA....if you don't have this already !
On the wonderful news front.....we were blessed with our 2nd grandchild last Tuesday (which was an ice storm day)evening.........Brody weighed in at 8lbs 6oz and 21" in length....it was paticularly great that his Mom was able to deliver after having an emergency section only 13months earlier when Adason was born.......They are a tired little family at times but are finding their way and getting adjusted quite nicely....if the weather clears I will head over later and make waffles, ham and eggs for supper.....if not there are lots of leftovers in their fridge...
DH is now basically retired and on as permanent disability pension as you can get.....We still have no answers as to what is causing and are waiting for some out of town referrals for further testing....at this point in time he is not allowed to drive so I have been the one doing all the running around......no matter where he wants to go I will drive....I keep a bag of knitting on the go in the van permanently so that I can wait for him with patience.....it is so difficult for him not to be independent or the one taking care of things.....But we have our good days and get to enjoy the grandsons and see them lots since they only live a few blocks away.....
Haven't done much quilty stuff except for #1grandson's first birthday bed quilt.......will have to try to get going on something for #2.....
Well that's my update, don't remember the last time I posted.....hope all is well with everyone....I try to keep up to date on the chatboard but life does overtake when you least expect it.....
I'm here
Hi Everyone,I'm here tonite. I've been going crazy trying to get my quilt (wall hanging) done for our show, whichwe put up tomorrow.I started it about a month ago & have been putting the peddle to the metal this past 2 weeks.I am embarrassed by the workmanship, but i really wanted to have something in the show.I will try harder next year.Our show has a new location & we are very excited about it. It's going to be at the church wherewe meet monthly. It's a huge place & our quilts will look so much nicer than in the gym we have been using for the past 6 years or so.Speaking of glasses I just bought a pair off the internet! Yep, they're prescription. It was sort offun & I really like them. My DH has gotten 2 pair this way. I bought the most expensive frames & my total was $85!!!! We used zennioptical, there are many out there.I also took a quilt to a group today to have it hand quilted. I've been waiting for about 18 mos for my name to come up. They have done one other quilt for me and several for a friend.This one should be real pretty, it's the pomegranate pattern, red & green applique.They will have it for quite a while.I better get in gear I still have my label to attach & my whiskers to cut, Jill
Where is everyone?
Has the weather turned warm and everyone is out in the garden?
I've been planting Lantana and other spring/summer things in the yard.
DGS #1 came over to cut the grass today, DGS #4 was to help me plant the plants, but mostly he held up worms and said "hey look at this big worm".
He did put some plants in the holes and water them after I dug the holes.
I'm too tired at night to do any quilting, maybe read a book tonight. American Idol is about the only thing on TV that isn't blood and guts, but it's not so interesting so far tonight.
I'm trying to get another pair of reading glasses. The over the counter ones just arn't doing it. After getting the run around with the insurance company, going to a place that they were supposed to cover, have found out after 5 PM that my regular eye Dr's office is covered. Ach! That's where I started out today.
Will go back tomorrow and start over. Seems like I have a "haze" that developes after catarac surgery sometimes, affects only the right eye. I just need a bit of help in the right eye, the left is 20 -20.
OK, someone other than me check in and say what you are doing.
We are supposed to have rain tomorrow, so that will help the new plants.
Sara in Fla.