ugly fabric
Hi Kathi and Rosey, Actually the only pretty fabric was the cream tone on tone.
The two browns and the beige are really "Different" when you see it is yardage.
It sure is not what you would pick up in a store and drool over.
Not like some of the ones I saw today.
The day was fantastic , a whole lot of fun and I did some serious damage to the funds.
Going to bed now as it was an incredible early morning and I am beat
checking in
Due to new text books, new state and federal laws affecting teaching, new ridiculously "tougher" standards, new requirements for students to take math courses that are beyond their training and interests, end-of-course and ACT testing for students who will never go to college (and don't want to), and teaching as many different courses as I have classes, I have been stressed out to the max this year. I am sorry I haven't posted more, as I know the numbers of posts have really dropped lately. I'm hoping to do better once the end-of-course testing is over for this semester, as next semester should be somewhat better. I can't remember if I've come any closer to wanting to quit a job forever than I have this year. Mind you, it's not the fault of the school, the parents, the administration, or even most of the students, and I'm not saying that just because this is a public forum.
Anyway, what caused me to post is this...over the last 4 years the county has had at least 5-6 students killed in traffic accidents. A cell phone was involved in all but one of them, including one where the mother was driving. Please don't drive distracted....
Laura in Alabama
PS. I still read with interest, love looking at the quilts, and hope to rejoin the conversation when I can.

Hi all,
Just cruising along here. Just loving the weather so far. No slipping or sliding going on here. Sure hope this stays for awhile yet. I know that sooner or later winter is going to come, but maybe it can wait.
Not much going on here and getting very little sewing done. Maybe I just do everything a lot slower. LOL. I will try and post the picture of my ugly fabric quilt. No the quilt did not turn out ugly in fact it is one of the nicest ones I have made. The fabric in yardage is ugly.
I am in the process of making a new quilt for one of DH's grand nieces who will be having a baby in the near future.
In fact tomorrow is the much waited for bus trip shop hop and buying the backing is on my list.
So all is well here and I hope so for most of you all too
See you later
Cell Phones
Rosey, I think most jurisdictions have laws against using hand held devices while driving but the normally law abiding folks just ignor it. I suspect your liability insurance carrier wouldn't be too happy to find out if one was in use in an accident. In my old age I pull off the road to change radio stations! Except on the most winding of roads around here I have the cruise control engaged too. I tend to continue to increase my speed as I go along otherwise. I'm lucky to be alive after that accident in '08 and if I hadn't been rescued by a super annuated Eagle Scout (no lie, he really is) I would never have survived. That accident was due to just a bit too much speed and a moment's inattention.
Just back from annual quilt retreat in Toccoa, GA having made some serious progress on DD's wedding quilt. The 2nd anniversay was this past August. I ate like a pig and the beasts are campaigning for our hike so I'd best get going here.
Jane in chilly Appalachia
Cell Phones, etc.
Sara, we have a law here now that you cannot talk on a cell phone while driving the car. My husband has to pull over if his cell phone rings while he's on the road; I have a Blue Tooth. But the fact is, even with fines if caught, people still read their Blackberries and talk on cell phones whilst driving. Sad lesson to learn was the fact that a year and a half ago one of our local bed&breakfast owners died because he was consulting his Blackberry and drove through an intersection getting himself t-boned by a big truck. He died at the scene. It scares me when I see how people are so occupied looking down at those hand-held devices when they are driving and walking along the street. There is a whole generation of 'heads-down; thumbs rotating' people these days.
Guess it's not worth fighting some battles. Some people have to take charge, not compromise, not communicate and then there are others not. And, whoops, here comes the rain, better run and get my laundry off the line.
I think I'm going to hide in the quilty room for a day or two.
Yesterday we had a big argument about the kitchen/condo/etc. The traffic in town was all stalled by an accident on one of the main N/S roads (for 7 hours) A tractor trailer turned over and hit several cars, spilled his load of beer cans everywhere, etc.
So, on the way to the cabinet maker's shop we had to take a detour-got lost, the GPS in the truck didn't have the right info. Etc. You get the picture.
On arriving 1 hr. late at the location we played nice, but there were some real hurt feelings on my part. I've decided that he can make those decisions on counter tops, bath fixtures, toilets, etc. This place isn't supposed to be my "home" so it's just not worth the energy to argue over it.
On thinking about it like a lot of men DH doesn't allow any time driving for slow traffic, lights, detours, etc. He gets angry behind the wheel, talks on his cell phone on the interstate, etc. Trying to "fit in" these decisions and little trips during work times, etc. Really, he hasn't been the same since the Proton treatment for the prostate cancer. Low energy, gained weight, mild depression.etc.
I'm thinking about making an appt. with his proton doctor to talk about it.
On the good news, it is sunny and about 65 today. I took both dogs to the doggie park this morning and they had a great time, needed to run around.
Sara in Fla.

Sara, you might also consider a Corian counter top.
I remodeled our kitchen about three years ago and found granite too heavy in appearance for what I wanted. But you need to consider your overall appearance. The white Corian helped carry out a less heavy look to my kitchen and it's easy to maintain. Dishes are more likely to break on granite and quartz due to its harder surface than on the Corian. Just a may not go with your concept of what you want for your own kitchen.
Ready to stay home a bit
Hi Yall- Ive been going up and down, round and round, and am ready to stay home a bit. Was gone somewhere 4 out of 5 weekends in Oct. My Mom is out of rehab and at home. We are having a person stay with her this weekend while my brother attended a wedding in N.C. He should be here in about 2 hrs. so I'll catch up.(Driving back to So. Fla.) It is his youngest daughter that got married. Since DH and I went kayaking this past week I didn't have the energy to get in the car and drive to N. C. by myself.
The Rainbow river is just beautiful. South of Ocala, Fla. outside of Dunnellon. We rented a house for 4 nights with another couple. The day we chose to kayak was sunny, but a bit windy and we paddled against the flow and the wind. It took 2 hrs. and didn't make the mouth of the river, but got to see enough. There are lots of Ibis, Egrets, Otters, in and about the river. It was fun to sit on the dock and watch the otters come out about 5:00 PM. About 5 or 6 looked like they were playing. The next day we rented a paddle boat for 1/2 day and did the river again. It was a good time and lots of good crab cakes at the local restaurant.
I have gotten behind with my class on Quilt University, but will hopefully catch up this week.
Tomorrow night a GF is coming over to give me a lesson on computer/camera work. I only hope my mind can remember.
OH-we did close on the beach condo. Now it is gutted and we are having a contractor built it back. Took down 3/4 of the kitchen wall to open it up. Re-configuring the master bath to make it bigger, and having a dressing area/closet. The old closet was huge, and a tiny bathroom. The old sliding doors to the balcony didn't slide, they were so old and broken. That is on the list.
Cha-ching. At least I got to pick out a new tub and the vessel sinks for the bath. We are trying to come to an agreement on the kitchen--he wants granite counter tops I want quartz. He wants stainless appliances. Etc. This isn't a place we intend to live in full time, but still we have to agree on some things.
Jane-I'm hoping to go to Toccoa GA. in Jan. for the QOV retreat put on by the No. Ga. guild. I'm only going if I can get a GF to drive up there with me. I imagine it will be very cold there in Jan. Scope out the rooms, etc. for me please.
Enough for one night.
Sara in windy Fla.
I just edited the URL for Batiks Unlimited shop.
Who's getting old?