crime in the 'burbs
Oh, what the last 24 hrs. have been.
My DH bought out his business partner's 1/2 of the A/C business about 45 days ago. With all the lose ends to tie up we wound up with a jacked up Ford F-250 with all the bells and whistles. We have been attempting to sell it, but with the 11 inches of rain over the last 5 days people have had other things on their minds.
It was sitting outside of our house on the street during the day, and DH would drive it into the driveway at night. Last night I went to bed about 10:00 PM and he stayed up with the dog watching a movie. About 12:00 midnight I heard the dog running around barking, barking, and she wouldn't stop. I finally got up to find DH not in the house, the garage light on, his truck door open, and his truck light on. Well, I know he keeps his hand gun in the truck, so looked around, outside the front door, there were 2 police cars, 2 officers, and DH standing out by the truck. Seems that 3 teen boys stole a van, were driving around in it and decided to steal the truck. They broke out the driver's side window, which is what DH heard. He ran and got his gun and went out there. 2 boys ran off, he grabed the 3rd and had him down on the ground and called 911 on his cell phone. The cops came. They then brought in the cop with the police dog and one of the other boys was caught by the dog. The 2 boys were taken off to jail, DH had to stay out there and give a statement. He finally came to bed about 3AM.
Whew-too much excitement for us.
Being it was raining again today we put a blue tarp over the truck window, then had to get it towed to a Ford shop, as the steering column was broken when the kid tried to hot wire it.
I'm glad 2 out of 3 boys were arrested. Since they were teens I'm fairly sure they gave the name of the other boy.
The truck is now safely in a bay at the Ford shop and our 2 vehicles are normally parked in the garage, so hopefully there won't be any more car break-ins. Several neighbors stoped as they drove by today and 2 said their vehicles were either vandalized or stolen in the last 3 days. Maybe this put an end to the suburban crime spree.
RAIN- at least 11 inches. Thankfully we are not on a creek or beach. Lots of wind. Like a tropical depression that just won't leave. Lots of flooding in some parts of town, but we are OK. I won't have to worry about watering the plants any time soon.
Since my sleep/wake cycle has been upset, going to do some fabric therapy for a few hours. DH is having a few guys over tonight for some pay-per-view fight.
And the beat goes on. . . . . .
Sara in soggy Fla.
ROSEY, reading your post made me think of a crack a woman made when I said that Al and I were retiring to the Sylva area and she was positively horrified. She said something to the effect of "What in the world will you do for the rest of your life!!" Well, I'll tell you what I don't do. I don't sit in traffic jams unless there is an accident ahead, I don't hear traffic noises all night, I don't lock my house most of the time except for nighttime, I don't have to listen to my neighbor's dog yapping under my bedroom window at 2 AM, I don't walk out on a dark night unable to determine if it's cloudy or clear, never seeing star or planet because of light pollution and able to listen to the night critters, especially the tree frogs in the summer and spring peepers in spring. The neighbors who don't crowd me pitch right in when I need help without being bidden. I don't need to plant flowers because Mother Nature provides me with the most botanically diverse area in the temperate zone, I don't need to confine my dog in a pen or at the end of a rope as she can come and go through the dog door as we are far enough from any road and she isn't inclined to wander. I have all the social life I want through quilting activities and volunteer stuff. Taxes are relatively low too. Of course I don't have kids in school here because the schools are fairly poor compared to what my grands have available. Everywhere I have occasion to go I drive through some of the most beautiful views I've ever seen.
I share your concern about having to give up living this way if I live long enough and I'm doing everything I can to keep my brain and body functioning. Right now with the Area Agency of Aging (7 western counties in NC) we are trying to educate the state legislators who are caught in rapidly declining revenues and trying to avoid California's fate, are struggling to get control of the budget, that the cost of providing home care support including respite and other support for care givers in the long run is far, far cheaper than paying to place the folks who can't fend for themselves along in assisted living and nursing homes. NC constitution requires a balanced budget thank goodness so everyone needs to tighten the belt. I've got to get the names and addresses of the federal congressmen and senators working on medical "reform". Instead of meddling in dr./pt. relationships they need to take a hard look at the numbers and realize that the aforementioned need for home care will save millions on medicaid. Now that we old folks don't have the sense to lie down and die we are outnumbering the folks who pay into Social Security and Medicare. DUH! If Bernie Madoff ran a Ponzy scheme he must have learned from the federal government only he didn't have the power to force people to invest. Oh well, I don't want to start a debate. I have more ideas on the issue but I haven't seen any requests so I'll shut up.
On the happy side, I feel good today and have errands to run before I hit the sewing machine. Shadow is now on a kidney friendly diet. When I took her in for a teeth cleaning she flunked the blood work done on old dogs before anesthesia. There's absolutely no sign of infection which would be easy with antibiotics. Vet is quite sure it is a matter of aging (she'll be 13 on 6/30) which requires a significant drop in protein and increase in carbs and fats. Of course she wouldn't touch the special prescribed dog food ($27/10lbs) even with chicken broth and bits of white meat chicken. She is amazingly adept at slurping up the broth and bits of chicken and leaving behind the hated food. I finally tasted it after it absorbed broth and it tastes like chicken. If it were the only thing available and I were hungry enough it wasn't all that bad. Anyway, I am now making her dog food which is messy, multi ingredient pain in the tush and she loves it! It contains browned ground beef (the cheapest fattest kind) white rice (I only eat brown) white bread (I only eat whole wheat) hard boiled egg and a very small amount of calcium carbonate. If anyone has a hint, that is if you haven't all glazed over and scrolled on) about how to convert tablets to powder so I can add the 1/4 teaspoon the recipe calls for I'd love to hear from you. I'll try the food processor.
Another thought on growing old: GET A PET!
Jane, getting off her soap box and heading to the weekly pet adoption place in Sylva to donate the 30 lbs of senior Pro Plan dog food I'd purchased just before the kidney fiasco.
Quiet of the country
Jane, what a lovely post. It perfectly describes what living in the country is all about. Peace and quiet and observing nature in the smallest of ways...birds and nest sitting. I have a small ornamental birdhouse that I put outside in the garden. After years of housing it decoratively in my bedroom, I decided to see if it would survive our hard winters here and it has. It's also, every year, given tiny birds a new home. Last year, it was a family of wrens; this year, chickadees. When I planted my gladioli bulbs last week, I realized, much to the chickadee's distress, they were hatching babies in the bird box. I did the job and now won't disturb them again, except when I water the garden. In the country, there is time to look and so much to see. But there is also the aloness that if living alone may not be the best thing for humans as we are, most of us, pack animals. The long winters are hard on people living in the country where the climate is such that you can't get out and about as easily because of snow and icy conditions. And then there is the thought that when we get too old to cope with all that, where do we move? I hope never to but know it's inevitable if I live long enough. I look at the small town nearby and know the city is creeping northwards; the town is growing and while I enjoy the people who live in the town, the services it offers, the fact that I don't have to get stuck in that awful city traffic an hour away, I don't want to live in a developed community.
Maybe I am a closet hermit. Who knows. I haven't had someone 'looking down my backside' for over forty years. I wonder that I'll get used to it again when the time comes. I believe country people have a harder time adjusting to neighbours. Had we not moved to the country, we would never know that feeling.
at home. I also love the picture of the proud Mama and chicks. I have a
Frazier fir in my front yard that was a house warming gift from dear neighbors five years ago. It hasn't grown much because of the drought of five years but with the recent rains in the past month or two it has a lot of new growth and is filling in. I don't want it too big as I light it up for Christmas and don't bother with one in my very small living room. Although I've never seen robins at this elevation I have a resident family of them in the fir tree right at eye level. I inadvertently hit Shadow's ball two days ago and it flew through the top of the tree. Papa robin came flying out in high dudgeon scolding me until Shadow and I went to the other side of the house to play. However, before my departure from the scene I took a quick peek and there were two of the original three eggs, still a pretty robins egg blue and the third was a completely naked baby still struggling to emerge from the membrane sack. I took off quickly as Papa was frantic and I knew that baby had to be kept warm. Today I took another peek, this time startling Mama and there were three babies fully emerged and with a bit of down. I've got to control myself and leave them alone but it is so
tempting to peek. I do need to know when the
fledging process begins because I'll have to confine Shadow for a couple of days so they can
master flight without being eaten. From now on when I'm in the yard I'll be sure to have the handy digital camera with me but right now I'll give my tenants some peace.
On the few days we haven't had rain in the past few weeks it's been glorious with more wildflowers than I've seen in years. The wild dogwood were fantastic. It's amazing what some rain can provide. Since I'm on a well and public water system isn't available out here I'm doubly delighted with the rain. I haven't seen it this green in quite a few years. I pay a young man to mow and he's cleaning up in more than one way.
Worked a bit today on the wedding quilt. I have some misgivings about what I'm doing but I have too much money and effort invested to change anything.
Meeting with the hard core
hand quilters at the frame tomorrow AM. I so appreciate the fellowship of the small group after my year of relative social isolation.
Jane in NC
Almost Spring??????? Freezing down here
in Paradise, or New Zealand whichever you prefer. We are feeling an icy blast right up from the Antarctic and to add to that lots of rain and wind. Yuk!!!!! I am sitting here at my computer wearing gloves, makes for a fun way of typing. Owing to the time of the year not too much going on. I didn't get the painting done but will finish next year. Takes me all my time trying to keep the house clean, just wish Gus would count his feet , he seems to think I only have to wipe 3 and he takes off on the fourth, hence one muddy paw print across the carpet. he will be a street kid to the end of his days. Our smallest
DGK has just had her first birthday and now runs
everywhere. She is no lady and is very loud, all the pets hear her and run. She is really fun and we see a big difference each week, she has quite a sense of humour and really has her Poppa on, seems to realise I have seen the behaviour before and doesn't try it on with me so much. I am still making the big hexagon quilt, really enjoying it , my DIL is peering over my shoulder each week asking when will I finish it!!!!! Patience girl, patience. Love the NZ fabrics, flora and fauna looking good to me .Have a clearence from the hospital, boob lump is just fatty tissue , PHEW , that was a worry for a while, I tidied up all the cupboards , garden, fabrics and all else just in case. Anyone else do that when they thought they had a problem? My house has never been so tidy, but I know it won't take long to return to normal. Hugs for now Bee, in NZ.
too quiet here!

Everyone must be out enjoying spring?
It's been lovely here even though we have
had some rain (that's us)
The shrubs are all so beautiful & the grass
is so green, it's like you have sunglasses on
all the time.
I've only had a couple days out in the yard
but it's still pretty even with all the weeds!
Hard to believe it's almost the holiday already.
No plans, but nice to have a long weekend even
if it's spent in the dirt on hands and knees.
No quilting here except for once a week with
my small group & we will quit for summer here
in a couple weeks.
Still working on a "Piece O Cake" applique, on the
13th & final block, but it has an applique border too!
It's like my GFG was, just part of me.
So everyone fess up, what are you doing this weekend???
I might have to throw in a picture just for good measure.
No drought here
This morning I ventured out to meet up with the long arm quilter. She has only been in this area about 8 months, having retired from VA. I did like her work and felt confident leaving my quilt parts with her. She helped me pick out a dark pink for the quilting. Since the top has roses in the fabric she will quilt an all over cabbage rose design.
Yesterday's rain was gentle, today's is squalls. Whatever drought the state of Fla. was having should be well gone by Friday. We are supposed to have rain every day and night. Thankfully I don't live on the beach because there are gale warnings and the sand-shrinkage that comes with storms.
Going to stay home for the rest of the day, and most of tomorrow also, it's not worth the dangers of the stupid people who don't slow down. The weather chanel was even broadcasting from out beach area this morning when I was watching.
Milk and cookies sound good right now.
Sara in Fla.