WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, December 3, 2011
No, No, Annie...
I'm hearing Annie getting scolded by J. right now..."You are not to chew up paper" repeated several times...I know who he's talking to...This is a post I placed elsewhere this week:
"I confess to having avoided reading Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy series feeling that animals who talked to each other was 'kinda' dumb and gimmicky. Of course, having read one and now many of her books, I'm completely hooked given that the two Aussie girls here in the house manage to get into all kinds of mischief themselves. So last night when these same two Aussie girls came tearing out of the pantry looking very sheepish, I wondered what they'd been into. I could almost hear them saying: 'holy cow, did you see that darned thing snap at us? Boy, we're lucky it didn't bite us'....and the other one saying, 'well, it almost got you, you got in there first and tried to get that bacon off the hook; serves you right for being so greedy, bubblebutt......'.
If Aussies had tails, they would have both been between their legs.
The rat trap had been too tempting.
Jean, I'll remember the baking sheet trick...Annie is so agile that she stretches up onto Aunt Grace's desk (J's great aunt) and puts her nose down into Geordie's bowl of food. At 15, getting him to eat is an ongoing chore. So maybe that's the place for the cookie sheets.
I'll have a look at the site, Doris...
Annie is an adorable monkey and one step ahead of me all the time.
Counter surfers
Both Gucci and her new friend Coco were terible counter cruisers, but of course they never did it if anyone was watching. They were both cured within a few days with my favourite really mean trick. I have tile floors, so it is noisy when things fall. I put cookie sheets and baking pans on the counters, positioned so they hung out a couple of inches over the edge, and put the bait food behind them on the counter. Left the room. Waited for the almighty crash when the dog's nose or paws tipped the pan onto the floor. Laughed quietly to myself. Even the terrible Coco no longer steals from the counters -- although she is pretty hard on the cat food if no one is watching. :)Jean, enjoying the sunny days and off to a craft fair, pet photos with Santa, and a visit with a dear sister-in-law...
dogs that are counter surfers
dogs that are counter surfersROSEY P - Here is a good chucke for today; a link (safe to click) to a youtube video clip from the popular show "It's Me Or The Dog." Copy & paste, since the add-a-link feature is not working today.
It's very brief and gives the essense of the the episode about a dog named Stains (LOL), learning to leave people food alone. This program is my favorite, and the Stains episode is on ther "top ten favorite episodes" program as well.
Enjoy. ;-)
Friday, December 2, 2011
Rosey P - Ha! Annie and our Sophie may be soul mates. Sophie only comes when she feels like it, and she truly would be a counter surfer if she was tall enough. I've never seen such a dog like this,,,, what a scavenger! She loves the dark black mulch that people put by their shrubs on the curbs. She picks it up on the street and eats it, when we go walking. I think it is the nature of her breed, as they're always trying to con their humans out of more food than what they need.I'm busy making more placemats. It keeps me off the streets and out of the mall. LOL
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Annie, ten mos. & maturing

Getting Annie to sit still for her 'portrait' is a chore. She's a moving target 80% of the time but she is maturing; she is learning the words 'stay, sit, down, car ride & let's go'. The command 'come' is still, much of the time, at her discretion, not mine. She's full of personality, a counter cruiser at times and when scolded, she talks barking back. She's lots of fun. She went to her second dog show where she got to stand on a grooming table and have someone else trim her hair and nails. Progress, slow for sure but coming.
I think Kathi's photo is one of the most beautiful I've seen. We had snow here in Southern Ontario over the past two days but it is melting at the moment and may disappear just as quickly as it came. Winter is a good time to get quilt projects under way and a time for slowing down, at least here in the country.
Monday, November 28, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
....and it's only just past Thanksgiving. Thought I'd share a shot that I took the other afternoon at the cabin. It was well below 0*F most mornings. I figured that it was -23*C on Friday morning (for those of us who live north of the border). The cloud formations were unlike anything I'd seen. High winds aloft and clear, clear air. It was cold enough that the bald eagle who usually sits in the tree across the river from us decided that he had best hide out in his nest most of the day.