Jane, so sorry about your doggy. I know she was your best friend and they are so hard to lose. Lots of hugs to you. My niece brought me 13 large porch railing planters today. They leave for Europe tomorrow for 16 days and I'm the plant sitter. I hope they are alive when she comes home. She has a fortune tied up in them. They are orange and yellow and do not go with my house! I have cranberry colored shutters. It has been a nice cool week here. It is going to warm up for the weekend with humidity right on heals of the heat. I got strawberry plants from a friend today. I hope they all live. The sewing room I was going to clean on Monday never got done. I hope you all have a great weekend. Hugs, Mayme
Jane, as I've connected personally with you, thank you for the advance notice about Shadow. Some people cannot look at pictures of their animals after they die but for me, I've surrounded myself with pictures of Ceilidh and this helps me feel that she is still with me. She is in my heart. But my daughter sent this picture of her golden and our three Aussies heading back to the woods for a walk...you'd recognize the back 'lawn' and that is Ceilidh 'rabbitting' her way along with the others. She didn't have a one at a time stroke with her back legs and I'm told her aunt Courtney did the same thing, her dam's sister. If it feels right to you, keep pictures of Molly and Shadow near you until you have another spaniel to occupy those freshly laundered dog beds. I am glad you were with Shadow at the end, hard as it is to be there when they are put down. For me, I feel that being there with them to their end is part of returning the love and support that they give us in return. I'm still in tears when talking about Ceilidh or even writing about her. And I wonder that there will ever be another Ceilidh in my life just as you may wonder if there will be another Molly in your life. Hard to see them go. Let the tears come.
All the posts have been rewarding. Welcome back. By the way, where is Celia P from New Brunswick?
Upon my arrival home from the DGSs' high school graduation I stopped first at the vet's office where my dear friends had taken Shadow the day before. She was almost dead. The same palliative treatment with the addition of IV fluids used a couple of weeks ago had failed to rally her. She didn't even seem to be aware of my presence. After a teary while of stroking her and greeting her loudly in her unresponsive ear Harriet, the vet and neighbor, released her from her suffering. I've been very tearful and spent yesterday afternoon avoiding this dreadfully empty house. The multiple dog beds have been laundered but not given away. I know that I will weaken before too long.
She was so very sweet, gentle and easy to love. That is not to say, however, that she wasn't a master manipulator. If you haven't gone to your book store and gotten the wonderful book, Training People, How to Bring Out the Best in Your Human, by Tess of Helena, do so immediately.
I am about to leave for my Friday morning with the hand quilting group. I've already notified them of my loss via email but I will probably end up in tears again. They are all animal lovers.
I hope everyone had a great Canada Day. My plans for Independence Day include church and not much else, but I'm going to the Botannical Gardens today with my sister-in-law. This is the SIL that lived in Virginia until recently, so I am really enjoying have her near enough to visit.
It is a holiday today ! Not that it really matters too much since I don't work outside the home....but it is nice for my kids to be able to spend time with their own little families.... last nite some folks jumped the gun and we had a neighbourhood show of some great fireworks.....maybe it was a good thing since today is starting out overcast and threatening rain.....but that will probably pass......the weather gal keeps saying about the next few days....if you don't like the weather....just wait an hour or so and it will pass.....just plain unpredictable....at least she is honest about it !
Even though I still work 4 days a week, every morning the first thing I do is turn on the computer and read my emails and BB Chats. Not always time for a cuppa though...... Today is different - I've been home sick with a cold/flu for most of the week.
Kody sneaks onto our bed during the day if the door's not shut. But if either one of us is away it's accepted practice for Kody to share the bed with the leftover body LOL He was up on there last night in a flash, as soon as I'd gone to bed. DH drove to Adelaide yesterday to help Shannon move their belongings to a storage facility in Adelaide. A workmate of Sarah's (although she hasn't met her yet!) is in Germany looking after her sick father. Another colleague had the idea of emailing her to see if she'd mind them living in her flat until they found one of their own and she said yes! So S will take the overnight bus with a suitcase or two. When they are properly settled we will hire a van and take everything over there for them, hopefully.......
ROSIE - Shannon was chuffed to get your message and hear about Jock's gliding. Says he'd love to get back in touch when they go back to Rochester to visit Sarah's family...........
And with a day and a half to spare, Darren and his crew won the right to attend their company's get-together in Las Vegas!! He's now madly trying to make plans to stay in LA on the way through and see a few more parts of the countryside.
The wonders of the internet and fast plane travel have certainly opened up a new world unforeseen even 30 (20?) years ago - Australia and NZ are so much closer to the rest of the world now, or none of the above would have happened.
Starting the day with a cuppa and a read of the BB .... Our computer is in the living room so I always take my morning cuppa to the BB to catch up on the latest ! Thanks to Rosey, there has been lots to catch up on lately. ! Photos, news and views... well done ladies. Lets' see if we can keep it up !
Heavy frost here last night but a beautiful morning this morning. DH has gone flying in the mountains with our neighbour . I have given him my camera so will hope to post some photos tomorrow . I might have been tempted to go too, but have to go to a "shared lunch" with some church friends. I'm keeping one eye on the oven as I have some savouries cooking there..
Another neighbour had a party last night to mark the opening of her "studio". She teaches at the High School but has a newly discovered talent for painting. Her DH has built her a lovely studio to retreat to. Lucky young woman. Good to see such encouragement. It was a fun evening and great to see some of her "works in progress".
I won't tell Holly about Hope sleeping on your bed Rosey... Our poor doggy still sleeps outside in a kennel...she was very pleased to get up for her breakfast this morning and have a good run around to get warm.. I would be happy for her to sleep inside but DH's farming background says no.
Caught you Jean... I knew I could drag you out with enough indirect hints and not so indirect...lol. I loved Bee saying that she sits down with the Chat Board and a hot cup of whatever to start her day off. There will be a special place reserved for Jean in 'cat heaven' for all her rescue work with feral cats. Imagine trying to keep ahead of a cat's hormones...
Yesterday, it turned cold here and it was down to 64F in our family room so a small fire in the wood stove was lit last evening. My bedroom upstairs, however, was cold with the windows wide open all day. Closed all but one but I just have a light-weight summer quilt on my bed and while I piled on one other wool blanket, my feet were cold. Hope, Ceilidh's sister, who sleeps with me finally got either fed up with my restless feet or the message that I was cold because she walked across the bed and plopped herself right down on top of my feet and warmed me with her body heat.
Dogs & babies, couldn't be anything nicer unless Jean will post a few of her cute little fluffies out there on the Island.
OK, Rosey, you win! I am here. My life is not terribly exciting unless you are a devoted rescuer of feral cats and the occasional dog, but I will throw in a small update.
I just finished installing a new printer. Does anyone out there get more than two years out of a printer? I can't believe how many of these things I have bought over the years!
It is, of course, kitten season here and my house is full as are our foster homes. We at Cowichan Cat Rescue are very happy, though, since the number of kittens is dropping each year. That is the ear mark of a successful TNR (Trap Neuter and Return) program. We have been doing this for ten years and the effects are showing. Now if I could just get the fund raising to take off a bit so we can pay our fairly massive vet bills...
Remember Gucci, the black Standard Poodle that Mary and her dh Charles brought from Oklahoma to Blaine for us a few years ago? We lost our elderly foster dog recently (the one from the Seychelles) and Gucci was very unhappy to have lost her friend. So we found another Standard Poodle in rescue and brought her home in early May. She is Coco Chanel and she is rapidly turning into a very nice dog. She has passed her basic obedience training and is very sweet and playful. I will try to upload a picture of the pair of them, fresh from the groomer last week...
After a long cold and wet Spring we are finally getting some warm weather, although it is still not as nice as it should be this time of year. But things are growing at last and we are eating fresh strawberries and peas and salads from the garden, and enjoying pretty flower beds finally. My dahlias that I sell from a stand in the summer are going to be very late this year, though.
Not much quilting happening here. My weekly sewing group has been working on a set of quilts to give to a family of refugees who are arriving here in early July and that has been fun. And I did go on a retreat with that group on the Mothers' Day weekend and actually managed to piece a king sized top while I was there. Of course I have no idea when I will get it sandwiched and quilted -- probably next winter some time.
In the meantime I am caring for kittens and working on various fund raising projects and ignoring the fact that I really really really need to do some house work instead. :)
Your new addition has the most beautiful brown eyes, Heather. Good luck baby-sitting tonight. I confess that I'd be nervous with that age. Too long ago.
This is our newest grandchild, Addison. She is just over two years old. Her dress was a gift from Grandma Rosey. We put the dress on her to take the picture then it came off immediately afterward. Addison does not like wearing dresses.
Hard to believe that our children have children at times.
Alabama checking in now. I've been really lazy, enjoying my summer off. I did finally finish Mom's quilt, literally as I ran out the door to come home. I'll get a picture of it the next time I go to Montgomery. I have flower fairy panels and fabric that I'm going to do next. We have a craft sale to support "Lunches For Learning." a mission to feed impoverished school children in Honduras. A fellow shopper in the quilt shop suggested that the small panels would make wonderful doll quilts. I'd like to make them big enough that I could donate them as baby quilts if they don't sell at the craft show. What size do you think I should make them? The most popular doll size around here is 18 inches. I've been doing some hiking, reading novels, taking pictures, playing on Facebook, and sleeping late. I am much rested at this point, but July is going to be a lot busier! Is anyone going to the quilt show in Knoxville? The Huntsville guild was going to charter a bus, but only 10 of us signed up. I think I'll grab my SIL (non-quilter) and go anyway. She lives about 45 minutes closer, so it'll only be a 3 hour drive from her house. She says I can stay the night so we can leave early. Prayers have been going up for those of you in pain, even though I have not posted. Please accept my apologies for my silence. Laura in Alabama
to see so many new posts. This is my first stop every morning coffee in one hand and mouse in the other. I sometimes have a problem finding something to say as you are ,except for the Aussie lot, both in another time and also another season. I really enjoy seeing names I know from the old BB , Hi Kathi enjoy your retirement. You will be very pleased you have a hobby for youself after his lordship gets over the newness of the new regime. I am waiting for the new modem so I can go on broadband, yippeee!! I cancelled Sky movies and sport and the difference pays for the new computer play bits(very computer savvy??) I will be able to watch Africam and see my elephants live. The highlight of my day.Hugs to all Bee in NZ.
.....this whole list beside me...how many more do we need to hear from???.... Heather, you are SO lucky to live near your grandboys and Kathi, that Murphy is a monkey dog, look at how he's grown. Gus looks resigned, is he? Joleen, did you send that tornado to us last week? Our weather and yours have been similar. I got so's I couldn't stand seeing my postings sitting there for so long and no-one adding to it and pushing it down the page. Thank you, please keep them coming. And I know there is someone sitting out west and down east who read and..........!!!!.....
I'll post something, too. I tend to just lurk in the background and know I should be more visible, but....... Does anyone else have a problem with posting replies? For some reason, there is some extra step now that I'm apparently unable to negotiate. So for now, I'll just do new posts.
Our life recently has been fairly occupied with a new puppy. His name is Murphy. He's half black Lab and half Chesapeake. When we got him three months ago, he looked like this.
Now he looks like this, and he's only six months old.
Our older dog, Gus, has taken him under his wing and they've become best buddies, even though Gus had a real aversion to puppies prior to Murphy coming to live with us.
The flamingos on the lawn are part of a fundraising project that our high school cheerleaders do every year. They plant the flamingos and then for a donation, you can choose the person you want to receive them next. They try to put them in place in the evening so that it's a morning surprise for the person who has been "flocked".
Our other news is that DH retired at the beginning of June. He's been in education for almost 40 years (the last 10 as a high school principal), so this is going to be quite an adjustment for him, and for me. He's planning to do a good deal of fishing and we will travel as well.
since I haven't posted for awhile either. We had a series of storms go thru over the week-end. Friday night they're reporting that a tornado touched down about 15 miles from here and there is lots of crop damage, many, many trees down in the whole area, etc. We were at Morgan Creek vineyard when the Friday storm came thru which is very close to where the tornado touched down. It is built into the side of a hill and has an outdoor patio area. We watched the storm from outside for quite some time but moved inside when the hail started. Then the power went out. We were in a safe area (under ground), with candlight, all the wine you could ever want, and food since they have an outdoor woodburning oven where they make pizzas. All in all, a pretty decent way to weather a storm. My car did not fare as well as we did tho - hail broke out one mirror and make some nice little dents in several places. We spent several hours cleaning up the yard on Saturday. Then Saturday night another storm went thru - this time with up to 60 mile an hour winds. We spent all day Sunday cleaning up the yard again. We were very fortunate in that all we had was a couple trees in the wooded areas of the yard and lots of branches and sticks . Theresa (a lurker) had siding and roof damage. It will be several weeks before all the downed trees are cleaned up around the area. There was a line of cars at the body shop yesterday waiting to get estimates on their vehicles.
What happened to those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer (that's a song....)? They aren't in Minnesota. This week is one of the first this summer when we didn't have to do anything. So what did I decide to do? Have a garden party. I have invited about 30-40 of the girls to come for a garden tour, cosmopolitans, wine, margaritas or iced tea, and lots of food on Wednesday. Got my supplies yesterday and I'm going to start on food today. Probably should clean a bit and mow the yard. I told them in my invite that if weeds bothered them they should bring a hoe. And, that hats were optional. I'll let you know how many came prepared to attack the weeds in the gardens instead of attacking the buffet table! My menu? All appetizers: Sante Fe cheesecake, pork tenderloin with apricot stuffing for sandwiches, Salmon Sandwiches (little guys), garlic bundles, gorgonzala fig tartlets... I think that's most of it. I better get started! Joleen in MN
It has been a few weeks since I last posted, almost six....this nI know because our 3rd and newest grandson is almost six weeks old....Life has been so hectic but I do so appreciate being able to come and catch up with everyone's lives both near and far......
Preston is daoing wonderful.....tomorrow I am picking him up for an extended few hours or even an overniter with us......I have sat with him for an hour or two before.....but Mom needs some "me" time and Grandma needs some Preston time so it is a win win situation.....
Our other two grandsons....Adason (2years) and Brody(15months)....what can I say ......whirlwind is most apt....they are busy busy little boys and we appreciate all the time we get with them.....I feel so bad when other grandmas talk about only being able to see their grandkids once or twice a year if they are lucky....we count our blessings daily.....That little family is trying to go on vacation tomorrow......my son is....at this moment....rewiring something on the travel trailer.....still to be packed with most things....my daughter-in-law is grocery shopping and baking and doing laundry.....and I got to sing the two little boys to sleep and have them cuddle with me for the most part this evening....it will be so hard not to see them for a couple of weeks at most.....but it will be a good time to catch up on neglected gardens and quilting some completed tops I hope....
DH is still a health puzzle but we have a new round of specialist appointments this summer including a neurologist from southern ont who will be here in town so there is always optimism that something will come to light.....on the other hand we do think maybe it isn;t so bad not knowing......we just learned that a friend has been diagnosed with ALS and has gone from walking and talking in February to not being able to talk and is strapped into a wheel chair already .....so sometimes not knowing is also a blessing....being able to do what we can and enjoy the time with family and friends....
Today has been an utterly cool day....with the need for a jacket.....only maybe 17 or 18 degrees Celsius with a definite wind from the north.....yesterday the skies rumbled open and we were the receipients of a downward flood......only for 25 minutes or so....but enought that leaving the grocery store was impossible with the rain water reaching well past my ankles.......but the gardens and lawns were well watered......and we don't have the issues that our prairie provinces have been experiencing......
time to hit the sleep button......those kids aren't out of town yet and I anticipate a morining panic call to DH for something or other....
That is what this forum has provided us and what it's all about. I love reading about people's lives in different parts of the country and the world and here we could have it all. Understanding how life is in New Zealand and Australia, not from what we read in magazines or newspapers but what it's like for people living there. What it's like in Florida at this time of year, for many of us know it in the winter months, not the summertime. The mountains of North Carolina have to be one of the most beautiful places and we have someone who can tell us all about it. We know the heat in Tennessee; the floods and yes, the spill in the waters off the southern part of the United States. Imagine having a little old school house reunion with ages ninety & down. We have quilters here from one coast of Canada to the other. I'm hoping they will take the time to post here. Look at the number of contributors on the right side of this page and look at the few who post here. If you read the Chat board, think about posting to it. None of our lives are any more or less interesting than the rest. Some of us can describe it better than others; some are too shy to post but heck...what is there to loose...nothing but taking the time to put something up here that is just a slice out of your life. If we weren't interested, we wouldn't read the board.
Having read my latest China Bayles mystery series by Susan Wittig Albert, under A in the book store...I found a great recipe which I tried out on B&B guests yesterday and on myself. I substitute Rice Milk for regular milk as I'm lactose intolerant. It is called: Sister Charity's Raspberry Flummery (taken from the authors research on the Quakers of Texas in the early part of the 20th century). It is as follows. I absolutely love it.
1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/4 to 1/3 cup corn starch 1/4 tsp. salt ( I leave it out) 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 3 cups of milk 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp rosewater (I substituted a few drops of pure almond flavoring)
top with two cups of fresh raspberries (fresh strawberries & blueberries are nice too)
Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt & nutmeg in saucepan and stir in milk very gradually until the cornstarch is blended, then add the rest of the milk. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Stir in a small amount of hot liquid into the egg yolk in a separate measuring cup, then gradually add egg yolk mixture into the saucepan. Cook and stire constantly for 2 min. until thickened. Remove from heat. Add flavoring. Fill bowl with mixture or individual glass dishes. Serve with fresh raspberries. Serves 6 to 8.
If I look at another condo in the next 10 days I'm going to scream. You would think with all the buildings that we have been in the last 2 days we would have found something that we remotely liked. No! What a waste of good beach time. Since I had the skin cancer surgery on the left shoulder last Thurs. I have been careful not to lift anything, or do too much. I'm supposed to only have "quiet activity" for 3 more days. I guess that would include yoga and quilting. I did get the beach chair out and go under the shade of the pier on Sat. morning for about 2 and 1/2 hrs. and finished reading a book and looked at the latest Quilting Arts mag. Walked in the water up to my calf. Lots of kids out and about. Yes, I'm using SPF 50, lots of it. I've invited several people for a 4th of July party, next Sunday night. Going to have some of the neighbors over, and use the backyard. It does look good, even if I do say so myself. All the work with the hanging baskets, mulch, etc. paid off. If I get my bunting fabric from Keepsake quilts soon I'll make bunting for the deck railings. Going to make ribs, potato salad, cole slaw, etc. and hopefully it won't rain. There is a ceiling fan on the under side of the pergola, and a stand fan, so it should cool us down some. We have had such heat in the last 2 weeks. 95-100 almost every afternoon. I haven't mentioned the BP oil spill in the gulf, but figured most of the people in the US and Canada already know about it. It is a crying shame. Some of the most beautiful beaches in the US are in the Destin, and Pensacola Fla. area. Not to mention the wildlife that is being affected. It's one of the examples of if anything can go wrong it will. OK, it's almost time for Miss Marple, on PBS. I love anything Agatha Christy wrote. Sara in Fla.
I'm taking the hint Rosey and doing a little post. I check in here every couple of days to see what is happening. I do miss the old days when everyone was chatting all the time. Not to many post on the yahoo site either. I had a yard sale Thursday all day and for a couple of hours Friday morning. I made $157.00. Anything left I gave to my nephew to have a sale with. Yesterday and today I cleaned out quilt magazines and quilt books to get rid of. The flowers are looking good. We had over 2 inches of rain today. I went to a country school through 8th grade. We had a reunion today. It's fun to see people that grew up in the neighborhood but left after high school. There were folks from 90 years old down to less that a year old. I would like to wash walls and clean carpet in the sewing room tomorrow but by morning I may change my mind. Must wait to see if I am still in the mood by then. It seems like I'm always busy but don't get much done. Hugs to all, Mayme
from Brighton next to Rochester, NY. Twin DGSs graduated Thurs night from HS and it's been non stop parties since. Got to spend time with girlfriends of said DGSs. DGD appears to be the same age but is a mere 15 but going on 20. We'll go through this again in three years. Lots of coming and going too and seldom is everyone here simultaneously. We now await the arrival of DGD so we can go out for dinner. Spent some time with DXSIL too. He hosted a big party Friday and everyone got along quite comfortably. He has a lovely girlfriend whom DD and I both took a liking to so things are very smooth in that dept.
Will leave for home tomorrow. I hear from beloved neighbor that Shadow has remained quite comfortable in my absence and plays ball for about 10-15 minutes every morning before returning to her crate for a long nap. Maybe I'll make that long drive to Rosey's B&B next time as I expect Shadow's days are numbered. I have a host of cousins in Buffalo too.
Well, DGS's laptop is hot in my lap and we are close to leaving for restaurant.
Greetings to those shivering down under. It's hot as the hinges on Hades here, DD doesn't have AC and I stupidly brought several poly shirts with me because the don't wrinkle. I'm sitting in the living room in my bra and the moment with a apologies to DGKs.