Olympics, travel
JANE IN NC - I tried emailing you, to test the 'new' address, and I have
heard nothing back. I don't know if you received it, or if it is lost in
cyberspace. I hope all is well with you.
OLYMPICS - It is hard to believe they are almost over. I watched much more
of the TV coverage than I thought I would. So many of the competitions have
been simply amazing. Others I have missed because I HAD to leave the house and
live my life. ;-)
I have done very little sewing this summer, so I guess one would say I'm in a
slump. Hopefully when the cooler days of autumn arrive, I'll feel more
energetic as well as inspired. ;-)
We were in Washington, D.C. last week & week-end and had a wonderful
trip. DH and I visited two museums each day. One of our son's long time
friends got married and we were invited to the wedding. The ceremony and
reception were held in a large "ballroom" on top of a condominium building that
sits on a hill in Arlington, VA. We had a beautiful view of the D. C. "Mall"
and Arlington cemetery was at the bottom of the hill. When it got dark and
the moon came up, all of us were taking photos of the view. I'll post it
here. Be sure to click on it so that it will enlarge. Because it is dark and
taken with a cell phone, it is not the best quality, but I think you'll see the
red moon and the view we had.
This is
maddening interesting: The "Dashboard" for posting, when I tried in Internet Explorer, had no option to post a picture. So . . . back to Google Chrome and there are all my options.
DH and I are off to the local County Fair this evening. We'll eat dinner there, my goal is to find - and try - the fried Oreos. (LOL) One of our ASG (American Sewing Guild) members has a vendor booth and I heard her ice cream is The. Absolute. Best. So naturally, I'll have to check it out. Once we are on our sugar high, the concert at the fair is a tribute to the music group Santana. I don't know if we'll like it, but we'll have had enough sugar that we won't care.
Hugs to everyone!
a nocturnal kiwi
and the birds are nocturnal and I am fast joining them. I have throughly enjoyed the Olympics but as they are on at our night I am losing so much sleep. I do try to have a nana nap during the day but the phone keeps waking me up. I have to leave it on as my son's father-in -in law is very very sick and I will have to go to my DIL when anything happens. Spring is a coming and the birds are very busy and the flowers are coming into bloom,wonderful. I was offered a lamb to look after yesterday would have enjoyed it but had to decline because of the situation with Ron's health. Gus wouldn't have known what to make of the lamb ,he has never seen one, only on his plate LOL. Soon be kitten time here and I must paint the deck where I will be putting them. Either I do it soon or wait until they leave which could be in 6 months. Hopefully by mid October then Gus will be so happy apparently my kitts are so used to the dog that when they leave here they take over the dog's basket where they go to live. Would love to see them so small and so cheeky.Nothing in the quilting happening here my hands are too cold and stiff will improve when the weather gets warm. Just seen the time expecting my DD1 and family for lunch so had better make the pancakes to let them stand for a while . Hugs to all and keep quilting. Bee in a rather chilly NZ.
Update desk
Just in case anyone out there is interested Elly Sienkiewick is going to be at my local quilt shop in Jan. 2013. I'm not that into that type of work, but it would be a good time to meet anyone who wanted an excuse to visit Florida in Jan.
Just got the results of my lab work, thyroid is low, as I first suspected. Going to up the meds. 1 bump starting tomorrow. Protein level low, eat more, so will not lose muscle mass so fast. Other than that doing fine. All the rain is causing the weeds to grow fast. Which is causing weed pollen, which is giving me a headache. Yuck.
Update on dogs--they have slept in the laundry room in their crate for the last 3 nights, and I have slept better. Last night took a benedryl for the allergies and really slept through the night until 6:00 AM. More heavy rains expected later today. The thunder yesterday sounded like it was parked over my back yard for over 1 hr. I held little Pumpkin in my arm and lay down on the bed. We both felt safe.
Sara in Fla.
getting dogs to sleep?
Hi yall'. I'm looking for suggestions as to how to get the 2 fur children to sleep until at least 6AM. It's either that or they go in the laundry room until they are 100. The scene is this-they are so cute, DH takes them out for an evening walk between 9:30 and 10PM. Polly hops on my lap, Pumpkin goes under the bed to hide. They will sleep soundly on our bed with us, usually on my back or legs all night. Some time around 5AM they think it is time for breakfast, hop down, tic,tic, tic with their little toenails in and out of the bedroom. "Roof" one or two times until I get up. Or, DH will yell at them, get up on the bed and be quiet. Which wakes me completely up.
If I put them up about 10PM they are at the other end of the house, and I don't hear them until 6L00 AM or 6:30 when I get up.
Before I spent so much time with Mom I would take them to the doggy park 2 or 3 times a week to run. But it is too hot now, 95 or so, and I don't want them to have heat stroke.
After reading this, I don't know why I'm such a wimp about where they sleep. Good grief. My life is run by 2 - 10 lbs.dogs.
Sara in soggy Fla.
I've found my way back with an email address I no longer have. I've emailed Eric to no avail. The new address is !janebrown(6706)atwild(blue)net, Eliminate marks of punctuation and parenthesis.
I think I can deal with the changes but added to a new computer and adjustment to new operating system it will take a while.
I haven't done any quilting in so long that I plan to schedule time on my calendar which requires compliance thereto. Trouble is my recent resolution to finish moving into this house. It's been over 7 years and I am still surrounded by boxes of heaven knows what. I'm doing a lot of sorting, recycling and donating and have barely scratched to surface. There is still a whole lot more to do than has been done. There have been some real treasures and a lot of junk.
Thanks, Rosey, for the phone call telling me folks are concerned. I've been missing you guys too. I'll call later today after your hostess activities are done. The wild beasts are after their hike so I'm off and running; no off and hobbling.
Hugs to you all