Kathi, my kids' big raft trip this summer is on the Salmon. Their videos are pretty exciting.
Weather was perfect today, low 80s. One hot day with bad air, hope those are limited. The pollution comes from CA up thru OR to us, they say. Cars...are the problem.
No quilting going on here yet. The yard is shaping up, plants growing rapidly and blooming already. Still organizing (moving things around) and settling in.
Two of the three families have 'reserved' a week here this summer. DGSons will do a soccer camp for a week and another DGS has a golf tournament. So good to live closer to them.
Love the photos of homes. Will get the new camera figured out soon to send one from here.
Another whitewater quilter!!
DH and I have enjoyed whitewater rafting for over 15 years now. We don't do kayaking, however, since we have the big 16' raft for our trips. We do some day trips in nearby rivers, but the most fun ones are the weeklong trips down the big rivers around here. Everything we need for a week is packed on the raft, since the rivers are through wilderness areas and we can't get out to buy things along the way. A great way to get together with friends!
Jane, what a lovely area. It makes me want to cry that I didn't go see your house in person when I was in your area. Enjoy Calloway gardens. That is one spot I want to see. Maybe in April when the azaleas are in bloom.
Lack of rain--yes, for almost 2 years. The So. Ga. / North Fla. area is about 16 inches short in rain fall and everything is dry. The big fire in Ga. started about 30 days ago when the wind knocked a tree down, which in turn hit a power poll. The other big fire was started by lightning.
Fun stuff--DH & I have been exploring new spots for the kayaks. A new store, Gander Mountain, opened up to be competition to Dick's. So, we take advantage of the experts and found maps to lots of creeks. We want to go again about 3:00 this afternoon. Yesterday we went to the Tomoka river and it was quite windy. Going against the wind took twice the effort as with the wind.
Must move the quilt squares off DH's pool table so he can shoot a few balls while I mess around here.
Sara in Fla.
How about
commemorating. Next time I'll use spell check. Still taking antibiotics orally. Infection slowly receding.
Watch out for too many pictures upon my return.
so what happened there ?!?
there I was, chatting away to you all and the post disappeared... I must have pressed something I suppose. These fingers of mine have a life of their own !! Lovely to hear from so many people and aren't the photos great. It's wonderful to be able to see where people live, almost as good as visiting.
Lovely day here today . I plan to rake some leaves and enjoy the sunshine. Tonight we are going to a local production of a popular comedy. Should be fun. I do admire locals who are prepared to put themselves on stage in a small community like ours ! Couldn't do it myself !
Do hope Doris enjoys Ireland. I've never been there myself . Every time we are in UK I think we should go over there but it never seems to happen...
DD#1 will be celebrating her 42nd Bday on Sunday ! Now that makes me feel old !! It probably makes her feel old too !
Better get out there and enjoy the sunshine..
Saturday morning..
Jane, how lovely your home looks, what a great setting too, all that fresh Spring growth. You are fortunate to have hills to walk up. Canterbury is very flat, I don't get much opportunity for hill walking. The legs certainly remind me of that when I do find a hill to climb !! So sorry to hear about the cellulitis. That must have been quite alarming. Enjoy your visitor and your few days away. We will look forward to the photos !
Pat,33blocks for the VA Tech families is a good effort. What a nice idea.
Rosey..29mtrs of fabric !?! Is your addiction out of control ?!
Sara, we have had TV coverage here of the fires. It must be very scarey for those who live near by. Keep safe.
Welcome back Raeann !! Enjoy that bird feeder !

Here's where I hang my hat, at least the front half of the place. The view is from the mountain I climb up several days a week with Shadow and often Koko from down the hill from my house.
Lots going on around here including a two day stay at the local hospital due to a cat bite. (cellulitis necessitating huge doses of IV anti biotics)
Have to hurry to get ready for DGF's arrival tomorrow and a trip to Callaway Gardens Sunday through Thursday. We are, at her suggestion, commorating our mutual survival for 70 years with this trip. She and I met in Kindergaten in East Hempstead, NY in 1942. I will take lots of pictures. I'm especially looking forward to the butterfly glass house.
More in about a week when things settle down.
Freeze warning tonight!
Jane in NC
My computer went belly-up this weekend, so I have to use DH's when he's not on it. I mailed off my hard drive to our computer guru daughter in Georgia. She thinks she can save most of the stuff I had on the computer, but when it comes home, we're adding a 4 gig USB key (I have no idea what that is, but DD says that's what we need for each computer) that will save everything every day so that we don't find ourselves in this pickle again. The wonders of modern technology.
I just finished making 33 blocks for quilts for VA Tech families and the family of the fellow that committed the murders. On The Quilt Show one of the members is an alum of VA Tech and started this project. I'll get them in the mail tomorrow.
Pat in Rockport TX
Goodness me
Has any one looked at the Prayer Page lately? I wonder that Sue & Eric bother to host it as it's entirely filled with spam. It's a good source for Viagra if anyone is interested.
Wonderful to see the photos up on the board. The linkage between folks because of the quilt chat board is amazing.
Marion, I don't know that folks in Southern Ontario are working in their gardens, yet. We go from 88F to 40F in a matter of two days and this is the traditional week-end for planting here. It won't happen at the Farmer's Walk, I can tell you. Too cold.
At the moment I'm priveleged to have as my guest, one particularly beautiful rose-breasted grosbeak.
Visited our local fabric 'emporium' (Fabricland) this week and it's the first time I've ever needed a carry-out at a fabric store!! 29 meters of heavy cloth would do it.
I'm sorry to hear about the fires in and around the eastern part of the US. Wonder what is causing it...not enough rain?
Fires here too
I didn't know about the fires in N. J. but glad you are OK. We have had a smokey day here in No. Fla.
There may be a chance of rain tonight! Over 100,000 acres burned in Fla. and about the same in So. Ga. So far no homes destroyed or people killed, but a few new misses. One firefighter covered himself with the fire blanket when the fire jumped the line he was plowing with a big tractor. He had singed ears, but lived to tell about it.
DH has on a tear to try out our new kayaks. We went to a state park about 45 min. south of here yesterday afternoon and did about 2 hrs. of kayaking. Oh! Too much for my arms and neck. Woke up with a blazing muscle cramp in the neck about 4:00 but feeling OK now. My surf shoes smell like swamp water, yuck.
We ordered a digital camera, a Nikon Quick Pick, that should arive in about 2 weeks. Then I can try things out and maybe print somethin here.
This morning I went to the second meeting of the Fiber Artists group here. They are such a giving group, got lots of ideas. Not the least bit stuffy or anything that I was worried about. My mind is racing with all the things I want to do.
Glad Dorris is off to Ireland. Those back problems can be a bear on vacation. I hope she and her DH have a good time, and can give me lots of info. I have Rick Steve's book, as well as others.
Tonight I'm taking a big chicken/rice/coucous meal to a New Members dinner at our pastor's house. They are so sweet to have this every month, several people take turns cooking, and just show up with the meal. At least I don't have to clean my house.
OH! I hear rain and thunder. Will git off the 'puter.
Sara in Fla.
I have been trying for weeks to post. Just switched to a different browzer and then kept getting an incorrect password error. Finally remembered I had it written down on an index card and low and behold, here I am.
Not much to say other than I've kept up with reading and enjoying the photos etc.
Spring has finally settled down here from all the bad storms and all that water. Been enjoying the birdwatching in the backyard. DD brought me an Oriole feeder for Mothers Day and if you feed them they will come. LOL. What beautiful birds contrasted with the brilliant blue of the pair of bluebirds working hard to keep their little brood fed. I hope I get a chance to see the babies when they take wing but thats doubtful.
Just want to say hello and hope to get back here again. LOL
Hugs to all
Raeann in MO
Thanks for the update, Donna!
Good morning all,
Donna, thank you SO much for posting! You've been on my mind a lot since the NJ fires began to be in the news. What a horrible thing to happen. I'm thankful there was no loss of life but it's still a scary thing. Hope things settle down soon for everyone. Let us know if anyone can help in any way.
I go in today for enhancement lasik surgery on my eyes today. I'd had the lasik done last December but the correction was underdone. I've often been cranky since then while I juggled glasses. :-) It's very nice to at least be able to walk around the house and be able to see things. But the distance vision has been a challenge for me. Especially when driving. Thankfully I had glasses to improve the distance vision while in Australia. Otherwise I could have been one VERY cranky tourist. I hope this surgery gets me to a better level of vision.
Other than that, not much going on here. I don't post much because I can't think of much to say. :-) Plus the weather has been so nice that I'll admit to just enjoying it. The flowers are blooming and the roses have loads of buds. Once the roses start blooming they should be lovely most of the summer. It's also wonderful to have windows and doors open for the fresh air. By the end of winter I begin to feel almost claustrophobic after so much time without fresh air in the house.
Doris, I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I commend you for going ahead on your adventure. Hope all goes well and you have loads of fun!
Can't recall what else I meant to comment on so will close. Hugz to all those who need them,
Mary in Oregon
checking in... it's too quiet here (grin)
We have been quiet here lately! The DH and I leave for Ireland today and will be there for two weeks. We'll mix in golf and sightseeing, with a little more sightseeing than golf. LOL We'll be along the east/southeast side of the island this time. I almost didn't make it . . . I threw my back out horribly on Sunday. I fainted three times from the pain in the wee hours of Monday a.m. just trying to get to the bathroom.
By Tuesday I could shower and make it to the chiropractor who was able to straighten me out. He has a table that 'separates' lengthwise and he does a maneuver called decompression. It worked on whatever I had done to my back, and I'm forever grateful. Within an hour I was able to sit without pain. I'm still on megadoses of ibuprofen but am 90% improved. (100% being total recovery and no pain at all) Next we went to the Orthopedic specialist for a second opinion, a 'medical' one in case we needed to use our trip cancellation insurance coverage from our VISA credit card. He gave me muscle relaxer Rx and said "go".
Don't y'all worry; my DH will not let me lift a single suitcase on the trip so I'll be okay. All the walking will make my back stronger. Orthopedic specialist gave me muscle relaxers for nighttime only, and I don't know if they help or not but I take them anyway. Sleeping (ha!) on the plane tonight will be uncomfortable so I'm glad I have them.
So, that's all that's new around here and that is plenty enough IMO. LOL I'll check in when we're back home in a couple of weeks. I'm sending hugs to everyone!!!
Doris W. in TN
I see we have been rather quiet these days. Is everyone out in their gardens enjoying the sun? I guess you have heard on the news about the wild fires in the wooded areas of Ocean and Burlington Countys, in New Jersey. It has been all over the news. We finally got some steady rain last night and it really helped cool down the fires. No one was killed, a few injured and many home were destroyed. They shut down the parkway and Route 9 that goes along the parkway was bumper to bumper with people trying to get to work, and back. It is only one lane going in each direction. Most of the fire is contained this morning. Every thing should be back to normal soon. Donna, LEH,NJ
A quiet week...`
on the
BBchat... I know it takes a moment to sign in, but, with less than an average of three posts a day during this last week, we are in danger of losing touch with each other. For me anyway, that would be a real loss. I have so enjoyed hearing about the lives of other
BBers. It's an endless fascination to me that we have such
similar problems and situations to deal with... along with our passion for quilting
ofcourse !! My own life is full and busy but, when I have a moment, I love to make a cuppa, switch the computer on and read of other peoples lives and families..
today's photo of the three couples enjoying their time together. It's very special when we get to spend time with other
Off to bed now.
I met TerTer today with Marty!

Let's see if I can possibly post a couple of pictures. Never did this before. DS is standing by to help.
I met TerTer and Marty today in Stowe! All of our DHs came too, and we had a great lunch, lots of gab and bunches of pictures. Let's see if I can show you...
Okay, I think that worked. That's Marty on the left, then me (Jean), then TerTer in the top picture. In the bottom picture it goes Marty and John, me and Bob, TerTer and Mark. Quite a good-looking bunch, aren't we?!? Of course, we had to be after Marty all day to behave (which didn't work-snort!) which made it even more fun! I think even the DHs had a good time! What fun!! More pictures should be forthcoming from the other gals.
Jean in VT
Bits & Pieces
It's a leaden sky and I've just hung out my flannel sheets...inviting rain, for sure. On the way into town just after lunch today I had the great priviledge of stopping to let a doe cross the roadway with a tiny, tiny baby behind her. Not more than a day or two old, it's little legs were wobbly and fragile as the fawn tried to keep up with its mother. She waited on the other side and when her baby had made it safely across the road, it gamely tried to keep up with its mom. It almost takes my breath away to see such a sight.
Friend Gay is here lashed to the sewing machine. At home she wouldn't spend the time to make the baby quilt that she is giving away as a gift to a new mother...spring and babies...
And Jock and two gentlemen from Quebec are driving out to the glider club with the intent, if the glider meets their requirements, to sell his first glider, an ASW 20. It is a part of our life that represents much in the way of freedom for Jock with his gliding aerobatics, which, as he grows older, isn't going to happen again. Another mark of time passing.
Where I live

We live in the center of Iowa in this house and have for 24 years.
In order to see the mountains we visit my sister every summer on Bainbridge Island WA or my DH's brother in Boulder CO. We also get to see some peaks in Phoenix AZ where our daughter lives.
But, its always good to come home.
Monday morning
Lovely hot air baloon picture. That is one thng I want to do before turning 60. Mybe for my next birthday I'll treat myself.
We have been testing kayaks for over 2 weeks, going out for test paddles, and looking. Finally bought 2 on Friday afternoon. Had been looking at double ones, but I decidd I wanted to paddle my own kayak, and that 2 10' ones would be easier to take in the truck bed than one 14' one. Yesterday afternoon went on a scouting mission to 2 county parks and 2 state parks nearby. Some nice areas near here that I didn't know existed! Two of them have boat launching areas that would be good to put in at. We plan to stick to the creeks and small parts of the rivers.
Saturday we went to a wedding, I either got food poision from the shrimp, or something else. Wound ut throwing up and having cold chills till about midnight on Sat. Slept in Sunday morning. Never got to see DD or the grands, so hopefully can do that tonight.
Sad news. One of my quilting friends (and fellow volunteer) husband's died suddenly on Saturday. He had been taking an experimental blood thinner, and it evidently caused internal bleeding that could not be stoped. I know she is in shock, but think she has a good case for a law suit in his case. She isn't the type to sue anybody however.
OK, going to actually walk this morning. Did lift weights 3 x last week, but no walking. The smoke from the fires has shut down parts of I-95, I-10 and other spots, and made the national news. The fires from GA. have spread to areas west of us, and we are all hoping for rain today. The other thing on today's list is the boob squish, and bone density testing. . . . . .Joy.
Sara in smokey Fla.
Early morning in my garden..

and the noise of this landing nearby, woke us both up ! It was probably a "mothers day treat" for someone !
Just off to visit two friends. A remarkable pair, he in his mid nineties, she in her late eighties and confined to a wheel chair.. They manage at home, with support and are a delight to visit. The lady still does the most amazing embroidery, it's like going to an exhibition to visit their home. I always come home inspired.
Cooler here today, very still and slightly damp. Not a good day for the washing !!
Happy Mothers Day
Cooler here, that is welcome. 89 yesterday.
We went to early service this morning, contemporary. Music was lively. The children's choir was great. My vote will be to return rather than the staid second service. Then to brunch which was nice, too.
My ideal day is scheduled: calls promised from all three kids, some work in the garden and a long time relaxing with the paper. Sounds perfect. An angel arrived yesterday, holding a small kitten. I collect this type and love this addition. Gift cards, too from the boys - funny how we still call them boys when they are in their 40s.
I have been collecting reds for a quilt - from orangey to cranberry shades. No other colors will be used. Do they need washed? They will be starched thoroughly before cutting. This one will be queen size and for me. Have not done that for a long while. Good summer project.
Happy Mothers' Day!
Since no one is here to make me breakfast this morning I thought I would pop in to wish all the mothers and grandmothers and step-mothers and motherly types a wonderful day today!
I am going to treat myself to a nice breakfast and a leisurely read of the Sunday paper and then will spend some quality time with my weed whacker...
Jean, still lounging in jammies this morning...