Left out Carol's web site. It's
http://www.batiksetc.com/ . You can't find a bigger selection of batiks anywhere. They are top quality and pricey though.
ROSEY & DORIS thanks for the day brightener. Doris, the incident thirty years ago should serve to assure you that the flourless cake is not a sign of creeping dementia. Same goes for Rosey. My doc, about fifteen years ago pointed out to me as I expressed concerns about my memory, that when I was sixteen I walked into roooms and couldn't remember what I was there for. The difference between then and now is that I didn't worry about the implications back then.
Good time to read cooking fiascoes. I hope to get the college cookies made and packed for sending as I get ready to head out Monday to the annual quilt retreat in Toccoa, GA at the Baptist Conference center. I hope to make serious progress on a bed quilt I started there about three years ago in a class taught by Carol Britt. Carol is a great teacher by the way and very funny. You can mail order from her, especially a huge collection of batiks. Her shop is in Wytheville, VA and I always make a point of stopping there going to or from Rochester. Wytheville is at the intersection of I-81 and I-71
Domestic demeanors...lol
Doris, I can just imagine the panic when you discovered the flour still sitting on the kitchen counter. That cake batter must have been awfully runny. I expect we've all done absent minded things like that.
Years ago when I was first learning how to roast a turkey, my mother told me to wash and dry the inside of the bird. I ran cold water through the bird then put a tea towel in to dry it. Left it soaking inside the bird and walked away to do something else. When the turkey was on the table waiting to be carved, there were no comments about the roasted tea towel instead of turkey dressing. That was still sitting on my kitchen counter.
checking in ...
Sara in FL - You and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rosey P - We don't have as much trouble in our area with wood peckers, as we do the European Starlings. They'll make nice round holes on the side of a building, and build their nest inside the walls. Shouldn't your woodpeckers have migrated south by now?
Jane in NC - the Hardie plank siding is supposed to be the best. It's been quite popular in our area.
Martha Stewart I am NOT. Have you
ever baked a cake, two 9 x 13 size cake layers, and completely forgotten to add the flour? And realized it only after the cake was half-baked? {raises hand....} Aaack!!!
This isn't my first cake-baking blooper. Some thirty years ago, I baked a cake from a CAKE MIX and after it came out of the oven looking rather strange, I realized I forgot to add the eggs. To a cake mix. How sad is that?! LOL
I am always in awe of caterers, wondering just how they do it!