Saturday, April 18, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015


Go to Quilt .com to get to the old page...! 

Guess where the snow went....

If you look carefully, you will see that our mountains have a fresh fall of snow on them.... It all happened last night while we were sleeping !   We had been threatened with Southerly blast (and look what's South of NZ.....) and we got it.  Suddenly it's very cold and our long sunny summer , has come to an abrupt end..  If the snow remains on the mountains we will get frosts here and that will see the end of any colour in the garden.  I do love the change of seasons but this has come rather suddenly.  !

Not a lot of interest happening here. We seem to have had a run of caring for sick friends , all a bit depressing really , at my age people don't seem to be able to shake off illness the way we used to ..

DGD surprised me last week by saying that she thought she would go to the UK.  next Christmas , during the University holidays... Why not ?!?!    She checked with her aunt (DD#1.who lives between Scotland and H.K. ) and she said that she planned to be in Engalnd from early Dec., so it was all on after that....It's will be a great chance for her to catch up with the cousins and also to get a look at the wider world.  My first  instinct was to say that I would go with her !!  Fortunately, it was followed by my second instinct , which was to realise that this is something she needs to do on her own... (! ) She will be 20 in Dec.   By then , she should have finished her second year at Uni and will return to complete her degree in 2016.   She has had the same boy friend since she was 14 and , although we all like him and he is part of the family , it would seem too easy for that to drift into engagement and marriage ,

while they are both so young . IT won't do them any harm to have a couple of months , doing their own thing.. DGD is obsessed with Henry V111th and all his carrying on , and is desperately keen to check out LOndon . There are some great tours , for people similarly obsessed , which she has checked out on the Internet , so she's one very excited girl at the moment.  She has a job in a cycle shop (cycling was her school sport) at w/ends and holidays so she has been able to buy her own ticket. She's busy now trying to sell any surplus belongings on Trade Me (Ebay ). Good luck to her ! !!

Not to be overshadowed by this news , DGS rang at the w/end to say that  the game of Rugby that he would be playing in , was going to be a curtain raiser for another big game on Saturday night ,and was going to be televised !!   Oh...big excitement there !!   We enjoyed seeing him play a very good game , he plays well and it was amazing to see him on the big screen !    Quite a moment.  

Maybe  I'll get more time to "post" now that the weather has changed .  Quite by accident I found that you can get onto this page very easily , by going to the old WWQP page first  (it's at the top of the page). Maybe that would help those of you who have difficulty getting onto the page ?  GO down to Chat and there are instructions from Eric as to how to get on to this page... Hope that helps.