More uplifting post this morning
OK, thanks for the "vent". I'm in better spirits today.
Good news dept. The daughter of a dear friend is graduating from college this Sat. in West Palm Beach. They currently live in Mississippi and are driving to WPB and will spend the night with us. It is 12 hours from their house to mine, so I'm sure they will be tired, but it will be great to visit with them for a bit. I'm so proud of their daughter also. She was working full time at this college (Palm Beach Atlantic, a private Baptist college) and had no intentions of taking any classes. The proffs. there liked her and urged her to work on a degree, so she did! I'm sure she had a break in the tution since she worked there, but even so, very proud of her.
The teen boy who I hired will come back this afternoon and finish up the mulch. It's too blame hot and humid for me!
My DH just called from his A/C business, more good news. Someone I walked/ran with during the 1/2 marathon training called his business for a new A/C. I had given her a business card more than 6 months ago, and she kept it and called. Yes, he gave her a break on the price.
OK-things are looking up today-
Sara in Fla.
Wed. morning
Hi I never tire of reading your posts Sara and it is wonderful that you can share you days with your mother. Mine has passed on and she was also frail and not wanting to do much in her last years. I am now retired and sew most everyday. I made two purses in the last two weeks and am working on a wallhanging with vegtables on it. There are rabbits in the border and I am calling it Mr. McGregors Garden, a throw back to my childhood. HAHA It has rained off and on for the past week. Can not even go outside to mow. Too wet!!! but it is good that it is coming in small amounts. Three years ago we had flooding and certainly don't need that again. I could not stand the heat that you all have in the South. Marge up in gloomy Pa.
Back for traveling I-95
Oh, it's so good to be back home. There's no place like home.... There's no place like home....
I-95 in Florida is under construction constantly! It looks like every 20 miles or so the orange cones are out, and "caution" construction zone signs.
You would think eventually there would not be any more room to make more lanes, it's already 8 lanes in some places.
We could use some of that rain that other states are getting. It looks like another long hot summer is going to happen. I have to go out and water the little baby flowers every morning and evening just to keep them alive.
Maybe we will start getting the afternoon thunder storms soon. It is 90 out there this afternoon.
No quilting going on here, just laundry and mulching in the front and back yards. I'm going to hire my GF's teenage son to do some of the mulching as of tomorrow. Since last year at this time my energy level has gone downhill. It was lots of fun creating the butterfly gardens, but not so much pulling the weeds and maintaining.
No uplifting news from this front. Kind of bummed seeing my Mom so frail. She has trouble getting into and out of the shower, I had to help her
wash off. I did get to take her out to lunch and a couple of dinners, which I think she enjoyed. Being 91 and frail isn't great. I give my brother all the credit for taking care of her all the time.
Someone please post about some fun, exciting, or otherwise interesting things, this post isn't. -- - Thanks for letting me vent.
Sara in Fla.