Friday, February 6, 2009


Okay, as of Feb. 6 I am officially sick of winter! I think I did pretty well to make it this far, but now I'm tired of it. It was 10 below again when I woke up this morning. Ugh. Yesterday it only got up into the single digits. Today is supposed to be in the teens. Tomorrow we're supposed to have a "warm up" and get into the 30's, or maybe even above 40 I was told at PT today. The trouble is, then it just goes back down again. Hurry Spring, hurry!!

I've been painting at DS's house, and the bedrooms are essentially finished. I've begun the upstairs hall. DS and friend painted the living room last night, which is the biggest room in the house, so it's really starting to look less like a construction site and more like a house now. I can hardly wait until all the rubble is gone from every room and it starts to look like a home. It's going to be really nice when it's done. I just wish his first house would sell, so he could get the mortgage for this one. Right now we're paying on an interest-only note for it, and that's not the best situation to be in. Know anyone who would like a cute little three-bedroom house in upstate Vermont?? We've got one for you, and it's under 90K! Well, I did say it was little! Cute as a bug, too.

PT is going well. I'm now bored with it, so you can tell my arm has become more flexible (must be all that painting!). I go back to the surgeon on the 17th, and expect he will clear me for some strength training after that. Fun, fun.

Off to check on the contractor at DS's and then pick the kids up from school. Youngest DS wants to take his written test to get his driving permit today. I don't think he's studied enough, but he's insisting he's ready, so we'll see. Maybe if he fails it he'll finally see that his definition of studying and what actual studying is are two different animals. Then again, maybe he'll surprise me. That's all I need--teaching #4 to drive. Help!

Jean in VT

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good Tuesday morning

It's getting cold here again, and the wind is blowing strong. Right now I have a tree crew getting set up outside to take down the tree we were worried about back in the fall, during hurricane season. The rotten spot has gotten bigger, so it needs to be removed before it falls on the house or cars.
I've never read or watched the "Lord of the Rings" books or movies. My DSIL is crazy about them.
Well, the left eye surgery went well last week. I'm still getting used to not wearing glasses all the time, but only on the computer or reading. I had some cute, purple readers, but they weren't strong enough, so went out yesterday and found a #2 and 1/2 strength.
Since I have to stay home all day today I'm going to clean out the pantry, hem up the new curtains I made, and generally be domestic.
One of my neighbors gave birth at home last week, to a baby girl. Evidently she had planned the home birth, and the labor was only 30 min. I hope to see her and the baby girl today, "Dorothy" named after her grandmother.
I hope the ice storms and cold haven't done any damage to anyone in Ky. or other places for our WWQP friends. I'm thankful we have our storms in the summer, at least when the power goes off we are hot, not cold.
What is happening in Spain, and other parts of the world?
I miss hearing from (?) in Mass. who took the sail boat trips and trips to Mexico.
I understand that London got 4 inches of snow, and that it shut down the city pretty much. Just like Washington, D. C. everyone is from everywhere else, and they don't know how to drive, or act in snow.
We have our condo rented out to some Canadians who came down on a charter buss for the Nascar races. They are staying a month.
It has been since August since I've spent any time at the beach, and I'm ready to go for a couple of days.
OK, the ironing is waiting.
Happy day to all, stay warm!
Sara in Fla.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lord of the Rings

Thanks so much ladies - I knew you wouldn't fail me. Jane - I think you should take your speed reading class if you want to and then sit back with a glass of something and let the audio book do the work for you!!

Thanks and enjoy life, Phyllis in Minnesota

The Lord of the Rings; quick update

I highly recommend the audio books, especially if you are a slow reader. They are well done, and should be available from any library system. Just make sure that you get the unabridged version.
I have been incredibly busy. We hosted a quiz bowl tournament this weekend. We set up for it after school on Friday, so I worked a 12 hour day. Then we finished the set-up, ran the tournament, and cleaned up afterward, for another 12 hour day. Add to that the 45 minute commute each way... Sunday, we had church and a meeting in the afternoon. Needless to say I got no quilting done this weekend.
I'm not ready, but I have to leave for work again now.

Lord of the Rings

The scenery is breathtaking but most of it was filmed in our South Island. A lot of people were involved in the making of the film, we had friends who made the armour and suchlike and also were making some of the outfits, I would love to have been there to watch. Quite a few films are made here as our scenery is so diverse, you only have to drive a little way and it changes from farmland and rolling hills to dense bush. We are bush fans and used to live in a part of Auckland where you could both see and hear all the different birds, now we are older we have had to come into town a bit and nearer the medical facilities. I loved to go out to the Manakau side of the isthmus and if you looked out to sea in the right part you could imagine you were miles from anywhere but turn around and the city was right there. We have lived in NZ for years and will never move back to the UK . The light here is wonderful and we can grow plants and fruit we only thought about at "home"Some plants my mother used to cherish are called weeds here. Hugs from Bee in NZ

Sunday, February 1, 2009



I believe the film is actually one of a trilogy, the Tolkein stories of The Lord of the Rings.

I'm ashamed to say I've never read any of them but did read The Hobbit which preceeds the trilogy. I own it and will get to them one of these days. Unfortunately I'm the slowest reader in the universe. Probably an undiagnosed learning disability. Is age 72 too late to take speed reading? Think I'll give it a try.

Jane in NC feeling great after my first weights work out since foot surgery in Nov.

The filing system in my brain has failed me!!

Eiikes - getting older and remembering things don't always match up, so I need some help. I believe on the old BB there was a discussion about a new movie with breathtaking landscapes and one of the DUGS said it was filmed in New Zealand. I need to know the name of the movie and I figured if I "picked your brain", someone would come up with the answer. Last summer a high school girlfriend told me her moto regarding reminising is getting a LOT of friends together in order to remember all parts of the story.

Thanks for your help, Phyllis in Minnesota where it was 46 degrees yesterday - a tropical heatwave!