For Grace
I know that I can add my comments to Grace's posting but forget and reach for the sign in at the top of my tool, here goes...Grace, thanks for the update on J's health issues and I agree that you must all feel enormous relief to have a reprieve with his good health. Also, too, a reminder that some of us, me in particular, are reaching an age where strokes, even silent strokes, can happen so easily.
At a quilt meeting last week, I met up with an acquaintance who is a friend and inspector of my husband's glider each year. They don't live far from us here in the country. Her husband, retired from his regular job, services and repairs aircraft, motorized and glider planes. His workshop, a huge barn-sized building is full of every imaginable part for an airplane and the tools to fix it. His wife has given him an ultimatum...clean out your workshop.... which she fully believes he will ignore because once something is thrown out, Murphy's Law means it will be needed the following week.
I keep thinking we need to pare down ourselves and heaven help us...we've been here 23 years going on 24. My husband is a collector of mechanical things to say nothing of our garage, basement, his workshop in which resides at least forty old fashioned extension cords. My studio is mild compared to his workshop and besides, any respectable quilter would have my studio cleaned out in a flash if I corked off before dealing with it.
Gloomy day here in Southern Ontario, Canada...the focus for today is to wire up the outdoor Christmas tree which was liberated, not stolen, from a field nearby ours...our evergreens have grown far too tall to be used in this manner....we have to wire the tree to the house, put it up outside, with tiny lights on it and it stays there until April when the snow melts. It helps brighten our lives in the long dark winter months ahead. The wind on the Niagara Escarpment will take the tree off in no time unless we attach it to the house with wires...
Miss AnnieBelle is beckoning with a voice that would challenge the best of opera singers...she wants OUT.
Some fairly good news
I posted this on the wrong page, I apologize.
Well after almost a month and a half of a lot of guessing and wondering DH has finally finished with all the medical tests and checkups(and there were a lot), and they have giving us some final results.
First of all he is fine.He is in excellent medical health, but he did have two small strokes, one after the other. There seems to be no remedial bad results, except the short term memory loss.We can learn to work with that. ( It is actually a little different than the way we seem to forget thingsLOL)
We were extremely lucky in that we got him to the hospital in time and the really fast treatment there.So lucky.
The anomaly to me is, that some one who is in such excellent health, can have two strokes( even small ones)
Lots we have learned here and life continues, and so does winter. We even had a little covering of snow. I am trying to convince myself that that was winter . ( Don't believe it)
Back to the season getting ready.
Later all . Be happy.
Happy Thanksgiving
Yummm-- Just got back from Cracker Barrel where we had our Thanksgiving dinner. I will say their pecan pie is just as good as mine. They served it warm.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. If you don't celebrate, as in the DUGS, happy Thursday.
I have hit a snag in the portrait quilt, and will give it a rest for a few days.
Going to watch football, nap on the couch.
We did manage to get in a bike ride about noon, and talked to the DD and DGBoys on the phone this morning. We always watch the Macy's parade, and they were watching it too. Someone stole a pair of new snow boots (we think) from the boy's unlocked garage last week. Or, they could be hidden in the many piles of laundry waiting to be washed.
There are no dishes to wash, but I'm thinking of making an apple pie later. Using Comstock pie filling, so not much work. It is good for breakfast with coffee.
Sara in Fla.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am just posting to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you're not from the US, have a blessed day and weekend.
My plans for the day have changed. DH is sick, probably with the flu, and he didn't decide that he was sick soon enough for the tamaflu to work. I may have had it last week when I thought I had a bad cold and a sinus infection, or I may be just about to come down with it any day now. His symptoms resemble mine from last week, so maybe I just spread flu all over the high school... In any case, I'm not risking exposing his mother or mine to flu, since neither has had a flu shot yet.
There are only 3 more weeks of school for us before our Christmas break. Our state-mandated end of course testing (for two of my three courses) is December 7th. The next week we give exams, but anyone required to take an end of course is not being required to take an exam this year, as their EOC score will count the same amount the exam would. So I get to find something for them to do for a week...
Laura in Alabama
Home Dec Fabrics, Thanksgiving, etc.
Sara in FL - Calico Corners and Hancock's in Paducah are expensive, when it comes to Home Dec. fabric prices. JoAnn's Home Dec fabric is expensive, also, unless you have a coupon or catch it on sale. Here is a link to a site that has much more reasonable prices. I ordered from them a year ago and was very satisifed with the prices service:
HouseFabric.comYou might like their Tommy Bahama selection - island flavor without being outright "beachy".
I took a class at my sewing machine dealer on placemats last week. I was amazed over how easy and fun it was! Now I'm busy making some more with Xmas/winter fabric for gifts.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our U.S. BB Chat ladies. :-) I'll be making three different dishes today that will be carried to my sister's house tomorrow. NO cake will be baked, so I don't have to worry about forgetting the flour. (LOL)
Thanks Rosey:
There is a small Calico corners here in town. I had forgotten about them.
I drove over to the yoga class today, oops, the only one there. Guess everyone is taking off for Thanksgiving. Will go across the big bridge to the other Jo-Ann's in a few min.
We decided to go out to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving dinner this year. (did I say that before?)
Only the 2 of us. I am thankful!
Sara in Fla.
Calico Corners...but that's way down on the other side of Florida for Osprey south of Sarasota. However they have a website with fabrics on it. I've bought almost all of my curtain fabric for my home here in Canada when I've been down in Sarasota. Don't know if there is a Calico Corners on the east side of Fla.
Fabric questions
This isn't really a quilt related question, but at least fabric.
I've been searching internet sites for drapery fabric. So far just Mary Jo's and Hancock's of Pad. for some drapery fabric. This is for the beach condo. There is just so much out there.
Any suggestions for web sites? We don't want anything to "beachy" no star fish, etc. But not too conservative either. I'm thinking of stripes in aqua, teal, sandy colors. There is so cute Tommy Bahama fabric out there, but expensive. These will have to have lining, and the one space is 11 1/2 feet across, 8 ft. high. So, will take lots of fabric. Will have to have them professionally made, I just don't have that type of work space. and wouldn't want to do them anyway.
The bedroom can have something different, maybe more like palm fronds, or something tropical in feel.
I'm open to ideas! Will check my local Jo-Ann's also and there is one Designer fabric store somewhere in town. I think they have sales in Jan.
OK, going to go to a girlfriend lunch today for someone's 52nd birthday, or maybe 53rd.
She says that she is forgotten as her birthday is before Thanksgiving, so we are all taking her out, about 6 of us.
Sara in Fla.