WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Kitty's address
Kitty has a new e-mail address. She has closed out her old account. If you want her new addy you can send me a note and I will forward the new address to you.Jean
Friday already
I can't believe the week flew by so fast. So much to do and not enough hours in the day for me. It is actually a bit sunny here this morning at long last. The snow is beginning to melt. It's at the messy, dirty stage now and not one bit pretty to look at. More is forecast for this evening but it won't be too much and hopefully won't hang around too long.Bee, it was good to hear from you. I would love to see a pic of Gus. He sounds quite the challenge, but I bet I would love him. I like a dog with spirit. Even more if it isn't mine. lol
Jane, I enjoyed your flower pic. Nothing growing here yet, not even a weed.
Lavinia, your quilt is really beautiful. I love seeing all these pics. It's one of the best things about this new format.
I should be joining the anti-fluff campaign, but I am still waffling here. I keep saying tomorrow but have been saying that for the past 2 weeks. Not too much activity during the long winter but I have to start walking again soon. For now, I just don't look in the mirror. Works for me. 8^
Have a great weekend everyone,
Quilting today
Hi, Just checking in to see what everyone is doing today. We are supposed to have a snowstorm (12") so will spend the day quilting. We have a threat of severe flooding which we don't need because we went thru that last June. the ice jams on the river are causing problems. You all have a quilty weekend. Marge in Pa.Thursday, March 15, 2007
Diet & stuff,
I'm still hanging in there, know I could do better, so hard to eat out!Did lunch out & had half a sand & soup....but then someone decided
we needed to share a piece of cake, split 4 ways so not really so terrible.
So what is everyone doing this weekend?
I'm hoping to finish up my last quilt for our show, it's 5x10 (inches) so
I should be OK :)
A friend & I are going on a tour of old mountain cabins Sat. I don''t know
much about it but they are all designed by the same a man. It's suppose
to be in the 70's this weekend, should be perfect!
Looks like I will be able to avoid yard work, yeah! Jill
Singer sewing machine
Hi, Jane, your DB's machine is one of 5,000 model 99s commissioned June 6, 1931, which doesn't necessarily mean it was made on that exact day, but that the series of serial numbers from 377,721 to 382,720 were released for use here in the U.S. starting on that day. I did a check of recent sales on eBay, and prices for electric model 99s vary from $25 to $122, with one hand crank model 99 in absolute showroom condition, with case in lovely condition, went for $260. Singer made a lot of this model, a 3/4 size version of the popular model 66. So, it won't finance a trip to the Orient, but could probably still be sewing in another 75 years with a little upkeep. Before plugging it in, urge him to have it looked at by someone competent to update the wiring. It tends to suffer from time, as do we all, LOL.Pat in Rockport, TX

Can you all stand another spring picture? Here is the first blood root I've spotted this season. Photographed it yesterday up the mountain with my hiking buddy.
JEAN, stop bragging. I promised myself I wouldn't get on the scale until Sunday morning. I've done reasonably well on the eating front but stopped at a Chinese buffet after a meeting late this afternoon and over did it. The fitness center is closed this week and next. Now that the weight room has been doubled in size they have to remove the temporary wall and install all the new equipment. Been huffing and puffing up and down hills with the beastie though.
Thanks for the Singer help. I'll follow up and see what kine of money we might be talking about and ask DB what sort of repairs he's referring to.
Jane in NC
Diet news...
So it has been a week now, since I declared myself to be officially attempting to lose some weight. I started well, with extra time at Curves and a big bag of chopped raw veggies in the fridge for snacks and a firm resolution to avoid goodies and junk food. I am delighted to report that despite having company since Monday and a dinner party on Tuesday night, I have actually lost 2 pounds in this first week! Hey, it ain't much, but it is 10% of the goal! I can live with this!I hope I can do as well for the next week!
Jean at Mill Bay, motivated by the thought of summer clothes...
Lavinia - Your quilt is quite stunning. It's making me rethink my ideas for the quilt I'm trying to figure out for our room. Sometimes the old patterns like the Log Cabin slip my mind and it takes a jog like seeing your picture to make me start thinking again. Thanks for posting it. Good luck in the show.Kathi
Jane - You can call 1-800-4singer and they can tell you the date that the machine left the factory, right down to the actual day. There is also a website http://www.singerco.com/support/serial_numbers.html that lists all the years and places for the serial numbers (including those with no letters, one letter and two letters in them). Yours appears to have been made on June 23, 1931 in Elizabeth NJ.Kathi
Picture of the center

Here's a closer up picture of the center. Hopefully we will get some better pictures, the lighting in the shop made it look sort of yellow. Lavinia
Pigeon Forge Show

Just learned my quilt (Appalachian Spring, To God be the Glory) has won a 3rd place ribbon in its category (quilted for hire) at the Pigeon Forge Show. I am very pleased and feel like all the work was an accomplishment. The machine quilter is beside herself since no one she quilts for has sent anything to a larger-than-local show. So we are both snoopy dancing today! I'll try to post a picture, I am not going to the show until Sunday in order to pick it up after the show. Lavinia-TN
Pat, DB says "THE ONLY NUMBER I CAN FIND IS RECESSED INTO THE FRONT WORK DECK, JUST BELOW THE SINGER MFG. CO. LABEL. AD378315. It will be interesting to find out about it. I hope someone can advise or direct me to a site where I can get a feel for it's value. DB says it needs some repair. I have no idea what that entails as he doesn't use it and doesn't know how. Perhaps it is just superficial.The machine weighs a ton. It has a wood case as it is a table model. The case is curved over the top rather than rectangular. The Singer lettering on the front of the case, at least in my youth, was gold in color. I would have gone to school naked were it not for that machine. Just thinking about it makes me long for my DM who would be 101 years old if she were here.
Pat, DB says "THE ONLY NUMBER I CAN FIND IS RECESSED INTO THE FRONT WORK DECK, JUST BELOW THE SINGER MFG. CO. LABEL. AD378315. It will be interesting to find out about it. I hope someone can advise or direct me to a site where I can get a feel for it's value. DB says it needs some repair. I have no idea what that entails as he doesn't use it and doesn't know how. Perhaps it is just superficial.The machine weighs a ton. It has a wood case as it is a table model. The case is curved over the top rather than rectangular. The Singer lettering on the front of the case, at least in my youth, was gold in color. I would have gone to school naked were it not for that machine. Just thinking about it makes me long for my DM who would be 101 years old if she were here.
you don't want to know about Gus, he hasn't changed , he had to have his yearly shots for bugs a couple of weeks ago and Brett the vet decided he would change the estimated age of growing up to 5 years which means another 2 to go. At least he is beginning to listen to me and not give me that look and walk off. We have very strict lessons on behaviour which as his attention span is zero I have to start from scratch each day. He really is a man's dog but as DH can't walk him I am all he has got . I thought I had sent a photo the other r day but it must be in space somewhere. A lot of my posts go there. Will try to send another but the one I have is one the kids took and is so him. Looks Duh!!!! Hugs and love to all Bee.Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Old sewing machines
Jane, if you will put the serial number of the machine up here in a post, or email me privately, I can tell you when the machine was made, and possibly where.Pat in Rockport, TX
Better than a soap...
If anyone wants to see a lawyer's media circus, follow Conrad Black's trial in Chicago, staged by a heavy legal team of experts who are staging the most farcical trial of all. Lord and Lady Black were reportedly not going out to lunch today at the break, but brought their lunches in brown paper bags. SNORT big time...all planned I'm sure by his legal team to make him seem like just a regular sort of person. Conrad Black has never been ordinary. He grew up in Toronto in an affluent family; attended Upper Canada College, a very upscale, posh and select boys private school where he got thrown out for selling exam papers...an achievement in itself...his notority and larcenous behaviour started early on in his life. This clip from Google:"Former media baron Lord Conrad M. Black's trial for racketeering and fraud trial began today in Chicago with defense lawyers grilling prospective jurors. Black, 62, is former chairman and chief executive of Hollinger International, which once owned the Chicago Sun-Times, the Toronto-based National Post, The Daily Telegraph of London and the Jerusalem Post, as well as hundreds of community newspapers. The Toronto, London and Jerusalem papers have been sold and the company name has been changed to Sun-Times Media Group. Black is charged with pocketing millions of dollars....etc....etc..."
Check back to how Lord Black, born in Canada, gave up his citizenship in Canada to become an English lord...and the UK press are now calling him a Canadian, which technically he is not. Further, can't remember the awful article on Lady Black...was it in Vogue, Vanity Fair...not sure...the stuff upstairs and downstairs is made of....This should prove an interesting trial.
And that is Rosey's blog for Thur., Mar. 14 where the snow melt has occured all inside of two or three days, loosing a winter's worth of snow in one fell swoop...not that there won't be more to come but the great depth of snow is going. If ever there was bad press for winter, it's been these past few days of slushy soupy snowmelt and now spongy mud.
Checking in
Hello everyone,I had a busy week last week and the weekend was hectic too. My family sprang a surprise birthday party on me and I am still trying to remember it all. That sounds like I was drunk all weekend but I only drink tea so it wasn't that. Just a total surprise and not being prepared for all the excitement of it. Great time though. Now it's back to the reality. I could make a start on about 4 days of laundry to do but I am still playing here. 8^
I love to read Marion's posts about the gradual onset of autumn in NZ. It means that we are getting closer to spring and summer. Getting pretty tired of this long last stretch of winter. It's warming up though and the snow is beginning to melt. That means the dogs will be bringing in big muddy foot prints for a week or two, but it's par for the course.
Speaking of NZ, Bee where are you? I miss the Gus stories!
I am enjoying the chatter about the bowling balls. I have never seen half marbles, except for the ones in my head at times. I used to laugh at my parents for having to make copious notes to themselves about everything, but now it isn't quite so funny because I have to do that myself these days. Now my kids laugh at me. 8^
Not too much else going on around here and it is still winter quiet. DH is back to work after the mid-term break. At least the counters aren't covered in bread crumbs this morning! He makes himself a lunch just about every hour and the maddening part is he never gains an ounce in weight. Just not fair. lol.
I did manage to do some spray basting on the deck yesterday but it was cold. Got it done though. Well, this pile of laundry is not going to wash itself so I suppose I had better get at it.
Enjoy your day ladies and I love all your pics and stories. Keep them coming. They make my day.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I'm not going to touch the subject of lost marbles. My friends would think that any such post from me would be autobiographical.Weighed in Sunday morning at my max of my whole life including pregnancies. I'm resolved not to hit the scale again until Sunday. In the meantime I'm measuring any oil I use for cooking where heretofore I just poured it in. Even though olive and canola oil don't have the nasty stuff and my doc says the olive oil is "heart protective" they've still got as many calories per tsp. as butter. I'm trying to load up on veggies and go light on the meat. I did have noodles one day but I weighed them raw (2 oz.) and they are the whole wheat kind. I used some olive oil in the water, a trick I learned a long time ago that keeps pasta from getting sticky when drained. I did put some Parmesan cheese on them as well.. I've been on the run a lot and have eaten out but have declined the deserts and rolls and such. Today at my favorite lunch place I had a cup of chicken soup and a large salad of beautiful greens (no iceberg, just the tasty dark stuff) with a bit of grilled chicken on it. I did indulge in some bleu cheese dressing but actually left some in the little cup. They have the most heavenly brownies at that place but virtuous Jane passed it up this time. Tonight I was tired and then remembered I wanted to attend a recital at the nearby university so I admit to three eggs, two of them very small in an omelet chock full of Vidalia onion sauteed with green and red pepper, then a heap of fresh baby spinach and some feta cheese and finally the eggs whipped with a bit of skim milk. Some salt substitute (I gave up the good salt because of the leg swelling) and freshly ground pepper helped. Two pieces of toasted whole wheat bread rounded it out. Now if I can stick to my guns for the rest of my life I'll be in that Bikini yet. I've been saying that since I was fifteen and I have to make it.
Got a nice fat quarter at guild meeting yesterday. At the meeting in the month of your birth you get a fat quarter gift wrapped. They are donated by the lqs. There's one clown who raises her hand twelve times a year when the lady with the fat quarter basket asks who has a birthday this month. Fortunately there are a couple of folks who straighten her out loudly each month. If a month goes by when she forgets or she is absent something is always said anyway. It's become a tradition.
Keep the pictures coming here and on the BB. There's an idea, why not paint pictures on your bowling ball. I'm getting a bit loopy here.
Terter the shawl is gorgeous. Is it woven? Ooooh, make one for me. Why not make one for everyone.
An antique sewing machine question. Does that go here or on the other board? I can't remember who the collectors are so give me a nudge and I'll send you the serial or model number DB sent me. Also let me know where I can find information on the net. It's a Singer from mid thirties.
Not only are the daffodils in bloom all over the place but the forsythia is starting to bloom. It was another shirt sleeve day today and for a bit late this afternoon the temp got into the high 70s. Eat your hearts out you Canadians and other denizens of the far north.
Jane in NC
Sorry, I can't resist this...
Jill, I hope you find those marbles soon. It's not good when you lose your marbles!Brenda
My healthy lunch and bowling
here's my lunch for my new healthy diet strategy,open face tuna sand. made with tons on celery & unfortunately
for those around me thisafternoon, lots of sweet onion. No dressing
in the mix but a little mayo on the the bread, a ton of grapes, visable
as soon as the frig door opens to keep me from heading for the "Bad Stuff."
We have asparagus for $1 a pound now so dinner will center around that.
So things are moving in the right direction.
Mayme, my BB still sits on my front porch. I was gunna get it done this
winter! Now I'm not sure where my marbles are?
Dollar Tree is a good place for the gems too.
Our sewing expo was a couple weeks ago, I've never been......I'm afraid :)
I would have to leave the Credit card at home for sure.
I'm so afraid a sewing machine would follow me home!
Oops, lunch is over......Bye, Jill
West Michigan checking in
Phyllis, I get them at Hobby Lobby. They really aren't marblesbut that is what they are called . They are in the section by floral,
wedding stuff. I get them when they are half off. $1.oo for 2 lbs.
It takes 2 bags plus of few of a third bag. Email me if you want
more directions. cats173@verizon.net
Ive been possessed
Good day allA couple of years ago I found a paper piece eagle wall hanging that I felt I just had to do. So I saved and looked for fabric that I wanted to use. Finally having collected what I thought I would use the decision was made to start. Well once started I just had to see what the next piece would look like and how would it fit. MMM , the guys almost had to whine for their meals because I just was not hungry until the next piece was attached.
It is finished now. , well the sewing together, I still have to take the paper off and get it quilted. I am waiting to take the paper until I can sit outside because the pieces will be so small . Then I can just let them flutter.
I will see if I can get a picture in the next couple of days.
Now to catch up on my BOM.
The weather is cooperating around here for now. We are having spring break and thinking of taking the DGS's to the sugar bush today. Hope it does not rain.
Time to take a little break. Hope all are well. I also now need to catch up reading the BB and see what has been happening here.
I really hope i do not get caught up in another project like this for awhile.It was fun but this possessing thing is a little much. ROFLOL
Take care all and hope to see you quicker next time.
Monday, March 12, 2007
West Michigan checking in
Brenda, I paint BB's and glue half marbles on them. They makegreat gazing balls for the garden.
Remembered how to do this!
Yea! I hit the right buttons this time.Jane-and others who asked --15K is 9.3 miles. I did not run. The knees went about 15 years ago, I feel blessed to be able to walk. Most of it is on flat surface, but there are 2 bridges. The Florida version of hills. I came in at 10,684, in 2:26:56, or just over a 16 min. mile.
There were lots of walkers, and many women more fluffy than moi. It was warm by 10:30 AM, but we managed, and think will give it a go next year if the joints hold up.
I've decided to try to join some art quilt group (s). Not getting any older, and I want to smile, not feel obligated.
This morning I went to Lowe's and Ace Hwd. and bought 24 Lantana plants and 8 blue Plumbagos to put in the front yard tomorrow morning. It is so beautiful, just having to go outside and be creative.
DH and I saw "The Ultimate Gift" yesterday evening. Yikes--$9.00 per ticket. It was a wonderful, heartwarming movie. No cuss words, or sex sceens. Truly amazing for Hollywood.
OK, I have opinions on everything, but will zip my lip.
Looking forward to this weekend out of town with no obligations.
Sara in Fla.
West Michigan checking in
Low and behold! I think I finally figured out what I've beendoing wrong. I've been trying to sign in under the Old Blogger.
When I just decided to try the Google account it let me right in.
It is gray and white here today. The sky is gray and the ground is white.
I did a dumb thing this morning and I should have known better. I
tried to paint some bowling balls in the basement and now the house
stinks like paint fumes. Will have to wait to paint outside. It was too cold
in the basement. I have a baby quilt ready to sew together. Guess I should get
at it. I was going to wash laundry room walls but I hate Spring cleaning when it
isn't sunny outside.
Hi everyone
I am trying to figure this blogger thing out. I see some old familiar names. Celia, Dodo, Ter.. how are you guys? Well, lets see if this puppy goes through.
I am trying to figure this blogger thing out. I see some old familiar names. Celia, Dodo, Ter.. how are you guys? Well, lets see if this puppy goes through.
Labels: Hi strangers
Pigeon Forge
Lavinia, I'm going on Saturday so we will miss each other again. Maybe we can meet up at the Asheville show the first weekend in Aug. I'll take a picture of your quilt in PF and post it for you. The two ladies going with me are very involved with church on Sunday and other events during the week. As it is, I'm reneging on the quilting exhibit in an antique mall on Saturday we do every year on National Quilt day. The guild has grown to something over 150 members so I think it won't be a problem. At least it shouldn't be. I don't think I've missed one since the inception of this custom. We set up a frame and small booth decorated with small wall hangings and quilters not occupied at the frame bring hand work to do.Gotta run to guild meeting.
Jane celebrating another gorgeous spring day in NC
checking in
I returned home on Saturday evening from the big Sewing Expo in Atlanta/Duluth, GA. It was fun and I had lots of great classes. If any of you don't live near the large quilt shows (AQS in Paducah, Houston, etc.) just google in "sewing expo" and see what comes up close to your area. The one I attended (www.sewingexpo.com) has quilting classes and has recently partnered up with AQS in order to tap into the AQS teacher pool. I go for the garment making classes and vendors. :-) With the AQS teachers in the schedule now, I may take a quilting class next year. I'll miss Paducah again this year, as it conflicts with a pants-fitting class I'm taking in Cincinnatti. ~sighs.....~BETTY L - your labradoodle is precious!!! There are two in our neighborhood (different owners) that same color and I love it.
ROSEY P - you forgot to tell Jane to stay away from chocolate & sugar. (roflol) I find staying away from wheat (bread, crackers, anything with flour) helps my hip fluff stay under control. Ummm ... that and peanut butter.
JANE IN NC - wonderful pictures! Our trees our starting to bloom and the Bradford Pears will be in full bloom by week's end. Some are starting to open already. Pollen count is high for "tree" pollen and this is early, IMHO.
SARA IN FLA - 15k ??? Wow! I'm impressed. The most I've ever walked is 6 miles. Did you run or walk? I can't run. I can walk faster than I can run. I look like those other folks who "jog" that I know I can walk faster than their jogging. ;-)
DH and I go back to Hot-lanta again this Wednesday. He has a Spring Seminar to attend and I will amuse myself by hitting the high-end stores in Lenox Square and Phipps Plaza malls. I don't buy anything, but love to look at all the beautiful clothes. I consider it an educational field trip for my own clothes-sewing.
I'll also venture over to the IKEA store Atlanta got some 18 months ago. I've never been to an IKEA and was warned to take a sandwich and canteen --- apparently it's huge and one can get lost in there. Maybe I need a compass and GPS and cell phone???
Must run .... volunteering at the Adult Ed ESOL classes and I need to start getting ready. Hugs to everyone!
Doris W. in TN
Pigeon Forge Show
Jane, I am going to PF on Sunday, since I have to wait till 5:30 to pick up my quilt after the show. At this point don't know what time of day I/we are going over.Just returned from a week away from home due to the death of a dear cousin very unexpectedly. We had hoped to go north later in the year and see all my relatives, so the trip came sooner. Made up my mind to see any and everyone else while they are still alive, so did some zigzagging around. It was well below zero and several feet of snow in Saratoga Springs, NY, I will never say it is cold here in TN again.
Still trying to resize the picture of the quilt taken to Pigeon Forge. Will get it here sooner or later (probly later LOL). Right now just trying to catch up with myself. Hugs to all. Lavinia
Labels: Monday March 12
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Foggy morning...
A sure sign of Autumn.... We had the same yesterday but, when the fog cleared, we had a lovely sunny day. I hope we'll get the same today.Worked on my quilt over the w/end and my hands are sore this morning.. bother !! Must remember to take the glucosamine tablets that somebody recommended, maybe that would help ! (I'm not a pill taker but I did buy some tablets, sadly, the bottle remains unopened....)
Spoke to my sister in UK last night. I had met with some friends of hers who were visiting NZ. I thought she would like to hear about that. We phone each other rarely, having been brought up to think of the phone as something to be used in emergencies only !! Strange how those things stay with you isn't it ?! Unfortunately, she doesn't have a computer either, so I can't email her. My other sister is a great communicator and emails me regularly, so I get to hear most of the family news..
Better start my day. Lots to do...the house is looking rather sad and neglected !
Have a good day.