From MaryJoG.
I taught a class about making a quilt from a memory (using a simple sketch) or photo demonstrating with this piece. It began with a sketch that was enlarged to 18" by 24" to make a pattern. Fabric choice is most important. I've collected fabrics of many kinds over the years to use in landscape quilts. Most are cottons but sometimes a silk or leather will fit perfectly. The grass is a piece of cloth embellished with machine embroidery. I do some thread painting and am learning to do more. The quilt was embellished, embroidered and quilted in one step. Fabric was placed on batting and then stitched and embellished. Sometimes I use 505 basting spray but usually use hem tape to secure pieces. It is a narrow iron on fusible. A tiny bit will hold a piece down until it is stitched. I decided to mount this piece on canvas and framed it. My original sketch didn't have anything on the beach but it needed color, hence the chairs and sandcastle.
So creative Mary Jo. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely to see a new posting on this page ! Face Book is very different and nowhere near as chatty ! Lots of nice photos of quilts but the news content is usually a re run from other news sources. I don't need that much information, I prefer an exchange of opinions or family news from friends. If other people feel this way maybe we could revive this page ? Sometimes it isn't until you (nearly) lose something, that you value it.. Just a thought..
Marion, your observations and opinions are of value. I don't want to beat a horse to death with my opinion about FB because low and behold, one day I might find myself eating my words as I often do. I've valued the friendships I've made through here on the Chat Board, some have become first hand friends, others remain distant cyber friends but I do agree, this is a place that could have more interest and the new kid on the block, FB, has stolen our readership.
This morning I'm driving into the city, a chore I detest with a vengeance due to the abominable traffic Toronto has now, but the CQA Quilt show is on and friends Beckie and Joan will accompany me. Miss Meg and Miss Annie will go to their trainer's play camp until 2, when I will have to pick them up again. Himself made me smile the other day, I was sitting outside close to a door he came out of, I was reading on the porch, he walked by and I became curious to wonder if he saw me or not. He didn't. He walked within three feet of me, his mind elsewhere. It is ever thus, which is why the dogs are better at play camp than at home with himself. It's interesting how someone can be so into their own heads they don't see the surrounding area. On the airfield, all is taken in and he is overly alert, no-one better to be on hand, flying the tow plane, watching the sky, watching the airfield for safety. It's amazing how one can be so focused in one area of one's life and totally unaware in another, like the proverbial absent-minded professor.
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