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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Friday, April 20, 2012
I do wish we were having the gorgeous flowers you have been showing us. Winter is not too far away here and the garden is closing down , having said that the weather is so much better than in our Summer, lovely sunny days and crisp night , wonderful for sleeping. I would love some author's names for your mystery books I have changed my preference for reading , mostly because I have read most books in our library and the ones I have requested are still coming.The Help has 512 people before me so as you can see it will be awhile. WE are having a new library in about 12 mths so looking forward to that.I am a real book reader don't like any electronic books, have to have the book in my hands.Guess I must be old fashioned. Sara, so sorry about your mother , she sounds so frail. Hug her gently from me. Re the ads at the top of our posts. Here we must have different ads to you, at the moment it is about fabric, strange.Jane getting old is a problem there is always something hurting. Please take care you have had more than your share of them, Hugs to all ,Bee in NZ.
Weather & Mystery Fan
Rosey, your last post hit the target for me. We are having an early spring way down here. It seems as though we never had a winter. The rhododendron are blooming a month early. The forest is green and the wild flowers are ahead of schedule too. We recently had a freeze warning but it never materialized. I hate to think of how hot the summer will be. Al Brown was right when he accused me of having a 2 degree comfort range. That's Fahrenheit degrees.I, too, am an unapologetic mystery fan. Thank you for endorsing Louise Penney some months ago. I found the one book of hers that I read one that I couldn't put down. I will surely read or listen to more of her work. I haven't been working out at a gym in a long time and that's where I listen to books on the IPod. It's also a good way to pass the time on a long drive. (No headphones in car of course, but most if not all cars have the ability to play the IPod or MP3 through the speakers in the car.) If you haven't tried Alan Bradley's series about the precocious 11 year old named Flavia, who is an amazing sleuth you're missing something wonderful. The series is not only gripping but very funny. I suggest reading his books in the order in which they were published as you get to know the quirky folks who populate her village.
Whelp, I need to get outdoors with the beasties before the rain which we need and appears to be nearby. I'm still in a fair amount of pain some of which is in the wrist which that doc insists is healed but the fracture caused some problem the the joint and the parts don't meet properly. It's especially painful while typing. I might take that problem to the amazing hand specialist who saved the crushed hand four years ago but need to get the shoulder finished first. Still no driving for at least three weeks. That's since 2/8 and I have an advanced case of cabin fever.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Elder abuse---well wait till they read this
I didn't see the add, but since I last posted things have gone down hill fast.The worst is that I called my SIL this evening and brother's temp. spiked to 103.7 today, was down to 101 when I called about 6 PM. Infection coming from somewhere. They think the "pik" line.
Then on top of that, in the wee hours on Sun. AM my Mom got herself to go to the bathroom, evidently took 1 step and fell flat on her face breaking her nose. I woke up to her calling me.
DH was still at the beach. Called 911-they took her to the hospital ER. So, our Sunday was spent in the ER. X-rays of face and head, no further breakage. We stayed there 11 long hours. She came back home. Thankfully she is on hospice care who I called from the ER. There was a nurse here by 11PM, and have had 24 hr. nurses here since then. She is what they call a fall risk. Poor thing has black eyes, black elbows and 1 knee. She looks like "elder abuse" victim.
Tomorrow I'm taking her to respite care for 4 days so I can go on a girl's outing. I'm in need of some quilt/girlfriend time. My dear friend from Mt. Dora invited me down, and I jumped at the chance.
Still working on the long term care, lots of paperwork to fill out, etc. I did find my Dad's Army discharge papers from 1945 (the original and many copies) as well as birth certificates, etc. Lots of old musty papers to go through. Don't remember if I posted or not, but the Veteran's admin. of the US has money available for widows of servicemen who served in a war time. This will help pay for her care. There is also some help available from the state and fed. goverment, but again lots of paperwork.
The DD and family and us spent a few hours in St. Augustine this afternoon before they drove to Orlando for an early AM flight out. Short but good visit. We are talking about what we are going to do for Christmas. My SIL's sister and her DH have a Villa in Cabo-San-Lucas Mexico-they are talking about having everyone out there. I'm not a fan of Mexico -too much violence against Americans--but if everyone else is going I'd go too. Still too far away to tell.
Going to spend time talking "quilt" for a few days and decompress.
Sara in Fla.
Another month

and our front porch will have flowers again. Maybe sooner given the warm weather we've been having this year. The wicker stand belonged to my parents, so it's quite old.
Jane, caught a geriatric ad above on the site, again. Wonder what this posting will bring, if anything.
We found the wind very high this winter and had an accident with the pool cover which allowed a small log to slip in damaging the liner. Today, a new liner is going into the pool. For 24 years we've lived with a turquoise liner and this one is a deep royal blue with an overall white fleck in it. I wasn't sure I'd like it given that the last liner was plain but once the water goes into the pool, it's making quite a difference; the white pattern which I thought would aggravate my eyes, is hardly noticed, instead it looks like tiny diamonds dancing in the water. It will take at least four large tanker loads of water to bring it up to the level at which the pool was lowered for the winter, then we will continue to pull water from our own well to bring it up to above the skimmer.
This is an expensive repair; not one wants in older age, I can tell you.
The weather here in Southern Ontario Canada has been phenomenal however the land is very dry and grass and forest fires will be a serious concern this year unless we get a lot of rain over the next few months. We had very little snow this winter, the first I've ever experienced.
Hope, #2 Aussie is having a spa day, standard cut, puppy cut & po*p path and she'll be ready for the warmer months to come.