To donate to New Zealand Salvation Army:
Log onto to donate button and fill out your details.
In the box listed as "specify use" write ChChEQuake
Don't forget they are approaching fall and winter so cold is going to be a problem before many homes will be restored.
After working in many ways with the Salvation Army in my career I've decided you can't go wrong donating to them in a disaster. Even in Haiti they already had a presence there prior to the earthquake. That's where my money went. Last evening I got on line with SA US web site and found no way to contribute to the NZ disaster so went to their NZ site. They are very active in that country (I don't think there is anywhere in the world where they are not active) and they are going to send me an email today to explain how I can contribute. I will post that information as soon as I get it. Even with Katrina the Red Cross had to wait for the idiots in the state and city to permit them to enter and get to work. The SA was already there and had a specific page on their web site to contribute to that particular effort. The SA personnel are religiously motivated and devote their
lives, like a monastic group, to their cause. However, they are absolutely dedicated to helping without any religious bias.
As a foot note let me add that I am not a Christian. However, the world is full of many who claim to be and who, in my estimation, don't come close. They should look at the SA for a standard.
I'm not putting down the Red Cross. They, too, are experienced and equiped to be a very real help in these situations.
Sara, yes, you're is the Toronto Dominion Bank and they own TDCanada Trust, as well. They are longtime bankers in Canada and, as far as I know, have an excellent reputation. Our banking system is more regulated than yours in the US and therefore, is more stable. Not to worry, your money is in good hands. They have an investment part of their business called TDWaterhouse.
My god-dog Cooper was here last night for an overnight visit. His parents are struggling to deal with his newly diagnosed diabetes. Amazing how dogs are getting illnesses similer to humans.
Happy dance
So much sad news from NZ. I wanted to post that my quilted jacket is finally finished. Even the collar turned out nice. Took it to show and tell at guild meeting last night.
Rosey or anyone else from Canada-what do you know about TD Bank? Our local bank has been sold to them. I know the T stands for Toronto, so it must be a Canadian bank. Feels like to packman game of several years ago, when one gobbles up the other.
I want so badly to go outside and pull weeds, re-locate some rose bushes, etc, but the wind is whipping the pollen around. The little worm looking things from the oak trees are getting tracked in the house. What a mess. We are in need of rain. There have been wildfires in several counties south of us. Dry brush and lots of leaves so it burns quickly.
I'm trying to hire some teens to come and do yard work, but having a hard time finding any.
One home school girl age 16 is coming tomorrow. I'd like to have a few teen boys, but either they are too busy, or their parents have $$ so the teens don't feel the need.
OK-off to vac. up the wormy things.
Sara in Fla.
Update ...
D.H and I joined others at the Civil Defense center on Tuesday night. Not many of us have that opportunity so I thought I would share some of the experiences.
We met some wonderful people. The organisation was amazing. Lots of tiresome form filling as people arrived,but nobody seemed to mind. Our church building adapted so well to the needs. We had 89 people sleeping on mattresses in the auditorium. The youth hall became the dining room, the Sunday school rooms housed extra clothing, from foot wear through to undies and top coats. The Pastor's offices were housing the Civil Defense people and other important people (!) The little house in the church grounds became the medical center . The Salvation Army (God bless them) took over the commercial kitchen and provided meals, snacks and drinks throughout the day and night. A father and son quietly moved among the throng of clients and helpers, keeping the floors clean, another team kept the toilets clean .. We had showers and more toilets in the grounds of the church. We had a supervised play area for the children and lots of indoor games. We had security people around and the friendly neighbourhood policemen popped in every hour, on the hour, just to check on our welfare. There was free Internet connection available and a free telephone.
The people staying were mostly a cross section from the poorer areas of Christchurch. Some from Hostels, some from poorly maintained rental properties. They were a cheerful bunch and very appreciative of all that was offered. There were a lot of tattoos and
shaven heads visible and it was good to get alongside people who would normally not come into our sphere.... Our duty was to find and make up beds for them when they arrived . Having done that, the next task was to make sure they were warm and not hungry. After that they tended to sit in groups and just talk about their experiences. There were counsellors around and also social welfare people. Locals popped in with food throughout and also a group of young people arrived with their musical instruments . We met and talked to people who are used to dealing with hardship. Single mums with traumatised children. People who have lost their homes and places of employment.. What will happen to them when these shelters close ? That will be the real challenge for the rest of us. This isn't going to be over in a few weeks.
The friends who were staying here have moved further north to the safety of their sons farm. They hope to be back in their home next week when the water is reconnected. Their home is badly damaged and many around them have lost their homes. I think they are being over-optimistic, the roads approaching their property have deep cracks in them and sunken edges. I found the drive up there terrifying.. They know they can return here at any time. DH and I are leaving today for a few days in Auckland. It's
DH's Bday on Saturday and we planned, many weeks ago, to spend it with the family up there. We return on Monday. Actually, it seems presumptuous to have any plans these days...
I look forward to reading the Louise Penny books . !! They sound as if they would hold my attention if I get the chance to sit down.
A lovely day here today, though Autumn is really in the air early mornings. For those of you in the northern hemisphere, enjoy Spring've waited long enough for it this year !
Best wishes to all.
earthquake appeal
I always give to the Red Cross as the most needed is money, I don't suppose I can put it on here but if you go to you will get the site there. It is now 160 people dead with the total going to be about 240. One of the buildings was a hostel for backpackers which is why the talk is of 20 countries involved. The Cathedral is known to have about 20 people in it but so far too dangerous to go in. Today must have been absolutely awful down there as there were very high winds and you could see all the silt and dust blowing about which didn't help the possibility of more trouble with the wind. There are still more aftershocks , some quite strong , it just doesn't seem to end. There was also a quake in Wellington, no damage but still worrying for our capital city. My eyes won't keep open any more it is now Hugs to all , Bee in NZ
Spring and "Still Life"
I finished Louise Penny's "Still Life" on Monday. I could not put it down until I knew whodunit!
In order to not post any "spoilers" here, I'll post my comments about the plot in the 'comments' area of this post.
Signs of Spring are here: warm days, my early-blooming variety daffodils started blooming last weekend, trees starting to bud and my rose bushes are sprouting leaves, and male goldfinches are beginning to lose the olive-green color and turn yellow.
Marion in NZ - I cannot fathom the devastation in Christchurch and what life is like for the people there. I read other posts from citizens on other sewing boards, but what I read here at WWQP Chat Board is the most informative. The website has a fund-raising effort, and if I wasn't afraid of committing copyright violation, I would copy and paste some of the NZ stories they have posted in their recent email.
We live 200 miles east of the New Madrid fault, and have earthquake insurance on our home only because it is brick. The coverage is "better than nothing" and we hope we never need it.
I don't think any place is safe from natural disasters; we've had our share of horrific tornadoes and flood. Our planet earth is an ever-changing planet, flexing its muscle from time to time, as does mother nature.
Sewing - I've been working on a shirt for myself, with collar and stand. I need to get it done before summer arrives, as it is long-sleeve. After three test garments, I finally have the pattern adjusted to fit me properly. I envy everyone who can go to the store and buy a shirt that fits nicely! Now that this pattern is sorted out, I have grand hopes it will become a TNT (Tried-N-True) from which I can make variations.
My new quilt project is on hold while working on this shirt. My THANGLES arrived, for the HST (half-square triangles) of which this quilt requires 288. You can count on me to butcher triangle points ---Ack--- so the Thangles will hopefully keep me on the straight and true ... and pointy.
NZ News
Marion has allowed me to share a little of what they are dealing with at home. It is a reality most of us will never have to deal with.
From NewZealand: "I haven't wanted to post on the BB as it's all bad news. I can't see Christchurch being rebuilt in my life time. The destruction is widespread and dramatic. Nobody will want to enter, much less work, in a high rise building again. The recovery will take place but there will be serious concerns about rebuilding on this site. When the pioneers arrived and set out the city they had no thought or knowledge of liquefaction and earthquakes. We have that knowledge now. The after-shocks continue and the courage of the search and rescue teams is amazing. There is little hope of finding anybody alive anymore but they continue on as if the buildings are full of possible survivors. The injuries are horrendous. Many amputations, conducted in less than favourable conditions, just to remove people from the buildings. Identification of the recovered bodies is difficult, it could be awhile before people know for sure, the names of those who have died."
(Rosey in Canada)
Many thanks, Fran

The three Aussies, Geordie, Ceilidh, now deceased & her sister, Hope. Please thank Shannon for keeping the picture all these years, Fran. It's a treasure.
And just now, two yearling deer have walked past my studio window, joining four more in the field behind the house. What a treat.
Sunday morning
Yes, Fran, our email is still the same as it was; connected to the B&B. You can find us on the internet. Electronics are great when they work; frustrating when you depend upon them to work and they don't.
I'm anxious to hear from Marion and a further report on how they are and the conditions in and around ChristChurch. I have not been listening to the news in the past few days but I'm told that the aftershocks continue, is that correct? I cannot imagine dealing with the devastation and the nerve-wracking feeling of sitting on top of what seems to be the earth's time-bomb. From the pictures Marion has posted and also sent along to me, my perception of New Zealand, where she lives, is that it is very beautiful, serene and yet dramatic in its landscape and very picturesque. No climate, no place in the world seems to have the ideal weather, landscape and so on, but I've thought New Zealand might. ( although Jean in Mill Bay reminds me once in awhile that Vancouver Island is close to ideal and many Canadians would agree since moving to Victoria when they retire seems to be what some folks here in Central Canada do).
As beautiful as it is where we live, bucolic, gently rolling hills and picturesque, we deal with very long winters although not as intense as the Maritimes in Eastern Canada. It's about this time of year that many of us feel the constraints of winter. Thank heavens for quilting, good books and the fact that I do like winter. It's just too long.
helpless feelings
I've been away in Melbourne for 10 days visiting DS#3 and DDIL. Our laptop, which we bought in October, decided to have a hissy fit while we were there - looks as if the hard-drive needs replacing. It was bought to take on our trip to Europe and we leave in 2 1/2 weeks, so I'm hoping we can get it fixed in time. So much for keeping in touch - and I hadn't taken my address/phone book with me as a backup.
So I felt pretty helpless when we heard the news about Christchurch's earthquake and all the terrible destruction and heartache. I was glad to get home so I could read Marion's post and see also that Rosie had been in touch to find out how she and Russell were. It's such a beautiful city and it's sad to know that buildings are gone forever, but even sadder to know of the great loss of life and ongoing suffering of those who live there. My heartfelt thoughts are with our NZ cousins.
Rosie, we were looking through some old photos with Shannon and came across a beautiful one of your 3 dogs that he took when he visited you. I'd love to email you a your email addy still the same as it was in 2004?
Off to unpack. Hugs to all,