From MaryJoG.
I taught a class about making a quilt from a memory (using a simple sketch) or photo demonstrating with this piece. It began with a sketch that was enlarged to 18" by 24" to make a pattern. Fabric choice is most important. I've collected fabrics of many kinds over the years to use in landscape quilts. Most are cottons but sometimes a silk or leather will fit perfectly. The grass is a piece of cloth embellished with machine embroidery. I do some thread painting and am learning to do more. The quilt was embellished, embroidered and quilted in one step. Fabric was placed on batting and then stitched and embellished. Sometimes I use 505 basting spray but usually use hem tape to secure pieces. It is a narrow iron on fusible. A tiny bit will hold a piece down until it is stitched. I decided to mount this piece on canvas and framed it. My original sketch didn't have anything on the beach but it needed color, hence the chairs and sandcastle.