WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Friday, March 2, 2007
March 2
For Karen - my deepest sympathies to you and your family. Our moms can compare quilting ideas upstairs.
For Kathi - I too, add my thanks for our military guys who put their lives on the line so that we can live in a free country. I know you are ecstatic to have Rick home.
Marie in Maryland
For Karen - my deepest sympathies to you and your family. Our moms can compare quilting ideas upstairs.
For Kathi - I too, add my thanks for our military guys who put their lives on the line so that we can live in a free country. I know you are ecstatic to have Rick home.
Marie in Maryland
Kathi, I second Pat's request to give thanks to your son for his service. I alwauys try to do it when I see uniformed service people. When I was in the Hampton, VA area last week, I couldn't possibly thank all that I saw, but I did make a good effort. Langley Air Force Base and the Naval base is there. Lots of cute sailors, too, teehee. My dd does it also and I think it really means a lot coming from a young person.We have had at least a foot of snow since yesterday and are supposed to get up to 3" more today. I'm loving it. Just about everything is closed, my boss closed the quilt shop about noon yesterday so I didn't work last night. Aside from taking out the tractor to blow out our really, really long driveway, I can stay in and sew, sew, sew.
I met Mary in OR and Lorraine at the show last weekend. They were supporting the economy as was I. I managed to get a few items; a really large cutting mat, featherweight accessories and 1 FQ. I really don't need more fabric so I did pretty well in that area!
Have a nice day!
Sandi in MN
Labels: stuff
How 'cum sons are much bigger than their mothers??Kathi, you must be hugely relieved and happy with your son safely home now. What a lovely photo and has the smile left your face yet? Wouldn't me...
We are under a layer of ice on snow today. I'm about to get out and 'walk' the laneway...the Aussiedogs found it tough sledding this morning so I can see it's going to be slide, crunch, sink, repeat. I am to have guests from Lansing, MI today but wonder what the highways are like coming east from there or even if they'll attempt the drive. If they come, they'll cross at Sarnia. Ontario is very good at getting their roads back into shape and I heard huge crunching on the 5 side road just south of us as the road plough went by. A snow blower won't cut through this rhime of ice so we'll have a few problems to deal with this morning.
My fingers and hands are sore with all the work on this bird quilt but it's slowly coming together. The borders are on three sides, one to go. All the birds are completed but not all sewn down. I have my three friends, Beckie, Denise and Joan to thank for the creative use of fabrics on the birds and for opening my eyes to the great possibilities of odd looking pieces of fabric. I've always searched through batiks for gradations of colour but the linear designs on fabrics is something they've taught me. Now for a whole new collection of fat quarters...leaving my purse less than fat.
Kathi in Idaho
What a handsome young man, Kathi. Both my husband and I would appreciate it if you would let your son know how much we appreciate his service to our country. He and his fellow servicepeople are truly heroes to us.We have been having temps in the 70s for a while now, after a chillier-than-normal winter, but really not bad weather. I was horrified to hear about the tornados in AL and hope that they weren't near any of our "family" here on the board.
Pat in Rockport, TX
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Home again

My youngest son returned today from a 13 month deployment in Afghanistan. Here's a picture of a very happy Mom with her soldier.
My post went onto the BB side, but I wanted to make sure that you know that you also have my heartfelt condolences.Kathi
Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your mother. You were there for me when I lost mine and I'm here for you now. Give my special buddy a hug as I know she is hurting too, as is your entire family. Sending thoughts and prayers to your family.Raeann in MO
Thinking of you,Condolences on the loss of your Dear Mom.Though perfect words are all too few. perhaps it will help to know , that you;re always in the thoughts of those who care.
Hugs to you and the family.
Grace in On.
For Karen and family
Karen - Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss. Also, your dad is also in my prayers and thoughts. This must be devastating for him as well after so many years together.Hugs and prayers to you,
Helen in SW FL
For Karen
Karen, I too send you deepest condolences in your grief. I know how losing a beloved mother is so difficult to deal with. You are in my thoughts and I send you a gentle cyber hug.God Bless,
Karen, please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother. To lose a mother is a hard, hard thing. We will continue to hold you and your father in our hearts.Jean
Karen....my condolences on the loss of your mother...no words can say the right thought but know that you are in our prayers
Pigeon Forge
Jane, I'll send you the pics via e-mail. Yes they are saved in JPG format. I will be going to Pigeon Forge on Sunday the 18th, and have to stay until after the show closes to pick up my quilt at 5:30. So guess I'll miss just about everyone I'd like to see/meet/have lunch with. They also have two venues again this year. And I just learned they do not plan to take advantage of the new county convention center when it gets built, but will stay where they are. I'll omit my feelings about that LOLOL.... Lavinia-TNKAREN
Dear Karen,I know there is nothing any of us can say that will make things less painful for you but I hope you know that all of us, including the lurkers, feel for you and wish for you peace and comfort where you can find it. I'm sure you will have a more difficult time of it than normal because of your DF's situation. My condolences to both of you at this difficult time and in the coming months.
Jane in NC
Dear Karen,I know there is nothing any of us can say that will make things less painful for you but I hope you know that all of us, including the lurkers, feel for you and wish for you peace and comfort where you can find it. I'm sure you will have a more difficult time of it than normal because of your DF's situation. My condolences to both of you at this difficult time and in the coming months.
Jane in NC
checking in
Karen in KS - I'm sending you lots of quilty hugs. I'm sorry to learn you lost your mom. Your son sounds like an angel, who gave you wonderful words of wisdom.Welp, I figured out how to get back to posting here again. Apparently I got "signed out" somewhere along the way, and was signing in under the wrong name. I have another identity for my Picasa Album and that one won't work here. ~sighs~
Yesterday I spent 2 hours and $200 at the veterinarian with our little Alex. He gave us quite a scare this past six days. I had purchased some of the Greenies dog biscuits and they upset his stomach terribly. It's a delicate tummy to begin with but he never had a problem with the original Greenies hard 'bone'. For six days he had been "sicker than a dog" lost 1 1/4 of his 13 pounds due to not eating - totally refused! - and it will be a slow recovery of getting his tummy reaccustomed to food. He refuses to eat the rice and pasta the vet recommended. He's a very picky eater.
We've got bad storms predicted today. I may have to unplug the computer. Oh well, we need the rain.
Hugs to everybody!
For Karen
Karen, I would also like to add my condolences on the death of your mother. Growing older is not easy on the person who is experiencing it but harder still for grown children to watch a beloved parent suffer and slip towards the end of their life. You were blessed to be with your mother when she died, not easy for you. Death is not only about loss, it's about our own mortality. Thank you for coming onto the board to let others know so that they can support you in your grief.Rosey
For Karen
Karen, I would also like to add my condolences on the death of your mother. Growing older is not easy on the person who is experiencing it but harder still for grown children to watch a beloved parent suffer and slip towards the end of their life. You were blessed to be with your mother when she died, not easy for you. Death is not only about loss, it's about our own mortality. Thank you for coming onto the board to let others know so that they can support you in your grief.Rosey
For Karen
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your little one is so wise, what a comfort to have such a wise child.Pat in Rockport, TX
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I lost my Mom today
My Mom passed away today after an 8 weeks struggle with cancer.2 months ago she had a colonoscopy that revealed cancer. 2 days after she got the diagnosis, she ended up in the hospital never to go home.
It's been a very hard couple of months for me. I've spend much of my time at her bedside, and was holding her hand when the Good Lord called her home.
After seeing her in the hospital a week ago, Isaac asked me when Grandma would be coming home. I told him that Grandma would never come home, that she would be going to live with God. I started crying, and he looked in my face and said "Don't cry Mommy, we can always pray to Grandma, and she'll always be in our hears". Oh, the wisdom of a child!
Thanks for all who have helped me with their prayers, etc. on this journey.
Karen in KS
I seem to be having the same problem as TerTer and Jane...I was notified that my post had been completed however it is not on the board...testing 1 2 3 LOL Pat in CAAucklands main attractions !

Phoebe 11yrs, Tom 9yrs and Ben 7yrs....(and , ofcourse, their parents !!)
Can you tell that I'm excited ?!
Marion, ( who will be with them this time tomorrow...)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Last day of summer here !
and that's hard to believe ! This has been a poor summer and the "long lazy days " that we look forward, have been few and far between. Fortunately March is often a settled and sunny month so...here's hoping..Jane, I hope you soon sort your problems out. Wish I could help you with some suggestions but I approach the whole process with trepidation ! The one thing I have noticed is that I have to wait until all of the pictures, on the sign in page, are visible before the "sign in" process will work.. I suppose that is fairly basic !!
Celia, you have suddenly become the "expert" here ! Thank you for your help. I hope Terter will soon make it here , I see she can post on the other page.. Loved the photo of your winter wonderland.. I know what you mean about travelling funds all going on visits to the family. We hope to get to UK again this year, with a DD there and four DGC, two sisters and their families, it is a worthwhile trip ,but I often dream of all the other places in the world that I would like to visit......We never seem to manage interesting "stop-overs' either. Always in too much of a hurry to either get there or to return home !
We are off to Auckland tomorrow, to catch up with DD#2 and her family. DH has a birthday on Monday so we thought we would share it with the family.. He misses them all so much. I am more used to being separated from those I love, but it's an experience DH isn't taking to easily.
Enjoy your day,
Just checking in
And wanted to see if I had any trouble with the process. Jane - are you logging in before you try to post? Up in the right hand corner....log in with your email addy and password and make sure you are in the "new blogger" section.We actually have measurable snow on the ground this morning--the first since Christmas Eve. It's now sunny and bright, and the temperatures are predicted to reach the 50s by the end of the week.
I, too, want more info on the retreat. I keep thinking I'm going to get to another one, and somehow things get turned upside down. This time I'll make my plane reservations ahead of time and then can't back out. Of course, if things change retreat-wise, Grace may be stuck with a guest anyway. LOL. I was at the first one in Ohio in 99 and had a great time. So many of those people have since left the Board, but we certainly have maintained a goodly number of them still here. (What a garbled sentence that one was!)
Where would one fly into to reach that part of Canada?
Well the sun is shining and we are supposed to go to -5 Celsius....if the windchill stays down it could get rather giddy in the old town today!..
I am interested too in the retreat at Grace's.....but I thought originally it was supposed to be in sep 08 .... guess I lost or added a year sometime...we are planning on travelling in that area this June if all goes well....never according to plan.....so would be interested in knowing of any tenative dates....
Celia....your backyard is much larger than mine it seems, but I think we could have a snow challenge!!!
Must run...just heard a crash coming from the upstairs area....Sassy Bad Cat is up to something....
I am interested too in the retreat at Grace's.....but I thought originally it was supposed to be in sep 08 .... guess I lost or added a year sometime...we are planning on travelling in that area this June if all goes well....never according to plan.....so would be interested in knowing of any tenative dates....
Celia....your backyard is much larger than mine it seems, but I think we could have a snow challenge!!!
Must run...just heard a crash coming from the upstairs area....Sassy Bad Cat is up to something....
I'm thinking about the retreat. Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson will be in Knoxville in Sept too so I'll have to make a choice. When the dates for ON are set let me know.I'm continuing to have big trouble logging in and now I see I don't have control over the font anymore. Is it my gremlin or Google's? I had to get in, once more, by posting a comment before posting on the board. I had to go through the comment process four times before that worked too. It's getting tiresome. Initially things worked swimmingly. I'll see if Google can help. Even posting this I had to mess with the post button by right clicking it then clicking on "open on a new page". If anyone out there can help me I'd appreciate it. It may be some setting on my computer that has gone awry but I'm too ignorant to deal with anything so subtle.
Frustrated in NC,
Grace's retreat
I'm with Celia; it would be fun to go to Grace's. The MI retreat is a very fond memory of mine. Judging from that one, we would still have fun even if there were no quilt show to attend. We spent a lot of time sewing and talking - and talking and talking!I just spent a weekend with the grandchildren and attending baby Jack's baptism. All went well, and I got in lots of baby cuddling despite the fact that the other grandmother was also there. Mom and Dad didn't get to see the baby much.
I also have my car back and am very happy about that. The weather in the north was gorgeous this weekend, and I got to drive home in the sunshine on bare roads. Quite a contrast to the last time I drove that way. Maybe winter will be over soon? Actually, it would be better if we got a lot more snow. As it stands now, we will be very dry in the spring, and that means lots of forest fires.
Brenda in Nn Ontario
Checking in again.
Irene, I have to confess that I had never heard of Baja so I Googled it. Looks to be a beautiful place. Maybe one day I will be able to travel much farther afield and see some of these lovely places. Right now I use most of my vacation budget to visit my Dad in the UK. He will be 96 in July and still going strong. I call him every week and he still keeps me busy wondering what he will get up to next. Lots of surprises sometimes. lol He has a DVD player now and thinks he is in the world of Hi-Tec. The first time I called him after Christmas when he got it he didn't want to speak to me because he was watching a movie. Had to call him back after it ended and tell him where to find the pause button. Too funny! I try to remember that after all he is from the era of wind up gramophones. Hmmm...actually, I can remember seeing one of those myself at my Grandma's house as a kid. Oh well!Is anyone thinking of joining up for Grace's retreat in Ontario next year? They really are great, and very casual fun ladies ! I hope to be able to go and am planning on being there so far. I remember the last one in MI, Brenda was a bit apprehensive about going, but I know it was Brenda who had the most fun in the end! Hope to see you at the next one Brenda.
We are warming up here a little better each day. At least we are above sub zero temps now. After this month we can start to look forward to spring arriving. Enough snow and cold for this year.
Still trying to get Ter Ter sorted out and registered here, but she will turn up at some time. 8^
Have a great day everyone,
Monday, February 26, 2007
back from Baja
I just (this morning at 1am) got back from a week in Baja. It was an incredible trip.I headed into my quilt room after breakfast and could hardly remember what I was working on. As I said it was a great trip. Tomorrow I will have to drive, I hope I remember how. LOL talk about a complete "switch off".
Jean and Betty, let me know your plans for a visit. It will be wonderful to see you again.
Hugs, Irene in Washington.
We've Talked About Cats and Dogs ....Any Birdwatchers?
As I get older I find I am enjoying sitting on the patio and watching the birds who visit my bird feeders and my fountain. Sometimes I get feathered visitors that are unfamiliar and so I grab my trusty old K-Mart binoculars which seem to be getting heavier. (What, can my wrists be getting weaker? LOL) I think I am ready to invest in new bird-watching binoculars that are lighter in weight than these old 20 oz brutes that I've had for probably thirty or more years. Maybe new lightweight binoculars will have better optics, too. I have Googled the subject of binoculars and gone to websites where I have been overwhelmed by too many technical terms.Any BBers want to recommend lightweight binoculars that are Grandma-friendly? I'll take a personal endorsement from a fellow quilter over a four star rating on a website any day ....
Finally got the pix to load....Sassy Bad Cat on the left
who is 2 years old and YoYo on the lef t who is 15 years old....They have their own private upper bunk bed and a portable tent to boot....they also share the bedroom space with #2 son, but they rule the roost there....
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I haven't been able to log in for several days. It still seems strange to me now. At one point I got an error message saying Google has no such user. I'd been trying to log in by clicking the log in link at the right hand top of the page and nothing would happen after I entered the user name (my email address) and the password. Tonight I came in through the back door with a comment to Grace's post. Earlier today I sent a message to poor beleaguered Eric asking for his advice since I didn't seem to be able to communicate with Google. Hmmm. This gets curiouser and curiouser. Think I'll leave the site and try to come back through the log in link again. Don't want to bother Eric unneccessarily.Jane in NC
well I have no idea where the pictures are, obviously I did something not right. Believe me they are floating out there some where in space.
You know I have this imagine of all the stuff that gets lost as we are learning to use our computer, just floating around up there. Good for a few smiles at least.
Grace who will try again some time.
I managed to send Celia some pictures and that was not hard. This has to be just as easy.
You know I have this imagine of all the stuff that gets lost as we are learning to use our computer, just floating around up there. Good for a few smiles at least.
Grace who will try again some time.
I managed to send Celia some pictures and that was not hard. This has to be just as easy.
news about retreat 2007?
Hello,It is about time to make some decisions , but first I need to tell you. The quilting guild lady that was supposed to look after the quilt show quit in the fall and did not mention to any one that she had. So now a new lady has been found but the quilt show information is sketchy for her , so a whole new format has to be started. So she has postponed the show until May of 2009. So much for my retreat.Maybe. Would those who wanted a retreat still have a retreat. From the events that I had started to list I was already thinking of cutting out some because of time restraints. So I have lots to do. What with our own show and Tell , trunk shows, some demos and a field trip the time would be well spent , even to being together and spending quality time. I need to know what the consensus is among you.
I would still like to do this in Sept. If enough are interested I can start finalizing some of my plans and will let you all know the what , when and how much.The information as it is Final.
Please let me know. kuiken@nrtco.net
I am going to try and post a couple of pics. I finally got some quilts on the computer. the Peace Lily is the first thing I ever worked on as a quilt. It hooked me for paper piecing and it is still my favorite.
The Cathedral window quilt was my second piece and is finally on the bed. Those who were at Rosey's retreat will know that I had started it I had about 5 strips done then. It is now a queen size and all finished. If these two work I will post my most favorite quilt at another time.
I was watching that weather system too Rosey, but it is totally missing us and we have the most gorgeous weather fore cast. We are even going above freezing by wed. Maybe my sewer lines will unthaw sure hope so.
Looking forward to hearing some good vibes.
Hugs to all. Love looking at all the picture. Like having our own private show and time we want.
Too funny!
I sent Ter Ter this picture of my very sad looking, cold back yard, nary a speck of colour in sight. This morning I got a note from her saying that they had a snowstorm in The Redwoods California. Remember, that I live on the eastern seaboard of the Atlantic ocean in New Brunswick, Canada. Ter Ter lives in the Redwoods, California. I will post her picture next. She said I could. 8^
Beer Bread
I tried to post this on the recipe page but it wouldn't post. Hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting it here. Joleen in MNFrom Bernard Clayton's Book of Breads
3 cups self-rising flour OR, if you don't have self-rising, 3 cups all purpuse flour plus 1 tablespoon baking powder and 1/2 t. salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 c. finely chopped oregano leaves (I skip this)
1 12-oz. can beer
1/2 cup melted butter (I cut it to 1/4 & it is fine)
Preheat oven to 350
Measure flour, sugar, salt, (bkg. powder & extra salt) into bowl; stir to blend well. Pour in the beer. Work the batter for a few moments to be certain all of the ingredients are thoroughly blended. Pour or spoon the batter into a greased 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 loaf pan - I use a round cast iron skillet instead. Pour the melted butter over the top - it will be absorbed as the bread bakes.
Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown. Test with a toothpick. Remove from oven but don't turn out the loaf for 15 minutes and until somewhat cooled. Hold a baking rack against the top of the loaf and quickly turn upside down so the top of the loaf is on the bottom. Put it aside to cool to allow the butter to drift back into the loaf.
Hugs to Karen. I know what it's like to be so worried and can't do anything about it. Hang in there, and enjoy your sewing.
Joleen, can you please post your beer batter bread, It sounds intriguing, never heard of that before. TIA.
I am just marking out the quilting lines on a table runner for my dining room, it is double wedding ring in terracotta, cream and green.
Best Wishes to all.
Stripey Bear. Beverley.
Joleen, can you please post your beer batter bread, It sounds intriguing, never heard of that before. TIA.
I am just marking out the quilting lines on a table runner for my dining room, it is double wedding ring in terracotta, cream and green.
Best Wishes to all.
Stripey Bear. Beverley.
Labels: Beer Bread???
A frosty Sunday morning in Ontario, Canada
The Aussiedogs woke me up bang on 6 a.m. this morning, Ceilidh making little growly noises in her throat, saying: mom, it's time to get up...as I had been up half the night with leg cramps and the residual gas from a wonderful turkey supper with apple cake for desert, I thought that sleeping in would have been nice. Apparently not. Once out and in, leftover broccoli sliced into their breakfast, the dogs will now go back for another sleep and I am awake. However, one of the pluses in coming into my studio so early on a February morning is that the sun, which is warming up and becoming higher in the sky, turned a firey hot pink tinged with yellow and spread across the sky like so much spilled paint and for two minutes just about took my breath away with the beauty of it...mother nature's slide show.Joleen, we are watching that storm from Minn., it's to hit London, Ontario later today and we don't know if it will move along the edge of Lake Ontario or move further northwards to us. Your pot of soup on a snowy day felt nuturing just to read about...Many who live in the warmer climates miss out on these few moments of pleasure that comes with otherwise bracing winter weather of storms that allow many quilters an excuse to stay home and sew.
Heather, the bird quilt is enjoyable to make and even a second time, I'm reliving my initial enjoyment of it but having to put it together as a group and following my cousin-in-law, Heather's suggestion (she sees the overall picture better than I do, as I muddle along like a hedgehog often with my designs, one thing leading to another before the completion of it)...we have the whole back sewn together before placing and sewing the birds. Do NOT make the quilt up this way. It's designed to be sewn in rows and then joined together, there are seven rows and if one is careful, the vines all meet together row to row. Also, the trellis covers any slight mistake in placement but sewing it as a whole, then appliqueing it makes the project cumbersome for us all. We are all learning how to accommodate each other's way of working and the makers of the birds have found achievement in their choices of fabrics, which were entirely their own with my approval which was hardly needed. They are opening my eyes to the possibilities which come with linear designs on cloth. Of course, this means more new purchases as I begin my search...more fabric,
A cold and frosty Sunday, but hopefully, a quiet one.
lone star
The lone star is now pieced; now for the set in squares and triangles. This is the second hand pieced lone star. Sewn in a circle not strips. Enjoyed this hand piecing so much. I have to have something for hands to do when watching T.V.The freezing rain is now in progress. Wanted to get to the store; we shall see. Nascar and the awards show. A good T.V. day. Vi