For Grace
Grace, I have been searching for your update on Precious, who has graced our lawns once or twice in past I know that you live in a smaller rural community and the owners of the Husky might well get with it and pay half the bills up bills can add up so quickly when there is an accident and you don't think at the time, all you want to do is save the dog. I was faced with a similar awkward situation when a friend's two dogs attacked Geordie, as I mentioned below. She offered to pay the vet bill because her dogs were at fault but I knew that as a single person, she was on limited funds but the fact was, so was I at the time, during the illness that we were dealing with and I finally spoke to her and asked her to pay half the bills, which she did, immediately. I appreciated the help. It can get costly when accidents happen with pets.
I'm avoiding vacuuming at the moment...guests arrive in two hours and the woodsman somehow manages to leave a trail of leaves and woodchips bringing the wood into the livingroom. And that should see the last of the B&B bookings for this year. I'll have most of the winter off now and will start renovating the kitchen. The counters are at 39", three inches higher than normal...3 to 4, actually, and my 'boobs have been in my mixing bowls' for years since I'm shrinking in older age, not growing. I will be lowering all the counters. Likely now I'll feel they are too low, I've been working with my arms raised for so long.
Lovely day here in southern Ontario, sun is out, the Santa Claus parade is happening in town...glad not to be in there now...Curves this morning plus running around all done for the day. It's lovely to see the sun. Our days are short now and the darkness, long.
Quilting Bee

Some one asked me the other day, Why is it called a Quilt Bee? Does anyone know where the term came from? I thought I had read or heard it once, but I can't remember where. I thought since this board covers the world, some one might remember. I know my memory is gone most days.
The boards have been very quiet these days. I don't post very often, but I love to read what everyone is doing. I have been working during the day and try to get as much quilting done as I can fit in. Work has been slow and I have been knitting in my spare time. I have made many hats and now I just heard the school is collecting hats for children this Christmas. I may just give them to the school. See, I was being directed to make these hats for a reason. I have about a dozen made. I have been using up some of the yarn that has been floating around my house. Next I will tackle the fabric around the house to make some scrap quilts. That is if I can get some of the quilts finished that I have been started first. I always have more ideas in my head before I have completed that last batch of ideas... I guess we all do.
Have a great Thanksgiving for all those celebrating turkey day.. Don't eat too much turkey, save room for that desert....
Donna, LEH,NJ
precious update
Thank you all for the comments and concern for Precious.
She is doing well and had the drains taken out yesterday. The stitches are still there and will be taken out next week one day. Now it is just to get her mental thought back in order. She is terribly afraid of loud noises and I am sure glad it is going to be winter because if we had to face thunderstorms now I am sure sure
where she would hide.
We know the owners off the husky
Rosey, and they have said they would contribute to the vet bills which at this point are over a thousand. We just have not seen them since, but we know where they live .
LOL. It really is not funny but what are you "gonna"do.
It has been a very busy week here with snippets classes and getting
ready for the community choir Christmas cantata.
All the
Christmas craft sale are coming up also and I am heading out to
now this morning.
See you all later. Thanks again it sure helped.
Grace, I can't say how sorry I am to read about the attack on Precious. My first thought, aside from the fact that I'm glad she survived the attack, is: who owns the Husky, who pays for the vet bill which will be considerable. Such an awful experience for you too being unable to stop the attack. I've been involved in one incident with Geordie, the oldest Aussie here, who also has two pins in his back hip due to being kicked by his original owner. Two Alaskan Sled dogs attacked him and it was only the fact that the owner managed to pull both dogs off Geordie and I managed to pull from the other direction that we separated the animals. The damage and the bill were both extensive. I hope Precious recovers without incident, although it will take a very long time and she will have been traumatized by the attack. It upsets me, although I know that you are more in the country than in a developed housing area, that dogs are allowed to run loose. Poor, wee doggie.
Sara, I'm glad your hubby didn't find any alligators when he lost his balance in the creek.
We are readying the house and property for the winter and of course, what else, the lawn tractor up and quit just when we'd be using it to cut up the falling leaves. Now, I can't tell a fallen leaf from a dog deposit.
this & that, dogs, & Thanksgiving
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog being attacked by a Husky. Hopefully you have found the owner by now. Do you have an animal control where you live? Maybe they could help track down the owner.
As I write this I have a little puppy at my feet. "Pumpkin" came to us last night. She is 1/2 Yorkie, 1/2 Jack Russell, and so far has been a great little girl. She is 3 months old, and not more than 6 or 7 lbs. I hope she likes us, her previous mom & daddy had her mom also, but they are going from a big house to a condo and can only have 1 dog.
I've been a little crazy around here. The weekend was spent with old friends, kayaking and eating and hanging out. DH fell in the creek at one point, trying to go under a fallen palm tree. I made it through, but he twisted too much and tipped over. Wouldn't you know it, that is the time the camera decided to have a dead battery so I missed the picture. It was only about 2 feet deep there, so the main part was bailing out the kayak with only a water bottle. That took about 30 min, but then we had fun.
My GF who has the beach house is worried about the next storm taking out the place all together. They have lost so much beach over the 28 years that they have had the place it really looks different. The 4 palm trees that they planted when their kids were little are grown up to about 30 feet, and are wonderful.
It's always good to see old friends.
Have been working like crazy to finish up some curtains, and also trying to work on a quilt at the same time. Not a good idea.
The vein surgery went OK, but now I must wear a pressure bandage until Thursday morning. I should have put it off until after Thanksgiving, as we were going to go kayaking again. The head nurse said, "No way" if I get dirty water in the wounds they might get infected, and since there are 17 spots, that would be a real mess. I can walk and bike, however.
OK, that's enough of a break, must get some lunch in me and puppy.
Sara in Florida
All is way too busy here!
Grace, I am so sorry to hear about your poor little dog. As the owner of larger dogs (a boxer and a black labradork), I must say I believe that the husky's owner should pay the vet bills. I know, you probably don't even have a clue who owns the husky... I hope she recovers soon.
I walk mine on a leash. Russ has been known to walk them in the country without the leash, but neither is aggressive and they are under good voice control. I just don't feel
my control is good enough to try walking them without the leash. I laugh as we walk past one fence in the neighborhood. The toy poodle behind the fence barks and growls and jumps against the fence. This is funny because there is a poodle-sized hole in the fence right where he is jumping, and he has never once come through the hole! I think he is smarter than he looks.
I'm unbelievably busy here. We just performed Schubert's Mass in G at a special service for All Saint's on the 3rd. Then we performed again at both services on Sunday. The services ran an hour and a half instead of the usual hour, and we heard no complaints, so I guess we did a good job. On top of that, we are rehearsing for Gilbert & Sullivan's "Trial by Jury" for dinner theater at church. That is next weekend. Then we have our American Thanksgiving, followed by another concert with my community chorus. Add Academic Team competitions, fundraisers, and just general school teacher stuff, and I am swamped. I might have some time to sew before Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath.
Labels: concerts, dogs
Hi All,
It sure is quiet reading the BB. Everyone must be really busy.
I tried to send out mail to all the
addy's I had for the @08 retreat and I was hoping that Kathi in Idaho, Nelly and Brenda could be in touch with me. Your letter were returned as
undeliverable. Maybe I have the wrong
addies. Any one else interested in getting info for the retreat my address is We sure can handle more participants. The more there are the more hugs are shared. Laughter and food and quilts for a whole weekend. What a life.
We had a bad
experience this weekend. Our little dog Precious was attacked by another dog. We always walk precious on a leash even in our own yard.Precious weighs all of 10 lbs and a big Husky dog out for his "do" got a hold of her. No the husky was not on a leash. Usually when I see another dog I will pick up ours and carry her into the house. This time there was no time to act. Precious spent Saturday @the hospital and we picked her up this morning. She has stitched all over her back as she had to have surgery to fix her inside muscles.The muscle all along her right shoulder were torn to shreds. They have three drains in her because they are trying to prevent fluid pockets. She gets her stitches out on Friday. Man she looks awful. I think she
feels as if she was run over by a Mac truck. She is barely walking, she
definitely does not run. She does have pain
medicine and she mostly just sleep in front of the stove.
I feel so guilty every time she looks at me with those big brown eyes. As if tho say, Where were you. You are supposed to keep me safe because I am so small.
UUGGH make for a lousy weekend.
Here is hoping for a healing week. If we can get her to not be so scared all the time , but I guess that is going to take time.
I was beginning to not be so
afraid of bid dogs but I think this has set me back also.
Hoping all is well in your world. Hoping to hear from a few of you
Take care , I better go tell her she is a good girl
Hugs to all