Merry Christmas to all

Our three youngest grandsons and our daughter-in-law were here for Christmas Eve. Grandpa took the boys down the street for some sledding and a big snowball fight. Daddy joined us for the gift opening via Skype from Iraq. He had to get up at 4:30 am to be here for the merriment.
Today will be quiet...after the total chaos of Murphy's first Christmas. He's our one year old Lab/Chessie cross, and he was quite enthusiastic about opening his gifts. Gus the Golden is an old hand at this, so he watched with interest.
Merry Christmas

I've been out for a walk in the snow here in north Alabama. We're having a real white Christmas. Normally, I consider snow to be a 4-letter word, but this is quite pleasant and very pretty. It is, however, causing accidents, as no one here has any sense about how to drive (or not) in it, and people had plans for Christmas Day. I had hoped to drive an hour south to spend the day at my brother's home. I still might be able to, but I'm going to be safe rather than sorry.
Merry Christmas!
I'm trying to post a picture, but I'm getting gobbledygook, so I'll try again later.
Happy Holidays!
I am just popping in to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas! Hope you are all ready for it!
Tomorrow we are having my sister-in-law and her husband for brunch. On Boxing Day we are having the traditional Christmas dinner -- that is the only day we can get every one together this year. It isn't Christmas without the kids but it does rather stretch the holiday out. (A whole extra day of keeping the house ready for company...ugh)
Have a warm and wonderful day!
For Bee and all other cat lovers
Copy & paste, if link does not work. This site is precious: Holiday hugs to everyone!
try again
Sorry about the last post. My stupid cat decided to walk across the keyboard and I lost all the content of my post. I just want to wish you all a wonderful holiday , not too much snow, rain , wind ,just a cosy Christmas. It is Christmas morning here and all should be asleep but some idiots are letting off fireworks, very very bright ones and it is impossible to sleep. I have finished all my baking etc and wrapping pressies now just waiting for morning. Our 2 1/2 year old is waiting for Santa, very excitedand trying to see what is in the parcels under her tree. I didn't put mine up , with 4 little kittens???? I collect angels and can just imagine lots of broken glass and cut paws. I have homes for all of them just waiting for their weight to be enough then away they will go and more will arrive. They certainly amuse everyone . have a wonderful time everyone I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.Hugs Bee in NZ
counting down . .
. . . until Christmas. I'm done wrapping gifts, went to the grocery today and have everything for dinner on Saturday evening. DS and DDIL arrived this evening, and may be with us Xmas night. Snow is predicted and their drive to her parents' house in east TN may be too treacherous on Xmas Day. (I-40 on the Cumberland Plateau, and downhill, can be treacherous.) So I got enough food for everyone, just in case. And so, the weekend has begun.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Joleen, I confess that I was unsettled to read how prepared you are for Christmas and could not fully read your posting without a feeling of panic until I got back home this afternoon after spending three hours in town getting my Christmas groceries, gifts, etc. one still yet to buy, done. We have snow here also in Southern Ontario and while I would not be adverse to a light snowfall tomorrow, I think it will happen on Christmas day. Two of our families will come on Christmas day to spend the night. I don't think the two adult kids have spent a night under the same roof since they went off to university. They are looking forward to it; I am too. Family, if we have them nearby, is what Christmas is about for me.
I think, however, of the seniors I call once a week, with Telecheck, a great programme for supporting seniors who live alone and while some have families and will be with them over Christmas; some don't. This is when the hype of Christmas really bothers me because it increases a sense of loss in those whose Christmases may have been filled with families and now are not.
Sara, there is nothing like an antibiotic to clear up a sinus infection. Sometimes, it just goes too far and there's nothing to be done but get a prescription and deal with it.
Christmas Greetings to all
December 23rd
The presents are wrapped, the menus are planned, most of the supplies for Christmas dinner have been purchased and the oatmeal sour dough bread is about ready to pan. Add in about 20 inches of snow and it is really "beginning to look at lot like Christmas" here in southern Minnesota. I want to wish all of my cyber friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Joleen in MN
back among the living/Merry Christmas
Wow-those antibiotics sure worked fast. I'm singing the praises of the "Z" pack, two Mon, two on Tues, two this morning and I'm almost 100%. Even went out today and got a hair cut.
Now I'll be able to really enjoy Christmas Eve services and dinner with friends.
I have the Glee Christmas CD on, they do have great voices. After that comes Josh Groban, then an assortment of lots of people.
Doggies had baths just now and they are not happy with me. It is supposed to start getting down to freezing tomorrow night, so wanted to get that chore over with. It was sunny by 10:00 AM and the temp. went up to 70 by noon.
We are under high fire warnings, no rain in months. We need some of what Calif. is getting.
So-if you all don't get to check in for a few days, Merry Christmas to all. Stay well, and happy quilting into the new year.
Sara in Fla.
Wednesday morning
and so far it has been the only non frantic time of the past few weeks.....and our weather is holding on the mild side with some flurries but no gut wrenching frigid cold spells that seem to never go away.....we will have a white christmas for sure but one that you can be out and about in....
The little bit of shopping has been done and the wrapping must begin......more importantly the grandkids christmas quilts (all five of them) have been finished completely and they each have a matching pillow case....with a small toy and book each they are done.....DH has completed the stained glass pieces for each of the boys and their spouses and a joint gift from a wish or known need list has completed it all.....
It has been a great pre-season of Christmas this made by us and with love .....and somethings not getting done.....but that is okay as cards have been written never mind mailed.....New year's may be the time....thot I might get at them next week but we are taking a short drive with one group of the grandkids and plan to play in the pool with them and take afternoon naps snuggled next to them...two or three days of just playing silly with them will suit me fine......seems like my gift requests that I had DH make have taken quite a bit of his supplies down to next to nothing so he will be able to find some supplies and still be able to be creative in the winter months.....
Have not baked very much......and the pressure for Christmas dinner has been taken away.....a brother-in-law phoned and asked all of us to join them.....first time for them to host all I need do is bake the ham.......couldn't refuse that now could I ? LOL !
So my wish for everyone while I have the moments to do so........Happy Holidays and warmest wishes for a healthy and pieceful New Year !
Sinus crud
Well, the weather is considerably warmer here, about 45 and sunny now. I can't really enjoy it because I have been going downhill with the sinuses since Thurs. Started with swollen glands, now have a 3:00 Dr's apt. for the sinus stuff. Teeth and face hurt.
I did take DH to St. Augustine on Sat. evening. Ate fried shrimp at a little Mom & Pop place, then got on the "Holly, Jolly Trolly" to ride around and see all the Christmas lights. Lots of people, all seemed to be in a good mood and singing Christmas songs. It was great fun.
Have been sleeping (sort of) in my quilting room on the day bed for the last 2 nights. Coughing, so not doing much sleeping. Thankfully I don't have any gifts to make, so can lay low and watch mindless TV, or find a book to read.
The dogs don't understand why I'm not walking them right now. They will have to be happy with the back yard for today.
Sinusy Sara in Fla.