Saturday, October 19, 2013


Ladies, thanks so much for all your prayers and thoughts.   Some really good news it that my liver is clear of any cancer cells.  Will have to decide what type of radiation to do to preserve more of the vision.   Right now leaning towards the suggestion of a Mayo Clinic - Univ. of Fla. Shands joint effort for Proton beam surgery.  DH just got off the phone with original Retina Dr. who sent me to Mayo.  The Dr. says to consider the age of the machine, the one here is only 5 years old.
He has calmed my fears very much.  The less vision loss the better, as we quilters would agree.
If I choose that option the "comfort" factor is involved, I can come to my own home each day, snuggle with my own 4 legged childeren with fur, etc.
Sorry if this is a snooze for others, but it's my life and vision we are talking about.
Mom is still the same, bless her heart, she is in her own little world.
Going to watch some American college football and zone out.
Sara in Fla.

Monday, October 14, 2013

If it's not one thing, it's another!

Ok, going to pass on trying to get the pictures up for now.  Evidently the I-pad doesn't like me, and the I-phone doesn't like the I-pad.  Can't get them to talk to each other!
In the mean time, I went to Mayo clinic Thurs. afternoon, talked to the Dr. on Friday.  Bad news!
The nevis, spot, freckle, whatever you want to call it has grown.  Not much, but enough for them to call it Malignant Melanoma.  Oh Rats!
Don't know if everyone out there in WWQP land is up on eyeballs, (othr than we need them) but the doctors don't want to bioposy anything, because it disturbs the eye itself, and can make the melanoma grow.  If it spreads it goes to the liver (who knew?)   So right now I'm waiting on a phone call to get a  CAT scan of my liver.  After the results of that --one day-- I go back to consult with the Dr. to see how to go ahead.  Hopefully the scan will be negative!  There is only a 5% chance of it spreading.
Good news.  I can then go for proton radiation treatment, regular radiation, or laser surgery.  So,
would appreciate good vibes, prayers, etc.  I know the eyesight will be somewhat less after surgery, but that is better than liver cancer any day.
Never a dull min. in my life.  I'm not telling my Mom, no sense in worring a 96 year old.
Going to put the binding on one quilt in the next 24 hrs. to feel like I can do something, while waiting.
Sara in Fla. where I love the humidity!