A day late...
... and a dollar short, as my Dad used to say!
I have lost track of the days this week, due to the fact that we have company here. Yesterday was weigh in day for me, which I did but I failed to come here after that. And it is a darn good thing that today was not the day, given the way I ate yesterday! LOL The results of the weigh in were not wonderful, but I can live with it. A total of 13 pounds to date, which is seven weeks, I think. Just a pound in the last week, but it is a pound in the right direction, I tell myself. :)
The sewing room cleanup is 90% done. I have a few things to tidy away and some bags of refuse to take to the incinerator, but otherwise it is done. I am very pleased indeed! As soon as my company is gone I can settle down to do some of the sewing that has been calling to me. I sorted a stack of leftover batting pieces and a stack of leftover fleece pieces and for one of the first projects I want to make those up into pet beds and send them off to be sold as fundraisers for my cat rescue group. Then I can get on with some of the other embarrassing number of UFOs I unearthed while I was cleaning.
But it all has to wait until I have my house to myself again.
Jean, who really should figure out what to make for dinner...
News from "Down Under"....
Hello Ladies,
It's been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that. I read the page every day, so thank you to all who take the time to post !
Not a lot of news from my corner of the world. The autumn days have brought a glorious display of colour and some lovely sunny days. Today it is wet and quite a lot cooler, so the best may be over !
I have been busy quilting . The "sailor" quilt is finished and just waiting to hear when (and where)the baby arrives ! My nephew and his wife are in Valencia, he is sailing in the "America's Cup" races. They have had very little wind over there so they are days behind with the schedule ! My nephew is on the Swedish boat and I think he thought they would be eliminated by now and he and his wife would be on their way back to UK. for the arrival of the baby , expected on May !! Sensibly, they have got a plan B .... ! I will get my DH to take a photo of the quilt before it goes. You may remember that the pattern was found, and procured for me, by two BB members.. (thanks again ladies..) I have also been working on a baby- blocks knee quilt. It was finished this week and posted yesterday, to my sister for her 70
th Bday, later in May...
Sooooo lots of hand sewing and sore thumbs......
"Holly" the Beagle pup continues to amuse and entertain us. No chewed shoes lately, I'm pleased top say. She is going to stay with our neighbour (who lives about 6miles away,
incase you are wondering !!) They have a Beagle there too and the two of them enjoy each other. ( So pleased to hear the good news about Shadow, Jane. )
DGS rang early this morning . It's his tenth
Bday today. He was very excited .
Better start my day. The house is looking neglected and we have visitors coming over the w/end...!!
Marion in NZ.
Checking In
I don't believe I have posted since I signed up for the Chat. Right now we are dealing with rain and believe me if I could, I would send the gallons that our sump pump is putting out to those in need. The officials say we have about 3" but I can almost see the gauge from the house and it seems like it has more than that in it. Rivers are out of their banks and a few roads washing out. At least we can be thankful that tornadoes are not included with the rain. I just worry about the sump pump motor overworking while we sleep. So, I don't sleep much.
I have had two out patient procedures and one bad case of the flu this winter. It was the achey kind with 105 fever like we had in the 50s!
The fact that our 3rd grandchild was born in Phoenix this winter and we got to spend 10 days in the glorious weather snuggling with a baby kept me from being depressed from all the maladies.
I have been trying to finish quilts for our guild show in June in between these events, so I have done some sewing. I also have two nieces expecting this summer and some 3 year-old twins who want "big boy" quilts already. Those quilts are still in my mind. I also piled most of my fabric on the spare bed this winter and sorted it back into the proper containers. Well, actually, I am in the process of doing that. I still have 2 stacks and all the FQs to deal with yet. I do own some lovely fabric which I need to use up.
I have been trying to read as often as I can and think of you each in your times of need or rejoice in your rewards. Take care everyone.
checking in
LAVINIA - Congratulations on the ribbons at the local quilt show!!! You'll have to have a special place in your home to display them all - from both shows. :-)
JANE IN NC - chickens are good for eating ticks, or at least that's what I've heard. Good news about Shadow I guess? You could get her some polarized "doggles" --- here's the website:
I just got home tonight from a 3-day pants-fitting workshop in Cincinnati, OH. I know our Serial Quilters live there but I had no time to try to hook up with anyone. Joyce Murphy was the teacher, it was held at Banasch's trim & supplies on Red Bank Rd. (for those of you who live in Cincy). Joyce has a website:
and I now have a pattern for some very well-fitting pants as well as instructions on how to make design changes. WooHooo! Major Snoopy dance! I highly recommend her workshop to those of you who also sew clothes in addition to quilts. ;-) Joyce is a great teacher.
Welp . . . next week I'm in the two all-day workshops with Sharyn Craig on Monday and Thursday. Maybe I'll have the presence of mind to take some digital pics of what we made and post them here.
Gosh, I'm sewing up a storm this month. :-D Now I need to go unpack and tomorrow . . . ta-daaa . . . laundry! Piles of it! LOL
Hugs to everyone,
Happy Red Hat Day
To all who may be celebrating today, happy Red Hat Day.
Summer has arived here in Florida, out moving the hose around in the side yard every 30 minutes, after 4:00PM, as that's when the water restrictions stop. The squirl resistant feeder is hanging up, but the birds won't go to it as it keeps moving in the wind. Will have to get DH to put it on the PVC pipe we bought after all. I agree with Jane that 6' is the perfect height. If it can be done when I'm on the bus trip to see the quilts at Gee's Bend on Saturday, all the better.
Our little red hat group went out to lunch at the Olive Garden, across from the local mall. There were 4 other red hat groups there and several groups for secretary's day. Oh --ah--lets make that professional assistant's day, or whatever they are calling it now. The food was OK, then we were across the street to the local mall for a presentation of teddy bears for the local news person who does the breast cancer awarness program. She presents them to chemo patients, or someone who is a volunteer with the organization does. I did get to speak to her, and she is as nice in person as she aprears to be on TV. I think she had a fight with breast cancer herself in the years past.
Jane-so good to hear the good news about shadow. I'm sure you are relieved. Your yard sounds wonderful.
There is a comercial on TV here for Tractor Supply and the man says his buddy from the suburbs has "people" to do his yard. The reply is, so do I. Me, myself, and I.
This week has been much better so far than last. DH and I went out for a semi-romantic dinner last Friday night and had a wonderful dinner. It was only semi-romantic as it was 6:00 PM and he wanted to go to Blockbuster afterwards to rent movies! Oh well, at least after 29 years we are still together and can laugh at things, mostly ourselves.
Have put my foot down and said I'm going to yoga class on Wednesday nights. No more excuses just doing it. I'm much more limber and in a good frame of mind when I go. Found a great teacher and just follow her around wherever she teaches. At only $7.00 per class it's a bargin.
No quilting here lately. I did spend about 5 to 6 hours total last week cleaning, pitching out, etc. lots of scraps of fabric that were too small to keep anyway. Got the magazines and books in some of those holders from Target and Current so things look better.
Ok, lets hear from more people.
Two GFs are off to Pad. KY. today for the big quilt show. I opted out this time.
Sara in Florida
I certainly don't perfume the ball as often as implied in the previous post. What a difference a
comma makes. Yuck, that stuff is putrid smelling. Just to her liking. I add that stuff about once a month and she chases it 25 times a day.
Where is everybody?
As many of you there were recent concerns about Shadow's vision and the local vet thought there were problems with cataracts as well as pupil and retina abnormalities so she referred me to the doggie ophthalmologist from Charlotte who comes to Asheville once a month. After wringing my hands for three weeks preparing myself to hear the worst I spent about 4.5 minutes in the room with the doc and he said that there were no cataracts, there is atrophy of the pupils which is not too unusual, especially with spaniels, the retinas look fine and the lenses are hardening. If she were human she'd wear reading glasses for the latter. The pupil degeneration isn't treatable and the worst that can happen is that she will squint in the bright sun and might prefer to not go out into the brightest part of the day if it gets worse. Stopping at the desk outside the treatment room feeling high as a kite I was told, "That will be $98. Oh well, I'm so relieved and would rather pay $98 for good news than bad. Shadow marches on and retrieves the tennis ball with joy especially when I add some pheasant scent a minimum of 25 times a day. She's a bit slower these days and usually wants a boost into the Jimmy unless she is particularly happy to get in there.
Landscaping crew showed up today after three or four weeks of delay and things look wonderful. They have another day's work. Then I'll have to maintain it! I'm trying to hide the garbage can and generator as well as establish cover for the birds and install 6x6 posts so feeders can be hung at window level fairly close including the quilt studio all the better to enjoy them. I'll have bird poop on all the new shrubs but, hey, that's "natural", right?. As my MIL used to say, "I may end up in the poor house but I'll go by cab." I saw a stretch limo driving through Sylva and down my way through Cullowhee today. I'd give my eye teeth to know who in this county goes anywhere except in a truck or SUV, old and broken in at that. Actually the high rent district (Cashiers, NC) is in this county and there are many multi million dollar homes hanging from the sides of mountains down there. There are enough golf courses to satisfy the most avid of golfers and that is where the chamber music festival is every summer. The limo was headed in that direction.
Relieved in NC,
Drive safely. I'll be looking forward to getting together when you get back. You aren't going to recognize the area where Costso is. We might even have to eat lunch at the Olive Garden!
Sunday Evening
Big day! Finished the machine work on all samples needed for classes next fall. Will do the handwork at quilt group tomorrow. Looks like 5 classes are ready to go - well, almost. Still need to do the paperwork.
Weather here has been windy and varies from high 60s to 90s. Keeps the pollens flying and us sneezing. Drove an hour south to Mexico after church for allergy meds. About half the cost for the same thing, same manufacturer...
Not much has been happening but for quilting. Even finished the baby quilt for DN's little one due in June. Won't get much quilting done when we return to Idaho next week. Curtains, pillows, bed skirts...are on the menu. Will drive north thru NV this time rather than UT. Should be shorter.
MN checking in -
Like Mayme said, I need to sign in more so I remember how to post. I've been trying to finish up a couple of quilty things before I get started outside. Once I start with yard work (even tho I don't consider it work) I'm not done until October so I can usually wait until a few nice days have passed. That said, it was pretty hard to stay out of the gardens yesterday because it was a gorgeous spring day in MN. I am finally ready to hand stitch the border on a quilt that is a wedding present - well, make that anniversary present since their 5th is coming up soon! I was almost done with it a l-o-n-g time ago and then decided to do a lot more MQing, then I put it away and it didn't see the light of day for quite some time. Then I'd do a little, put it away again, etc. What finally prompted me to finish is that my long-time friend (the bride's mother) is getting remarried in about a month and we will be heading to Iowa for the wedding. I thought I better get the "wedding" quilt done as well as a quilt for my friend. So both of them are done except the binding. The quilt for my friend is a "4 corner posey"? It is similar to the stack and whack from a few years back but this is just using 4 identical squares that are sewed together kaleidoscope-like. What a fun, fast quilt. I also took 3 quilts to a machine quilter so I'm feeling quite virtuous right now - Better get a little hand sewing done before it is time to head to my daughter's band concert. Joleen in MN
Yeehah! I'm finally starting to lose again. After 4 weeks of staying about the same, I'm down 2 pounds this week, a total of 30 pounds since October 1 last year. And I'm down a total of 17 inches in measurements. This week I started back on the weight machine. I've done about 20 to 25 minutes every other day. I hate exercise, but do feel better if I make myself do it. It also jump-starts metabolism, making it easier to burn off the fat.
Lavinia, your quilt is gorgeous. Quilting does have the ability to help us through rough times.
Pat in Rockport, TX who is going out to the side yard to admire the bluebonnets.

Just dropping by to say Hi.
Mayme hope you have a quick recovery! I don't want you to miss any GS's!
I need to share some of your seeds, will see a gardening friend today & will take her some!
I went to one of my favorite annual plant sales yesterday. I was really proud of myself, I
only bought 3 plants, a variegated perennial fuchsia, a wonderful goldish red heather & a
wild ginger (remember we all discussed them last year) but I hadn't seen them anywhere
til yesterday.
I could be starting clean-up in the yard, but it's pretty soggy out there.
Our guild had it's annual bazaar yesterday too. Fortunately the plant sale saved me
too carried away! Bought a few pieces of fabric, some magazine & books & this wonderful
Laurel Burch hanging, it's embellished with lots of beading.
love your charity quilt, certainly deserves the awards! Must be hard to give it up.
I know how attached we get to these projects.
My DH & DF's are pretty supportive of my quilting but sometimes I think, does anyone love this as much as I do? I guess when you create it it become part of you.
(missing depressing paragraph) but praying for the world.
Rosey, I believe you were correct in the first place. While reading your post I took note of the fact that you had it right. The distinction seems to be getting lost these days. One is transitive and the other not. Not having gone to the 7
th grade (
BGF and I skipped with three others because they ran out of seats) I'm not sure of the technical terms but my understanding is that to lay is to place something on a surface as in lay out the pattern on the fabric. To lie is to recline as I will lie down. Lay the wreath on the grave. Lie on the examination table Mrs. Brown. Okay you English majors. Help me out here.
Lavinia, you have every right to brag. Huzzah!
Weight: Since I've been feeling like a limp rag I haven't been doing much in the way of exercise so am not hopeful about today's weigh-in. Took Shadow for a hike
yesterday and I lay (laid) about (past tense of to lie?) the rest of the day recovering. Oh well, here I go to the scale. Last week I was at the same spot of the previous week of net loss of 4.5 lbs. --- Okay, I just weighed in and have managed to hold the net loss noted here. I'm pleased that it wasn't a gain. That is only about 10% of my ultimate goal but as they say at Weight Watchers, I don't want it back. I must redouble my efforts and do less lying and laying about.
Time for my
Forteo shot and breakfast.
Jane in NC
think that should be...
Laying about...instead of "Lying about "
Getting sloppy in my old age with more correct forms of English.
My blogger takes so long in coming up with this slow speed dial-up that I am almost tempted to leave my mistakes on the board but then know it would annoy me when I looked at it...just as making a seam that is an 1/8 of an inch out on a quilt...I always see that mistake instead of the beautiful quilt I've just made.
I'm out of titles....
Lavina, what a beautiful quilt. I don't know the name of the pattern but the combination of pieced work and applique is very attractive. Quilts made at times of sadness in our lives somehow take on a special quality for the memories they hold forever in our minds. I look at the quilt on our bed at this moment and remember the winter of 'my discontent' when it helped me focus on something other than myself. Quilts are good at taking ourselves out of our present space and putting us into a better state of mind because they require such concentration. It's a good form of meditation.
Jane, I can well imagine guinea hens pecking in your yard collecting ticks but I can also see that Shadow would have a full-time responsibility in considering them her next meal. Your trip sounds just perfect. Enjoy Atlanta and I hope your sinus infection, (and I have one too at the moment and am on antibiotics...got through the whole winter without one) which seems par for the course given the time of year here and there, isn't a bother for you travelling. I'm sure you'll feel better.
Mayme, it's so surprising to realize that your energy after a hysterectomy just got up and 'went'. The hardest thing for me was to have patience with myself. I usually have an abundance of energy. Lying about is boring but it's part of healing, too. It sounds as though you are doing well given the operation is so recent.
Our weather here is up and down; last week-end during the Alpaca Ontario event, it was snowing; this week-end it is around 72 degrees during the day and the poor dogs aren't ready for this abrupt change. They haven't blown their coats yet, sensibly so. But it's allowing a head start on some gardening. Our spruce trees, this year for the first time in nearly the twenty we've lived here, have indeed 'blown' their small spruce cones and the ground around them (and the gardens unfortunately) are just a carpet of soft brown balls. We are collecting them and using them for kindling. That small amount of 'turpentine' I'm okay with in the fireplace flue.
Have delightful young and very bright Rumanian guests, not many years in Canada, who are hiking the Bruce Trail this week-end but the chap is into more natural forms of eating than I, and is eating raw eggs...washed carefully, organic or naturally raised and feels that this is a better form of protein than cooking the eggs. I feel this is so and they are aware of salmonella but wonder what I'm going to feed them for breakfast. The last time they were here I introduced them to oatmeal porridge, to which the wife has now become addicted. Won't do her any harm, that. They don't eat oatmeal porridge I guess in Rumania.
Credit where due
Almost forgot, have to give credit where due, and that is to the young woman who did the machine quilting on my quilt and made it come to life with her creativeness. Her name is Donna Patrick, she's in Mount Carmel, Tennessee (just west of Kingsport). Lavinia
Forgot the picture
Just braggin'
Sent my Appalachian Spring ~ To God be the Glory to a local church quilt show this week (16th annual show so it was pretty good, some quilts better than Pigeon Forge). Brought home First Place in Mixed Techniques, Best of Show and Judges Choice. Will post another picture, just can't help myself 8^). Did not get Viewers Choice as there was a group that decided they would all vote for a quilt that did not get any ribbons. Anyhow, it was all an uplift to my spirit, which really needed one, as my son passed away four years ago this week and I was feeling "down."
JANE, what a picture -- guineas picking ticks off dogs. Guess you could always go to Florida and round up some cattle egrets, as you know they do the same thing on the cattle LOLOL.
MAYME big hugs. Get well soon. Been there, done that. Take care of yourself first and foremost.
WEIGHT WATCHERS ugh...after seeing some of the pictures of myself should sign off Jabba the Hut (forget the full length mirror) have to get down and serious about this deal. Just have to get DH on board, he did so good before his back surgery and gained it all back and now having major problems again. Nothing on the MRI. Wish there was a close place to walk, gas is so expensive aargh. Where's that Richard Simmons tape for seniors? (I put it away after I tried to do the whole tape and wound up floored for 4 days). Hugs to all. Lavinia-TN
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