Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hooray, Sue & thank you

I come here to the Chat Board to 'meet' friends, read about their lives and.......I'm wondering if, after mopping all your floors, Sara, did you really go and have a My husband cat-naps all day long because he doesn't sleep at night...flying trans-Atlantic over night for most of his career left his circadian rhythm out of whack, as it does most pilots. But me, if I lie down during the day, I get up feeling like I have flannel stuck to the insides of my head. I can, however, sit outside in the sun on a warm day and doze off in a flash with my mouth hanging open catching flies. Most embarassing.

Happy Birthday, Heather, way up there in Northern Ontario...we may have as much snow as you do here in Southern Ontario from the sounds of it. And blessings come in the size and shape of three sons all living where you and Andy do. Plus grandchildren...much to be thankful for.

At the moment (5:30 pm) it is raining outside mixed with fat blobs of wet snow. I am glad that I am inside and waiting for an organic roast chicken to finish cooking for supper. The Aussie-dogs are hanging around in the kitchen swooning over the smells coming from the oven.

I am happy that Sue & Eric will be making the migration and I hope, with some instructions on the board for us computer-challenged quilters.


Thanks Sue ....

Cfor letting us know that u will be in leading the migration......even tho we don't all post as often this board is lovely to come to when we are able and we sure do miss it when it is down......

We are having a lovely spring day even tho it isn't officially the season yet....we are at +10degrees Celsius and there are very sparse patches of snow against the road and fences but the yards are clear and thankfully the driveways.....the highs continue for the next few days with even a promise of 14 or 15 +...... so I am enjoying this day even more is my birthday and the "kids" are all getting together and pulling supper together......lasanga, beef on a bun, salad and canneloni (sp?) and apparently more cake than we will ever need..... this is one of the most wonderful things about all three sons still living and thriving in this community......we do count this as a major blessing....



We'll be adjusting for the new google changes.

BB Chat

Well.... looks like I forgot to include the address I promised in my previous post, or else it didn't show up here.

There.... I have included it. If it doesn't work, it's not because I forgot it.

Rain here for the past few days, but we needed it. I'm off to ASG (American Sewing Guild) meeting today. Yet another sewing support group (LOL), this one for my other sewing interests beyond quilting. (We don't do quilts in our chapter because there are so many great quilt guilds in the area.)

Friday, March 12, 2010

"Start Migration"

Sounds like we are a bunch of geese going north or south.
By clicking on the "Start Migration" you see and hear a person telling all about it.
The change over will not be until May 1st. Really, I think they will walk us through it!

Just finished moping all the floors, and need a nap on the couch. GF and her DH are coming over for spagetti tonight. We are doing the 15K together tomorrow. Probably walk 98% of it, but that's OK. The weather is supposed to be nice, it's raining now.

I'll check back on Monday and let you know how I did.
Sara in Fla.

Eric, does he ever check these boards??

Surely, if one hosts a blog, one must check the postings from time to time to make sure that they ae within the mandate of the host person/people. And just as surely, would he not inform us of any changes or just let it become ineffective one day? Is anyone able to be in touch with him to inquire what his plans are in regard to this forum?

Thank you, Jean, for 'dropping in' and explaining to the board what is happening with Google. I, too, would miss the 'companionship' of this board should it disappear. However, the energy here is not what it used to be and I believe forums have their time and their place. It's too bad the other forum became so attacked by spammers.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

blog closing down1

I received the same message, too, about Google "" service shutting down. Google also has "" service. I follow a discussion group on Google "Blogspot" and I have not heard from that one, so perhaps those sites will continue. Blogspot may be the more current version of the old Blogger?

Anyway . . . here is the address for the Yahoo Group so we could migrate over there if necessary, and hope they don't mind. ;o)

We've had warm days this past week, I got my rose bushes pruned before the city chipper truck arrived (hooray!) and appreciate the heat not running. Tree pollen is out already, and my allergies are rebelling. Ack.

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME begins this coming weekend. That's hard to believe, but it is here.

Tenneh - I wonder why the house has never been lived in? It sounds like a dream, and I hope everything will work out for you in the offer of it.

Hugs to everyone!

Blog problem

OK, Rosey. I will try.

Google is going to stop hosting blogs, including this one. Eric is going to have to either move this whole blog to another server or let it die. I really hope he does not let it die! I would hope that if he is going to let it die then he will give us plenty of notice of that so we can reconnect.

Don't forget that we have an emergency back up in the Yahoo group that Jill set up and we should all book mark that site in case this one is lost. Jill, can you repost the url for the Yahoo site? (I am not on my own computer today and can't get it easily.)

Jean, who never posts but would hate to lose this group!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A chill down the spine...

I don't like the sound of that notice at all Rosey.... Being technically challenged, as I am, the thought of change is scary . Has anybody tried to "migrate" yet ?

Tenneh, sounds as if you've been presented with a life changing opportunity. I do hope so. Let us know what you decide to do.

It's raining here today and very welcome it is too. The ground is very dry and this will freshen things up and give the farmers some much need Autumn growth .

Just had DD#1 on Skype from H.K. It's almost as good as a visit. The picture quality is great and the voice quality too. She's just back from four days in Vancouver. A long way to go for such a short visit but her DH had to be there for a conference so she decided to go too. First time for a very long time that they have had time together, without any of their four children, so I'm sure it was worth-while. They did a bit of skiing and she was pleased to be able to stay upright, having not skied for many years !

Went for a 14km hike in the hills yesterday. The weather was perfect and I really enjoyed it. I'm tired today though but not as stiff as I expected to be !

Enjoy the day.


OH, Tenneh, go for it! Sounds too wonderful.
I'm all set to go out and plant the 4 azaleas that I bought 2 weeks ago. Also have 4 white crepe myrtles, I'll see it I can get them in also. If not will have to wait until next week.
Went for the boob squish this morning. While filling out the paperwork was talking to the volunteer about spring and yard work. Her church youth are selling mulch. OH, I just called and left a message. If they have a few strong backs I'll hire them too. Need many weed pulled.
Hopefully it won't be more than the local Wal-Mart or Lowe's for the mulch. They are supposed to deliver too.
We'll see.
Going to put on the grubby clothes and get going. We are supposed to have 2 days of rain tomorrow and Fri.


It's almost too good to be true. I've lived in suburbs of big cities all my life, first New York city, then Detroit, then Baltimore and then a smaller one but a city nevertheless, St. Petersburg, FL. Now I live outside a small town in southern Appalachia in the mountains of North Carolina. I can look at the stars on a clear night without light pollution, the only road noise I hear is the occasional young male suffering from testosterone poisoning and I'm so far off the road that Shadow comes and goes freely through a dog door. I dread the thought that if I live long enough the time will no doubt come when I will have to make a move as much for my DDs' sake as my own. I now see the solution. I'll simply move in with you and let you take care of me during my dotage. I never want to live in an urban setting again.

Jane the country girl

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To move or not to move?

I was at friends near Taupo yesterday, after seeing my DDs Lawyer about the parenting orders, and casually mentioned that if they knew of a house in the country available for rent, where I could keep my horse whould they let me know (knowing full well places like these are rarer than hen's teeth, and not often affordable....)
And DF said, "well, actually, I do know of a house for rent, it's not being advertised as such, they are looking for a nice quiet tennant who will care for the house and gardens..."

And I go OH.
(And I think...well if you are gonna ask God & the Universe to move in a big way for you, a miracle of great positive change, why are you surprised when he delivers?) And so I think if God delivers you a plum, do you say you would prefer an orange?

So I went and looked at the house, and wondered to myself "what will I do about a job?"

The house is awesome- a brand new, never been lived in, huge brick, 3 bedroom, double glazing, fully insulated with fireplace with a wet back, on farm water supply, double lockup garage, bathroom with bath and shower, awesome huge kitchen!, cupboards all thru the house, a wet/dirty area back entrance, and basic gardens planted, ( no vege garden yet) well positioned for the sun, isolated rural road, security alarm installed! and access to 3 regional hospitals! (35mins to the largest, 25 mins to 2 smaller ones in opposite directions) and all the town services that goes with that. Also a neat, small rural school which I know of well, in the dairying area, which would be perfect for my little DD should she live with me. For long term rent. For the same price I am paying here! And multiple job oppourtunities for nursing in 3 directions, and one of those hospitals is the same District Board as my current one, so all my annual leave etc will be transferable.
To move will mean going back to an area that I have old and established friendships close by, great town sporting and club facilities, family- just a new job which may be stressful, but could be a positive stress!

So some hard thinking in the next few days- to stay in the comfort zone and resist change or move- and my gut feeling is that it is the right thing to do, no matter what small stresses crop up on the way. And the miracle of it is getting it for the same rent as where I am now, which is half its value!! I am a little stunned, I was not actively pursuing this change, just a casual question testing the waters so to speak...but a decision to make nevertheless.

Anyway, have to get back to the books, I have an ED Triage course in 10 days....
God moves in mysterious ways- I give him the Glory,
Blessings from (a stunned) Tenneh by the rivers


Sheesh...more to learn

I see that there is a notification that we are going to have to change or do something to put our postings on the Chat Board. Does anyone know anything about this new system? More to learn on the internet.

Kathi, this is on my sign-in for both boards:

"FTP publishing will no longer be available after May 1, 2010
You currently have blogs that are published using FTP. You must migrate your blogs to a new custom domain URL or a blogspot URL. To learn more, see our dedicated blog and help documentation. Start migration now"

Jean tells me (and you etc) that Google is not going to host blogs any longer after the above date.

Just more computer information to learn for the mechanically-challenged.

Not only that, Doris...

This morning, for the first time, I heard flocks of Canada Geese flying over the house. I know that some stay but when they come in flocks like this, I know that they are returning and that spring is definitely on its way whether we know it or not. As much and all as I curse their droppings in places like the beach on Georgian Bay and Toronto's waterfront, they are a harbinger of spring. Another, is the red-winged blackbird and they should be making themselves heard shortly, as well. No cabin fever this winter...we've had as light a winter as I can remember and all our snow went south of Lake Ontario through Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia..not to mention, Tennessee, Doris...and Washington. We can have snow through into April but the back of winter has broken...hooray.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is on the way

Tenneh - It is so good to see your post, and I am so sorry about the turn of events in your life. I'm sending you (((cyberhugs))). I remember when your youngest DD was born. Gosh . . . we've all been in this group a while.

We woke up to 53° F this morning. I cannot believe it. The high may reach 70. I hope to get outside and prune back the rose bushes today. This weather will not last long, as we're still in late winter, but NO one is complaining. I wonder why? LOL Local news reports tell us this is our worst, coldest winter in thirty years.

Another quilt guild member and I have started a small group in our guild for Machine Embroidery and Quilts. We plan to learn the different techniques of ME that can be used on quilts. I hope everyone in the group will enjoy it. I'm rather excited about it. Our group is inclusive -- open to guild members who don't even own an embroidery machine/module, as they can use the decorative stitches built into their machines, and free-hand (free-motion) machine embroidery is an option we plan to study.

Y'all have a good day! I'm going to work outside in that great bright light a/k/a the sun. We haven't seen much of it this winter.
(Hugs) to everyone.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home from Tampa, with fresh strawberries

Glad to read all about the Irish. I very much enjoyed our trip to Ireland 1 and 1/2 years ago.
Must get something on the front door tomorrow.
While DH was in an AC meeting I found out that there was the anual strawberry festival in Plant City, which is where most of the strawberries in Fla. are grown. Since there were freezed earlier in the year, they were afraid all the crops would be ruined. But no! Besides the fried everything, rides, there were jams, jellies, shortcakes, etc. for sale.
I even walked by the tent area were cows were being washed and readied for showing. It was a wonderful morning (Sat.) sorry that I couldn't have spent more time there. Had to get back so we could hit the road for home.
On Friday night there was a big dinner, awards, etc. I was under the impression that this was only for the east coast, but no, there were people from Cal. Ohio, NJ, etc. The lifetime awards were very touching. There were 3 of them, each with vidios and interviews of family and employees. Each had been in business over 20 years. Two of the three were second generation businesses. It was good to see the small business of America, the backbone of the country , recognized.
DH picked up some sort of bug, thankfully didn't give it to me. He had a terrible headach all night Friday, and most of Sat.
I did manage to go out into Tampa and find a small quilt store, and buy 1 yard each of some different fabrics. I will say that they weren't very outgoing. Maybe because they mainly sold machines, and had an embrodiery class going on.
So, therefore, I won't mention their name here, or every go back.
Going to have more strawberries for dinner! Yum.
Sara where the sun is shining.


I've been getting the "oops" response when I have tried to get onto the BB for the last few days... This morning I decided not to give up so easily and went through a different track ! It took me to the old WWQP and from there I was able to get here ! That's a good start to the week !

I'm off to visit a friend who is recovering from replacement hip surgery this morning. She's feeling very "disabled" at the moment but looks forward to the day when she will be mobile again. Her husband is proving to be amazingly helpful (!) We are all pleasantly surprised.

Beautiful day here today so I will try to get home from town early and enjoy some time in the garden. Not much sewing happening here but I have a few ideas for the coming months and hope to be more productive this year.

Enjoy the week.

St Patricks Day

I made several shamrock wallhanging and gave two or three away, kept one for myself and enjoy it over the holdiay. Of course the pattern was in a magazine several years ago and don't know if i still have it. Marge in Pa.

I would be glad to share with those who wish to make this for St. Patty Day. I don't know if it is copied writed, but I don't plan on selling or making a profit from it. It is for my own use..and those of my quilting friends. Send me an e-mail at DLTQUILT at juno dot com and I will send it in a PDF format for all to be able to see. I will take it aand scan and make t he pdf this week.
It is up to you to design how to use the center..
Donna, LEH, NJ