Saturday, September 8, 2012

Printing Photos on Fabric

It has been a few years since I tried photos on fabric. I Googled it and see there are some newer methods.  I'm planning a quilt for a severely injured young man who had an RPG explode within 1-2 feet (in Afghanistan). He was in Airborne training with my grandson.  He had 7 surgeries in 2 weeks, brain concussion and trauma, lots of broken bones, steel rod put in lower right leg, etc.  He's doing great now, however, and is in a wheelchair. He will be sent to a military base for rehab next week (we don't know where yet).  I want to put pictures of his buddies in the quilt, thus my asking if anyone has any ideas about it -- I had hoped to buy fabric and do it rather than buy the pricey sheets (there's something new by EQ, I read).  I have an HP computer with Vivera ink.  Give me your thoughts, please.  Thanks! God Bless America and BRING THE TROOPS HOME.  Lavinia/AZ

A lovely Spring morning

after a horrendous night of wind and rain and thunder and hail. So much for spending time out in the garden trying to sweep the mess up after the last lot. Gus is a wimp about thunder and his pills help but he still tries to hide under my chair in the computer room. He is about the size of a fat lab. He can get his head and shoulders under it and I have to cover the rest with a blanket, this comes of having a rescue dog who was abused. The thing is he can't get out and I have to move the chair for him.He is such a loving goof I don't really getting up at night to help him. I can't seem to win with animals as ours are all idiots. No quilting here just trying to tidy up . My mobility is shot and everything takes me at least twice as long , I am not complaining just cross and grumpy. My mind goes ninety to the dozen and my body is hours behind. So much for growing old. I am still very pleased to wake up in the morning when the alternative is not to do so. I am really waffling today, I must need more coffee. Hugs for now will write when I can find something more interesting to say. Hugs to all. Bee.

To Cool you off, Laura

Posting a photo on this blog is not that easy for people who are unfamiliar with computer programmes.  This one is more convoluted and not as easy to load up pictures but I'm assuming that the changes are upgrades for Eric and the fact is, I'm learning something new, which is good.  I have a Quilt Chat Sign in on my tool bar so that part is easy.  I just click on that.   Then the screen tells me to put in my password.  That's easy.  But when I put in my password up comes a screen that asks me if I'd like to sign up for or create a blog.  No.  So, I click on my return screen button and that disappears and up comes the screen that allows me to post.  If I want to add a photo, I click on the tiny picture of (looks like sky & mtns) on the post tool bar at the top next to the word 'link'.  When I click on this, it takes me right into my picture file and I can select and upload from there.  I expect computers will have different programmes.  (And I've just had a power serge on my computer.  I have a device that accommodates this but we're having a storm right now so I'm thinking I might better get off the computer quickly). 

I have also been busy but it's nice to read other's posts and between the B&B and my new puppy, I haven't had much free time.  Puppies are not for everyone, particularly someone my age and thankfully, there are those who do rescue work and will take in older dogs.  For me, I bond better with a dog raising it from a puppy and somehow the delight of watching a puppy discover the world is something that I enjoy.  They do not come cheaply.  Nor does their care afterward but it's part of the commitment I'm prepared for and they are my life, this breed of Australian Shepherds.  I have a one and a half year old, Annie by name; the pup, nutmeg in colour, four months and an old girl here who has an enlarged heart and may well have had it since birth.  She is on lasix and is slowly retaining fluid.  Whether the lasix can keep ahead of the fluid accumulating in her system remains to be seen.  She's holding her own but she's always 'huffed' and not been an active dog so she may have had heart damage from birth.  She's twelve and a half and needs close watch as she's in diapers to catch the results of the lasix.  If we live long enough, we seem to end up in diapers but I didn't expect a dog to go through this.

Now that I've blathered on and eyes glazed over, the photo above was taken of the grassy laneway that runs across several properties which  locals here call the farmer's walk.  It runs from the old farmhouse, of which our property was part of years ago and across four properties to the north.  It's very pretty when we've had a snowfall.  Hope this helps visually cool you off, Laura,

Friday, September 7, 2012

catching up

Sarah, email the photos to yourself. Then open them on your desk top. I have been so busy I haven't posted, and I notice few others have as well. I hope everyone is OK. I'm going shopping tomorrow for supplies to make casserole carriers for the church craft sale. Every year I try to find something that will sell well, and so far, no luck. People have commented on how much they like the one my grandmother made for me, so I'm going to try that one this year. We have already finished a fourth of the first semester, and this year is going better than last. The AC, however, has not been working properly for the last several days, and I am coming home dehydrated, even after carrying bottles of water to work. I had intended to stay at school and work this afternoon, and then go to the football game, but I decided that sitting out in the heat watching the game would not be a wise decision. I'll grade papers in the AC at home and do some work for the business instead, and get to bed early. One reason I have been so busy is that I have been performing in dinner theater at church. The production was the last weekend of August, and I have been playing catch up ever since. We're supposed to get some storms tonight and tomorrow, and then a cool spell. I hope it lasts for a few days! I haven't been to the Botanical Gardens in almost 6 weeks. I'd like to get there this weekend if I can fit it in. The picture here was shot at the end of July.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I thought I posted here but. . . . .

Thought I put up a post early this morning.  It must be in cyber land.  When I can get my DH to sit down with the I-pad and transfer the photos to the desktop I'll attempt the posting of the wedding dress picture.  The I-pad takes great pictures, and is easy to use.  But, Don't quite know what to do as a next step.
I decided today to pamper myself, got the feet and nails done, then had my eyebrows waxed, oh-the hair.  My eyesight isn't what it used to be, and the glasses hit the area right around the eyebrows.  Will have to be groomed more often.
Just signed up for the fall yoga class.  Really missed it over the summer.  I tried the Y class, but hated it.  On Thurs. AM starting next week can get some good stretching and balance work done, and it's close to home.
Going to put the borders on a baby quilt then watch mindless TV.  Lately I've been hooked on "Covert Affairs" watching the older programs, as I can't stay up to 11:00 to watch the new ones.  One of the good things Comcast does.
Not a lot going on, spent 3 days at the beach condo last weekend.  DH decided we needed to ride our bikes 10 miles Sun. and Mon. mornings.  My legs and knees hurt still.
Sara in Fla.