Saturday, June 16, 2007

What's up??? (courtesy of Jane's post)

JANE IN NC - well, that scientific magazine is too funny if you ask me. Viagra, eh? I can just see women lining up to ask for Viagra, for jet lag of course, and I wonder if their health insurance will deny the claim simply because they're not men? LOL
Since Viagra is known to make things perkier, perhaps it could help ladies with things that were once perky but have since lost the battle with gravity and headed south.....

CROCKPOTS - I was given a crock pot some thirty years ago but rarely used it since it was humongous and our family is small. I gave it away eons ago. Now I'm trying to remember if that crockpot from the 1970s had a glass lid or plastic lid. The newer ones are tempered glass, but I bought a smallish one (3 or 4 qt) at WallyWorld a year or two ago and it has a plastic lid. Does anyone remember, or have a really old one, who can help my memory and tell me what kind of lid yours has?

WELP - I'm going to try my hand at Irish Stew this weekend, accompanied by Irish Soda Bread. I'll flog this onto my sister and her husband. LOL I enjoyed partaking of these dishes in the ancestral country and found some good recipes. Wish me luck! I'm not a cook . . . I'd much rather be sewing. ;-)

Hugs to everyone,
Doris W. inTN

Friday, June 15, 2007 could make a career out of this....

What a hoot! And it's been duly passed on to the few pilots on my list.

The birds are so happy with this weather here in southern Ontario that they are singing their hearts out. In winter, there is silence...even the birds haven't the energy to sing. They need their energy to keep warm. The air is scented with peony blossoms and I want to stop the clock and stay in this weather always. Our summer has come early this year. Hard to know what July and August will bring, our two months of normally hot weather and summer. Hopefully, it will continue.

I'm trying to resist a slice of apple cake, made for guests this week-end. Jock is trying to resist the lemon-blueberry coffee cake.


Hamsters on Viagra !?!

Wotever next ?! Thanks Jane . I needed a laugh today and your post certainly gave me that ! The mind boggles... least said the better, probably..

Visited two friends in hospital today. One having just had a hip replacement and the other having had a malignant melanoma removed from her leg.. Both will be sitting with their feet up for awhile, one for eight days and one for eight weeks. Fortunately they both have retired husbands who are able to help and a good circle of friends who will be busy doing meals etc. You have to wonder how those less fortunate manage at such times...

A chilly day here today and some rain tonight. It is winter after all !

Enjoy your w/end.


Jewel Box Quilters Show

If you are in central Iowa and looking for something to do this weekend the Jewel Box Quilters of Grinnell, Iowa are having a show this Friday from 10AM-7PM and Saturday from 9AM-4PM at the Grinnell Middle School. I will have several quilts on display and the raffle quilt is spectacular. We have a wonderful cafe, vendors and quilt inspiration galore. Please come and join the fun.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


While eating breakfast I perused a recent issue of Science News which is a weekly digest with short articles about the latest developments in science. They are no doubt grossly simplified and talk mainly about conclusions or implications and say a little about method. In the 5/26/07 issue there is an item about the positive effects of Viagra(sildenafil) on recovery from jet lag, at least the west to east leg. The work was done on hamsters and the article doesn't mention the gender of the subjects. By habituating the hamsters to fixed cycle of light and dark, injecting the drug, and then abruptly adjusting the light to dark ratios mimicking the effect of flying from Chicago to London they observed that those receiving the highest dose recovered their normal activity level quickest, lower dose next and finally, those that received the saline placebo recovery was at the rate expected with no medication. The problem as I see it, though, isn't that likely to render the behavior of male passengers socially and legally unacceptable during said flights? Can't you just see the headlines?


And the defense at trial? The Viagra defense of course. I can see the law journals overflowing with legal analysis of the issues now.

Sorry ladies, I just couldn't help myself.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Anna in Spain?

Has anyone heard from Anna in Spain? If so let us know how she and her DH are doing.
Sara in Fla.


I am thrilled and much relieved. Thanks for your help. Hope the communication lines stay open.

Thanks again.

Sorry ladies for this one on one.

Raeann in MO


I received your email the other day, thanks. You should have received a couple of emails at least over the last couple of days. If not, please email me again and let me know. You might like to include your phone number - I can Skype your phone and let you know the latest as a last resort.

Sorry, everyone.

MARION: Loved the joke! Winter has set in here as well. Cold and even wet at times! Have you had much snow yet? Aren't you off to Scotland sometime later this year?

DONNA: So glad to hear the news of your DBIL.

We took DS#3 and his American g.f. through the wine districts (Clare and Barossa Valleys) over the weekend. They seemed to enjoy the experience and bought 3 or 4 bottles of wine, port, etc to savour over the winter. We bought some too, then came home with the thought (from me) that lots of the wine in our cellar could have gone off by now! DH humoured me and brought some inside to test: first one yuk but the next one OK. We may need to have a cheese and wine night to go through a few more, I think............

Off to settle in front of the heater for the evening.

Fran in S.Aust.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A wonderful day!

It really has been a great day!

At 8 this morning I took my old Divot cat to the vet for his oral surgery. When I got back home before 8:30 the landscape crew was here already digging out the flower beds. This made me very happy indeed, since I have been trying to get someone to do my serious garden renovation for some time without success. Some of them are simply unreliable and the good ones are booked solid at this time of year -- I got a very good one but I have been waiting for a month for him to be able to get a crew here. They will be back tomorrow to finish the first round of digging...

I made a number of phone calls and every one resulted in just exactly the answer I wanted to hear. :)

And shortly after ten this morning I left to go to town and meet Grace. We started with coffee and chat at 10:30, moved on to a restaurant for lunch and more chat, and then went and found a new quilt shop in town that I had not been to yet -- and we both found excellent fabrics for current projects! It was after three when we went our separate ways -- by which time my cat was more than ready to be picked up and taken home and I had enjoyed one of the best days I have had for a long time!

Tomorrow I have a trip to the nursery to look forward to, since I have to buy soil and tubs to put the shrubs and roses in that were dug out -- it will be about a month before things get replanted, but there is no reason at all that I should not start picking up things to plant when the beds are ready... I can hardly wait to hear DH when I share this happy thought with him on the phone later this evening! LOL

Jean, grinning at Mill Bay

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ken update

He came thru surgery just fine. I know the first week after surgery is the hardest, so keep up the good thoughts. Thanks

Donna, LEH,NJ

uuuuummmmm !

I have just taken the loaf out of the oven ! It's looking good . I fancy it won't do a lot for the waist-line but...hey...I"m doing this in the name of science....Talking waistlines, it seems that my winter clothes have shrunk during the summer months . I can still get into them but things look a little (I wish..) strained in places... Just what I needed to get serious about some exercise ! I'm not going to weigh myself, I think I would be too discouraged. I'll take a different approach. Be more disciplined for two weeks ,THEN weigh . Hopefully then , the amount I want to lose will seem achievable !

Well done Jean ! What an encouragement !

Glorious day here today, warm and sunny, all the doors and windows open. Rosey is right. Our winter is short and not too severe, so most of us quite like the changes that it brings...

I know this isn't a joke page but this one really amused me yesterday . Thought I would risk passing it on ..

Calmness in our lives...

Dr Phil proclaimed "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and never finished..."

So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and never finished and finished off a bottle of Shiraz, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of chips, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheese, some more Pringles and a box of chocolates...

You've no idea how *&^%$# good I feel right now !

with apologies from Marion.

Monday checking in

Good day everyone. I'd say goodmorning, but see it is already after 2:00 PM.
Today was my catch up day for hurricane supplies. The tax-exempt days end tomorrow. I'm proud to say that I remembered to use my Ace coupons and bought an extra propane tank and had it filled. (for the gas grill)
Then went to Lowe's and purchased the 4'x8' pannels for opaque polywhatever for the large kitchen and sewing room windows. Bought 2 more to cut up for the bathroom and kitchen regular size windows. I had done my research per Flylady's instructions so knew what to buy and so on. Wasn't in a panic, so didn't overspend. I'll have to go back this evening with DH's pick up truck to have it loaded in to bring home. Too big to fit into the car.
Went to the bank and took the original birth certificates that had been in a file cabinet. Have been meaning to do that for years. Since DH is a retired employee we get a free safe deposit box, the small one.
Fun stuff/ went to the Suwanee River over the weekend and did the paddle thing. I've named my kayak the bananna boat as it is bright yellow. The river was about 10 to 12 feet below normal due to the ongoing drought. It was strange to sit in the water and look way up over our heads to see the limestone rocks and tree roots. While going under a bridge I saw about 15 feet over my head the begining of the marker for the "flood" marking. Won't have to worry about that for the year.
The water is brackish, so couldn't see too much. It was hot, hot, hot. The humidity has arrived in Fla. as of last week. I think it was officialy 98 degrees here yesterday. Good weather to be in the A/C business. Too hot to go out and do much except in the early morning or evening. Or on the water.
Realized I need to resign from some of my volunteer quilting, as I'm being resentfull of the time I spend on it. Not a good attitude to have. This is supposed to be fun.
OK, off to make some phone calls.
Sara in the heat.

Early Monday morning

Last night a walk through the woods produced a lovely view of a deer, so we skirted the opposite side of the forest, the dogs and I. But another young 'coon has been trapped this morning. Doris, we don't have the 'luxury' of calling animal control here in the country. Thinking about this relocating problem, other than shooting the animal, which I don't like to do and don't have guns in the house, there is a difference between rural and urban living. In the country, we live side by side with wildlife, which for me, is one of the greatest pleasures and the occasional problem. Some people have a terrible time with the deer; most, with raccoons and sometimes skunks. I used to think that raccoons were cute, but I've had horrible destruction in my hen house as a result of them beheading my chickens.

Off early to do my volunteer work this morning and it's a lovely morning here in this part of the world. Marion, I can hear you getting ready to think about another quilt project with your winter coming on. But to think that you don't have a long one is good, given that we almost have to brace ourselves at the start of ours to have the patience to deal with the longevity of it.

Jean, twenty pounds is quite a lot. What about new clothes? You'd not fit into anything that fit you before, now.

And, yes, the muffins are sweet, Jill. I don't eat them myself because once I start eating something with that much sugar in it, I get hooked. I've had a run over the week-end at my apple cake. Even though I cut back on the sugar, it's so good that once it's made or taken out of the freezer, I have no control at all until it's gone. My jeans are decidedly tight this wonder, that.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Very strange!

I started a post earlier today and lost it. Found it this evening, finished it and posted it. The very strange part is that it was posted in sequence with the other posts from earlier today, rather than with the posts from the later time at which it was actually published. Funny how it did that!


Little note from Long Island, NY

Haven't been able to figure out how to post a message but am trying this out. We are enjoying some beautiful weather - warm in day and cool at night. Have planted a mixture of flowers all around our condo and must say it looks great. We have a large backyard area that overlooks state land so it is quite private.

I've been working on a yo-yo table topper lately using fabric with all sorts of colors and patterns. Reminds me of an older woman my mother used to care for who sat all day making yo-yo quilts. Guess I'm approaching that age!! Good wishes to all for a delightful summer.

Margaret from Long Island, NY

West Michigan checking in

Just wanted to tell you I met Glenda on Thursday.
I was driving home from FL and she said she would drive
up to Ocala and meet me. Our time was far to short but glad
to have met another BBer. I've decided I don't want to make
the drive to FL any more. I've taken someone and picked them up
for 20 years. Traffic has gotten much worse over the years. Haven'
had time to do anything quilty. The gardens are taking up lots of time.
The weeds never seem to stop growing.

A peaceful Sunday

Congrats to the Kiwi yachtsmen(sailors) not sure what is proper there, looks forward to seeing them in America's Cup!
Prayers for Ken, Donna.
Watching sports here, The Prefontaine classic track meet in Eugene Oregon, wish I was there watching instead of TV.
Love hearing about your trip Doris, sounds wonderful.
An admission on the diet front, I'm having Strawberry Shortcake for dinner.
I've been waiting for the right day & this is it. There will be no compromise on ingredients, butter, sugar & real whip cream. It will be the one & only of the season.
I will sae the muffin recipe for another splurge, looks yummy.
I have lost 10 pounds & hopefully I won't gain back half for my indulgence.
I don't like to think about the total amount I need to lose. Even with ten I feel like I'm walking faster.
No sewing here, but the withdrawl is sneaking in & I will be starting something here soon!
Off to the races....wanted to add a pic of my berries but the blog doesn't want me to, darn!
Enjoy the day, Jill

Taking a break...

I am doing book keeping today -- I would sooner be having a root canal! -- so I have decided it is time for a break!

I am also taking a break from the diet -- sort of! I had said that I would lose the 20 pounds, which I have done, and would then take a break before starting on the last ten. This morning I had eggs and toast for breakfast and I feel like I swallowed a bowling ball! I think I will go back to the sensible whole grain cereal with low fat milk. Since I have never felt deprived on this non-diet (more of a lifestyle adjustment than a diet) I can't think of anything that I really want to indulge in at this point. My horoscope for the week says that Thursday is a good day to start a diet or make lifestyle changes, so I think I will start weighing in again on Thursday. I find it very helpful to have this forum where we can share our diet strategies and support each other -- and by the recent posts of pounds and inches lost I would say that I am not the only one! Congratulations to Pat, Jill, Jane and all others who are struggling with this and winning a few rounds!

Pat, as long as you are losing inches you are doing fine. Muscle is heavier than fat and takes up less space. I still remember my sense of outrage many years ago when I joined a gym and worked out faithfully and turned into a real hard body -- and gained weight! It took me a long time to get my head wrapped around the idea that percentage of fat was more important than total weight.

Wild life relocation -- I can see both sides of this issue, having been on the receiving end of dumped animals as well as having sent a few off into the wilderness myself. Because we are in a rural area we get cats, rabbits, and various other critters dumped here. And I have more than once sent DH off into the forest reserves with a live trapped critter to release rather than shoot the darn thing. Even the occasional raccoon, much as I hate them...

Kitten report -- well, I lied. What can I say? I told DH that there would be no foster kittens here this year. There are now seven of them in my guest bathroom. The lady who was fostering them had to leave rather suddenly to have her baby and so they are here until I can find another place for them. At that point I will be taking in a mom cat and her five kittens, pending finding a foster home for them. I just hope I can pull this off before DH gets back from the current stint in Alberta.

Ah, sweet relief! I just had a call to say that the seven kittens will be picked up today!

I started this post earlier today and there was a brief power outage that shut down my computer. I thought the post was lost forever, but I just thought to check and see if it had been saved as a draft. Wow! There it was!

Since then I sent the kittens off to their new foster home, had a strange assortment of company, a remarkable number of phone calls, and got a couple of good solid hours in on the book keeping. Time to knock off for the day.

Jean at Mill Bay, who still hates book keeping with a passion!

Remember to consider the phenol that the serum is placed in...get yourself tested for a reaction to phenol. I've had one and have stopped the shots for now. It can be placed in glycerin as well, I think.

ROSEY P - You are absolutely right. I've read (a long, long time ago) about the serum base being a potential allergen for some people. Years ago I took allergy shots from a certain allergist and I swore the shots I got from him caused my sinus infections. There was definitely a pattern: too much cause-and-effect for it to go unnoticed. When I raised the question to his shot nurse she looked at me like I was crazy or from Mars. With that response, I promptly stopped getting the shots and wasn't sick any more. Years later I started up with my current allergist, testing, etc. and have actually can take the maintenance dose, with his formulation.

RACCOONS - We're fortunate that they're not a problem around here. They exist, but not a problem. Good advice, Pat in Rockport, about dumping the critters on those who haven't volunteered to take them on. Our local Animal Control facility will pick up any possums and skunks I trap and put them down because those animals are known carriers of rabies in our area. I don't know what they'd do with a raccoon.

DROUGHT - I heard on the TV this week that we are nine inches below our normal rainfall at this time of year. YIKES! I hope the local city governments will start restrictions on lawn watering and such before we hit a crisis mode. I am particularly worried for the farmers around here. May be I should go wash my car, myself by hand, in the 92F heat, as that always guarantees it will rain in a day or two. ;-)

Hugs to everyone,
Doris W. in TN

Donna's Ken and Weigh-In

Donna, will be sending prayers and positive thoughts your way, I hope things will go smoothly for Ken.

Drat, no weight off this week, but another 1/2" off measurements, so maybe the workouts with the weights are shifting some of the fluffy stuff to muscle. Will have to take another look at what crossed my lips this week and adjust accordingly. Hope the rest of you are making better progress than I am.

Pat in Rockport, TX



Hope I can remember everything. :-) I wish there was some way to see the blog while writing. Oh well.

Marion, congrats for the yacht wins! Bet the Kiwi Islands are rocking.

Thanks for the update on Ken, Donna. He and his family will be in my thoughts.

Thanks everyone for the great pictures! That is probably my favorite feature of this blog. I very much enjoy seeing our own 'Show and Tell'.

Thanks Kathi for the muffin recipe. Sounds yummy! Now what time should we all show up to gather around the muffin table with you? ;-) LOL

Today is the Soup Box Derby. A grandson is in it so we'll be down at the track cheering him on. The weather is wetter and chillier than I would like but I'll just bundle up I guess. I've put away my winter clothes but the weather keeps turning chilly again. I've had to pull out a pair or two of wool socks. I won't complain too much though as so many areas have drought conditions. The rain is good for our earth.

Tuesday I head north for a mini quilty retreat with friends. We meet at a friend's house. She has a long arm machine which she lets us practice on. So far I haven't felt comfortable playing with it but the others have given it a try. I'm happy to set up my machine and sew, sew, sew.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Hugz to those who need them.
Mary in Oregon


So nice to check in and to see a few more postings. It has taken me a wee while to get through the "sign in" process . As I was waiting, it occured to me that we have lost the spontaneity that we enjoyed with the old system. That's sad, but I for one, can afford to take those extra moments, so will try to post more regularly !

Thanks for the recipe Rosey. I will try it as a loaf, tomorrow ! I will report back. ! It has all my favourite things in it, so should be a winner !

We "relocate" possums here, as they are a pest too ( and are proven TB carriers. ) Had to laugh when Rosey said that Jock had wanted to paint the raccoons bottoms, to see if the same ones returned !! My DH sprayed the tail of a possum for the very same reason. (it didn't return !!)

Good to hear about your travels Doris. Sounds as if you enjoyed your trip. I was interested in some of your comments about Ireland. Seems that there is a certain "sameness" in all Western destinations these days.. Those "golden arches" are everywhere !!

We here in little old NZ, are feeling very proud this week. Our yachties have won the Louis Vitton cup in Valencia.. Best of nine races against the Italians. We won 5 nil.. earning the right to sail for the Americas Cup, later this month. All very exciting (and tiring !!) Unfortunately , the live broadcast comes in at 1am till 3am (ish). Not too good for a sleep dependant bod like myself !!!

Very chilly here today. Winter is fast approaching. The ski fields opened this w/end, not much natural snow but cold enough up there to get the snow making machines going... We had the first heavy frost last week so that's the end of any colour in the garden. Not long before the early bulbs will be flowering though and I really wouldn't like to live anywhere that didn't have seasons !

Time to stoke the fire and get the hand quilting out. Could be a cosy evening around the fire. Isn't that just what we quilters enjoy ?!?

Enjoy your day.