Saturday, July 14, 2012

Checking in

This Google Blogger stuff is driving me batty.   For the past month or two, it has not allowed me to post from FireFox or Internet Explorer.  So I uploaded Google Chrome and it has been working.  Tonight Google Chrome will not let me even locate(!) the Dashboard so that I can post, so here I am on IE.   AAaarrrrrggggghhhhh!

Sara in FL - I rememember Sanford & Son.    LOL    Or maybe y'all looked like the Beverly Hillbillies?  

DH and I went to the mooovies tonight.   We rarely go, and had a hard time remembering the last one we saw in a movie theater (Mission Impossible on New Year's Eve).      We saw  "Moonlight  Kingdom"  and thoroughly enjoyed it.   It is quirky humor and was made by the same guy who made "The Royal Tennenbaums." 

Well, now to see if this will post from Internet Explorer . . .

Sat. evening back home safely

I do think DH was driving over the speed limit, but I didn't look.  Anyone remember the old Sanford & Son TV show?  We looked like them.  The truck DH bought for his business came in real handy.  Electric surge while we were gone, the back yard grass is brown, and the TV set was on "blue screen", but otherwise none the worse for 1 week away.
We are going to the neighborhood Mexican place for taco salad and a large frozen Margarita in about 60 min. then I'm going to sleep for 12 hrs. or so.  Do the unpacking tomorrow.
DH brought back a 4 door file cabinet and my dad's old air compressor.  Since he did so much work I didn't say anything.  7 or 8 large Sterlite bins of stuff, pluss a keyboard (to give to my niece).  I am itching to go lock myself up and quilt for a week.
The $3,000 for the lawyer was a good investment.  He is THE senior affairs attorney in P. B. Co. and told us we can sell the house after all.  Set up a "personal services representative" plan, so the money can go into it.  The real estate agent said the house will go on the MLS listing on Wed. with the outside pictures.  She thinks one of the foreign investors will come pay cash for it.  I pray she is correct.
OK, off to flop on the couch for 45 min. and wait for the highway to stop in my brain.
Sara in Fla.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Advice for daughters

Hi- still in south Florida, cleaning out.  My advice to any and all who have pictures of children, parents, etc. is to label the pictures.  I know now people are going to digital storage, but there are 1,000's who have old pictures lying about.  We have thrown away so many because don;t know who they are/where they were taken.  About out of energy/time to do any more.  We have packed up lots of depression glass, and given away pots and pans.  Did find an auction house that we will take some chairs to tomorrow AM.  We have hired someone to come in and have a tag sale in 1 week, we just can;t do everything.
Sara in Fla.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sisters Quilt Show meet?

  I hope to be at the Sisters show on Saturday, July 14.  (I got sick last year so hesitate to be TOO firm on where I'll be this year.  LOL!)  I think Jill might be there and maybe Betty Locke?  Can we attempt to meet? 

  Would it be okay to meet behind The Stitchin Post in the shade under the trees?  I'll be the fluffy person laid out panting if it's hot. 

  What time?

  Hope to see a few there,
  Mary in Oregon

Monday, July 9, 2012

cleaning out house in South Fla.

I've been off the WWQP a few days, right now I'm at my Mom's old house in Lake Worth, Fla.  We went to a senior affairs attorney this morning and am working on a "Personal Care" contract so that I can sell her house, and the contents.  There are some actual antiques that we need to have appraised and sold, lots of old pictures, newspaper clippings, etc. to go through.  Mom taught 3 year olds for many years, and there are some of her old books still here.  Letters from her grandmother to her, etc.  Lots of things to throw away and decisions to be made.
We are thinking of listing the house with a real estate agent too keep us from having more headaches.  The house is in run-down condition, old kitchen, old bathrooms, and single pane windows.  It does sit on a nice corner lot and is in Palm Beach County so hopefully we can clear some money when all is said and done.
We spent the 4th of July at Jacksonville beach.  Too dang hot to go out in the sun from 9AM to 6PM, but the fireworks were nice.  I did take time to go to one quilt store and bought just enough fabric to make a rail fence quilt for the nephew's wife who is expecting the end of August.  She wanted lavender and aqua, so I found 2 FQ and then 1 yard of mermaid fabric with the colors in it.
We will stay here until Saturday, load up more dishes, pictures, and nick nacks and head back to home.
Sara in Fla.