Well, since I'm about the only one posting here, I'll put a thought up here that some may read, those who haven't gone over to FaceBook. This afternoon I was at our local fresh vegetable market about 15 minutes south of here, in the country. I go there at this time of year 'specially for their fresh peas, which I love but which I parse out into salads as a meal of them would make them all disappear. I have two rules about choosing my peas...one, they must not be empty pods, I'm not paying for empty pods, and I like my peas hard. So, as I am pawing through the peas, up comes another woman with the same intent, she likes hard peas and won't pay for empty pods. We got talking, I told her she looked very much like one of my former colour theory teachers at the Ontario College of Art, who unfortunately, I believe may have passed away, not sure about that. She told me she was an artist. A potter, she said. I told her of the time I was in London and saw what a difference there was between the Chinese porcelain that the Victoria & Albert had and the Delft blue and white porcelain. She explained the difference why. The lower plate is Chinese, the upper plate is Dutch. Then she explained how she made her pottery much the same as the Chinese porcelain and why hers cost what it did. All this over picking peas. And pods.
Although the Delftware potters preferred to call their pottery “porcelain”, it was only a cheaper version of the real Chinese porcelain. Delft Blue was not made from the typical porcelain clay, but from clay that was coated with a tin glaze after it was fired
I'm not a potter but I could spot the refinement in the Chinese pottery right away at the museum.
So, that's the lesson for today,
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