Here's where I hang my hat, at least the front half of the place. The view is from the mountain I climb up several days a week with Shadow and often Koko from down the hill from my house.
Lots going on around here including a two day stay at the local hospital due to a cat bite. (cellulitis necessitating huge doses of IV anti biotics)
Have to hurry to get ready for DGF's arrival tomorrow and a trip to Callaway Gardens Sunday through Thursday. We are, at her suggestion, commorating our mutual survival for 70 years with this trip. She and I met in Kindergaten in East Hempstead, NY in 1942. I will take lots of pictures. I'm especially looking forward to the butterfly glass house.
More in about a week when things settle down.
Freeze warning tonight!
Jane in NC
Love your home especially your porch. I'd love to have one so that I could thumb my nose at the mosquitos and black flies. Martha in Maine
Jane, it's really lovely! (Are those peonies by the door? Can't wait till mine get big enough to bloom - the lady down the road has "heirloom" ones she promised to divide and give me some this fall). Thanks for the pics! Lavinia
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