West Mi reporting
Hi All, Haven't posted here in some time.
Laura, that was quite a scare you had this morning. So glad
you are OK.
Jean, Hope your shoulder heals real fast.
Firearm deer season opened here today. My 15 yr. old granddaughter
got a 6 point.
Sara, Good thoughts and prayers for your DH. I'm not a very good
nurse to my DH either when he is sick.
I spent 11 1/2 hours at a retreat at the quilt shop yesterday. Got lots done.
I did a count the other day and I have quilted 46 things so far this year. Some
of them very small but I still counted them. I have at least 4 more things I want
to get quilted before the end of the year.
The big 60 is coming up in about 3 weeks. Seems the older I get the less hours there
are in a day.
Hugs to all,
Oh, the joys of driving in the country...
Best wishes for your recovery, Jean.
I was up this morning at 4:15, to get ready to take the Academic Team to a competition. (This is kind of like "Jeopardy," only done orally and in teams.) I dashed out of the house at 5 minutes after 5, and was well into my drive up hill and down dale, when I came around a curve, in the dark, and hit the horse? pony? donkey? that was standing there. I literally did not see it until a split second before I hit it, and I was
not driving too fast. I'm not sure exactly what I hit, but I saw a side profile, and it was definitely not a deer. Unfortunately, it wandered off, and I was busy taking care of other things and did not notice, not that I could have stopped it even if I had. I know it had to be fatally injured, and the small town police and county sheriff's deputies all wandered around in the fields nearby for a while, looking for it. If I had to hit it at all, I wish I had killed it outright rather than have it stagger off in pain. There was a dead horse in the road 2.5 miles further down the road, but it was black, and I'm sure whatever I hit was not black. I have a vivid image of a medium grayish colored horse-like animal imprinted in my memory. So two large animals were out on the roads last night.
Fortunately, I was wearing my seat belt. My air bags did NOT go off, but I think I'm glad, because other than being very shaky, I'm fine, praise God. I don't even think I'm bruised. My car is not fine.
The team went off to the competition with the other teacher who was going, but more than 45 minutes late leaving. She had to come meet me to get the paperwork on the kids (legal stuff), and of course, I was so rattled I did not give her the cash for gas or the check for the fees at the competition. I'm sure they'll let us mail the check, and I'm sure we can reimburse her for the gas, but it's still annoying.
The county sheriff's pushed my car into a nearby driveway, where I waited for the state troopers and the tow truck. The accident happened at around 5:40 AM, and the tow truck pulled into the dealership at 8:30. It's not really cold here, compared to the weather up north, but if I had not been dressed properly, I really could have had serious problems. I did not have a blanket in the car yet, and really wanted it for the last hour I waited. I was wearing my heavy coat, with a hood, and I had gloves, but all I had on my legs was a pair of jeans.
So now I get to replace a car (probably), and not the car we really wanted to replace! That was the "good car," on which everything worked. The car had 140,000 miles on it though, and I will be really surprised if the insurance company is willing to fix it.
There is no quilting going on here...It would be a lot more fun!
DH is driving a rental to Montgomery tomorrow, so that he can pick up a car from my parents. Dad is still not able to drive because of his shoulder, so his car hasn't been driven since the end of October. Mom doesn't like driving that car, so they don't need it for a few more weeks. Dad is walking on the knee, but the specialist wants him to leave the arm in the sling.
Laura in Alabama
Out of lurking...
Out of lurking for a bit, at least. I've just had rotator cuff surgery on my left shoulder, and am in for quite the recovery period. Fortunately, I'm a week and a half into this, so I hope the worst is over. I chose to have it done arthriscopicly, so that should help the recovery time, but boy, is that shoulder sore! No quilting for me for a while! Fortunately, I had set a project aside years ago that combines quilt blocks with embroidered blocks, so I can work on the embroidery at least. That's about all I can do, as my arm is in a sling and I'm not to hold any weight yet with that hand.
Yuck. Pain meds make me feel lousy, but without them I can't sleep. I'm trying to achieve the proper balance during the day so that my head isn't in a permanent fog. I wonder how long it'll be until this shoulder doesn't hurt? I'm almost afraid to ask. I start physical therapy next week (in addition to the exercises I'm already doing at home) and my PT guy had the same surgery, so I'll ask him. All I know is that I have to be good and do everything they tell me to do so I don't end up with a frozen shoulder. I'm already seeing an improvement in what I'm able to do for the exercises, so I'm encouraged.
Sorry to blather on about my shoulder, but that's been pretty much my sole focus since surgery on the 5th. Sigh. I feel like I lost a full week of my life, lying on the sofa. But I'm getting stronger every day, so hope to soon feel myself again. Six weeks in a sling should get me out of it just in time for Christmas. Hallejuiah! The rest of you, quilt on! I'll be quilting in my head.
Jean in VT
Too early !
The Santa Claus parade is happening in town today. When I drove into Curves, I looked across the road and all the floats, the fire engine, the ambulances, all had their lights whirling and the fire truck, his horn blowing. I compare this to the Santa Claus parade that I witnessed in the little town further north where I own property and the same sort of thing...the noisy machines and lights twirling and blinking start the parade off. In Toronto as a child, it was not held in November, where the weather may be more receptive to standing around and not freezing hands and toes, but in December when we were dressed warmly in 'leggings', warm overcoats, hats, mitts, scarves...this was part of the fun and anticipation was the standing around in the snowy weather and expecting to get cold. We stamped our feet, wiggled our bodies and generally leaned in closer to our parents who were big and had a much bigger surface to tap into for warmth. I don't remember the noisy machinery with flashing lights either. I remember that our department store, Eaton's, sponsored the parade every year and the work went on for one whole year prior to the parade making storybook floats. The floats would then be loaned out in smaller quantities to the surrounding small towns around the city. It's not like that now. In a way, although my life is certainly heading towards the last post far more quickly than others, I'm glad to have grown up in an age of innocence when Santa was believed in and didn't sit on every street corner or in every shopping mall. There were only two...one at Eaton's Dept. Store and one at Simpson's Dept. Store. Fortunately I wasn't taken to both, so I never asked or got confused how Santa got from one store to the other. It's too early to think of Christmas and with this economy, worrisome.
This and that...
Sara, sorry to hear that your DH is still unwell. It's all a bit scary when the long term partner is sick. I can be very sympathetic and caring to others who are sick, but when it is my DH, my attitude leaves a lot to be desired ! I think it's got something to do with fear of losing him. After 45yrs of being together the thought of that happening is scary.
Ofcourse, he does tend to "make a meal" of any sickness and, for one who was brought up on the theory that sickness is a matter of "mind over matter", that can be difficult to deal with !
Incidentally, my father, who lived by that theory, died in his early sixties because he ignored signs and symptoms of ill health until it was too late ... so that didn't work either !!
Doris. I hope the wedding goes well. I'm sure you have everything under control (!) A fine sunny day would be a bonus.
I'll be wishing that for you.
Marie, you did a great job with the travelogue. Thank you. It was fun to read all about it.
I thought of
Rosey yesterday when I got caught in a traffic jam (of dairy cows) as I was making for the small rural town nearby. I too prefer country living but we are not without our problems here either. We have "boy racers" who come out from the city at w/ends, to race along our straight country roads. They congregate in large numbers, late at night and can be quite intimidating. There is to be a meeting with the local MP next week to see what (if anything) can be done about it. The fact that a lot of these boys are driving modified cars , have no licences and are often over the limit (alcohol) seems not to matter. They all have radio contact with each other and know where the police are and manage to keep ahead of them. I suppose if they were given access to some race track to do their speeding on, it wouldn't have the same "buzz".
NZ elected in a change of government at the w/end. Can't help but wonder why anyone would want the job ! I feel the same for the new American President. Good luck to them both. They've got a big job ahead of them.
We've got workmen here putting down new paving stones. The roots of a nearby
tree had lifted the old ones, making the
pathway unsafe, so it
will be nice to
have it done.
Warm and sunny here. I'm daring to think that summer might have arrived !
Beautiful fall weather, DH still sick
It's finally the kind of weather when I can sit in the backyard and read a book for 45 min. in warm sun, and cool air. This is what we wait for in Aug. & Sept. when it is so hot.
I took DH to the back yard about noon and fed him a grilled cheese sandwich. I wonder if he will ever be well again. This bacterial infection has hung on for over 2 weeks now. His neck glands are still swollen, and he runs a 100 temp. at least once a day. The family Dr. changed him to Amoxicilan (sp) last Monday, checked him again on Friday and told us he will continue to have swollen glands for another week. If he just had some energy back He could do something, anything, other than watch TV.
In the 30 years we have been married I've never seen him so sick.
I'm keeping him dosed with vit. c and soup, and some Advil when he will take it.
Meanwhile I'm not very content being a nurse!
At least our 2 favorite football teams won over the weekend.
If anyone has folk remedies to get the glands unswollen, etc. I'm ready to hear them.
Sick of soup in Fla. (needing to vent--thank you)
no link in my post
I don't know why the link did not show up in my post. Here... copy & paste into your browser:
Doris W. in TN
Yul Brynner
Laura in AL - I checked my favorite web site and your memory is quite clear. Read his bio and toward the bottom, it mentions the PSA:
WE ARE two weeks away from our DS's wedding. Hard to believe! Yesterday we attended a wedding at the same venue (150 miles east of us) where the kids will be married, so I had my note pad and pen handy making notes of questions to ask the event coordinator regarding the rehearsal dinner DH and I will be hosting there. I am as organized and 'on schedule' as a person can be. The time will fly.
WINTER is trying to force itself upon us. Tongiht's low will be 31°F. I know y'all Canadians are just laughing at me. (VBGrin) Our leaves are at their peak right now, with a nice show of golds, some russet reds, and the splotches of evergreen here and there. The fall foliage has been better than we might have hoped for, given our dry conditions here this year.
I'm glad the elections are behind us so that now we can all work together as one people again. DH and I did not stay up to watch returns. We figured we'll find out when we wake up the next morning . . . no need to lose sleep over it. ;-)
And now it is time to think about........ Christmas. Xmas day is 46 days away. AAaaaaaacccccck! The local shopping mall/galleria/mega-traffic area had already put the Christmas holiday banners out on the light poles before Halloween. Ugh. I find this disturbing on a couple of levels. Perhaps they'll start hanging them by July 4th next year. Argh.
Hugs to everyone!
Does anyone remember
Does anyone remember Does anyone remember an anti-smoking ad from around 1985 which featured a skeleton in a rocking chair? My memory is that it also featured a voice-over by Yul Brynner, who had just died of lung cancer. The voice over began something like: "When you see this, I am dead."
I also remember, quite clearly, that the ad was only shown two or three times, and then removed because it was "too graphic."Now, all I can find is footage of an interview that was aired as a PSA after Yul died. I don't think I would have remembered the interview nearly as vividly! Did I imagine this whole thing?
Thanks for the stories about the retreat. It wasn't as good as being there would have been though. I really enjoyed them.
Labels: anti-smoking ad, Yul Brynner