Boxing Day..
I hope that Christams day went well for everyone. It was a hot day here and we enjoyed the usual Christmas brunch with the family and then the Christmas dinner later in the evening. Boxing Day the two teenagers decided to do their own thing so DD and Son in law, DH and myself all went out on their little boat for the day. We didn't get many fish but we did see Dolphins playing and gannets diving for fish, all very exciting for land lubbers like myself ! DD lives five minutes away from where we launched the boat and DH loves to go out on it with them when we are up here. We are missing DGD who has taken herself off to the UK for Christmas. She is staying with our other daughter and family in Scotland but has changed her ticket and will be returning early as she is finding the short, dark, cold and wet days not to her liking !!!
Lovely to see more posting, let's try to keep it up ! this a try since so many seem successful.....I tried a few weeks ago and would not let me.....wanting to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.....
Life here has been a roller coaster for the last two months.....some more weird issues with my husbands levelling off thanks to new meds and a new attentive Doctor and on top off that some issues with a son that got complicated within the family but has turned out for the best for him and all of us....was not looking forward to any Christmas two weeks ago but now looking forward to the time spent with all 3 sons and of course the grandchildren.....only have to make a couple of pies for Christmas Day dinner out at one of the sons and Christmas Eve at one of the inlaws then over to another sons house for gift giving to the step grandkids since they won't be able to join us on Christmas Day....complications with complex family obligations but all workable lol...
Wishing everyone a peaceful and blessed 2016.....this world of ours needs all we can get and make for each other
Heather ......where we will have an icy wet white Christmas since its been raining all day and will turn colder and change to snow and ice
Really? I can Post ?
I just tried to post a comment and it actually worked, for the first time in what seems like years. Now I am really pushing the envelope!
I will take this opportunity to wish everyone who is still here a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. I hope you are having as much fun with Christmas as I am -- for the first time in several years I have a tree up and decorations and two family dinners planned. The new knees have given me my life back. I feel blessed.
I am off to the grocery store for more ingredients and then will have another day of baking and candy making with my granddaughter. We fill a vast number of goodie baskets for family and friends and it gets bigger every year!
If this posts I will be back over the holiday to check in and report on Kitty's progress for those who are interested.
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. We are not going to have a white Christmas in lower Michigan this year. It is raining as I type! Temps have been 20-30 degrees above average for this time of year. Last week we had a day or two of 65 degrees!! about 3 weeks ago we had 10 inches of snow in one day. That was gone in a week. Was it last year or the year before when there was so much snow on the east coast they dumped it in the bay? I like the snow but I don't miss the shoveling.
Does anyone ever hear from some of the gals that used to post on Betty Locke, or Jane from North Carolina (I think), how about Cheryl or Elle from Canada, oh and Kitty? She used to remind all of us when a birthday was coming up. Jill in Portland is another gal who always had a quilt going. I know for sure, that life gets in the way sometimes.....but it would be nice to hear from some of the "old timers".
I have been sewing curtains for my living room. Will put them up when I take down my Christmas decorations. Going thru my fabric stash the other day, I sorted out a stack of christmas print fabrics. Not sure if I have enough for a large quilt, but that will give me a reason to head to the quilt shop. Anyway I am going to make those prints up into at least one quilt to have ready as a gift for next Christmas. Not going to take all year either.
An amazing thing happened a couple of weeks ago. My daughter Googled her name just to see what came up. Turns out that her cousins on her Dads side of the family were looking for her and her brother. We have had no contact with them in 50 years. So far that has been an amazing reunion.
Again, Merry Christmas!!