Friday, September 5, 2014

Pat S in Flint, MI

Ladies I am hoping one of you can help me with this request.  I am looking for half a yard of a Moda fabric called Folk Art  Christmas II by Robyn Pandolph.   I have included a photo of the fabric.  In the middle of a quilt and find I do not have enough.  Have no idea how long I have had this....pretty sure it is not in stores anymore.  If I had not made a cutting error I would have had enough......grrrrrr.
Thanks in advance..

Pat in Flint

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hi everybody

Today is my Mom's 97th birthday!  I can't believe she has lived so long.
I took her 6 fancy balloons, some gluten free chocolate cupcakes, a small CD player with the music she likes, and several cards.  Also another new outfit.  At the time I arrived with the cupcakes 6or 7 nurses-in-training were there, I had them come in and sing "Happy Birthday" to her.  Wow, that worked out well.  I think she had a good time, and the cupcakes were yummy.
Going to take a nap on the couch.  For the life of me I can't seem to sleep for 7 or more hrs.  I keep waking up at 5:00 or 5:30.  Yawn!
Love to hear about the gardens, etc.  Sorry Christchurch is having such a bad time.  If I were to go anywhere long distance I'd love to visit N.Z.  Maybe spend a week in Hawaii first to get used to the time difference.
Sara in hot, humid Fla.

Oh no !!!!

Our computer has been away for over a week and certain things have been upgraded and/ or replaced....  All bad news for me as I don't like change, especially where things like computers are concerned.... However, I will persevere and try to tame the beast.  I was happy on the IPad but DH is quite protective of it and not keen to share... I could get one for myself but why would we want three such instruments of torture in the house..

Well, that's interesting .....I wrote the above on the computer and then it disappeared from view ! Lost and gone forever  thought I...but  Here I am , an hour later, sitting by the fire with the IPad and thinking that I should try again and...low and behold...there was the beginning of my "post".. under drafts  !?!  Why ??  Who knows ?!

Rosey,...I won't be signing up for the dance class !  It all looked very strange to me ..?

Mary Jo. Great to read all your news and quite inspirational too.

Four years today since the first of our devastating earthquakes. A very scary day for all Cantabrians and little did we realise at the time, it was just the beginning... We've had over four and half thousand quakes over magnitude 3 since then.   Christchurch is still full of empty spaces as the city is gradually being dismantled.  Evidently only about half of the road works have been completed and there are still many homes waiting to be demolished .

Bee, I've been wishing that my garden consisted of four window boxes , like yours !!  I've spent far too much time in the garden this week and my poor hands are very sore !  I picked up some knitting last night and could hardly hold the needles !  The garden looks good though and all ready for the warmer weather which will encourage growth !  Too soon to plant out the vegetable garden though, in the past we have lost all plants to a late frost..

Im getting "looks" from the DH...seems he wants his IPad back !   I won't give up on the computer but I can see that it's going to be a challenge.   I went to send an email to DD this afternoon and her contacts details didn't come up...on checking I found that the contact list wasn't there at all !  I phoned our computer man and he said he would be come up to fix that soon....hey ho ..

Enjoy the day,
Marion .

Monday, September 1, 2014

Think we should all try this???

Himself's 40 yr. old daughter is into Contact Improv Dancing.  See link below.

Honestly, I don't know what to make of it other than you'd have to be pretty darned flexible.

Don't think this will be on my list of things to do,

From MaryJoG, via Rosey's posting service at no charge!

Fall is in the air,  so love the cooler nights.  The house is still 68 midafternoon.   It has been a productive day.  Have been working upstairs on the quilt room.  The grandkids moved all up to the bonus room and brought the furniture down to create a guest room in the former quilt room.  600 square feet is wonderful up there.  The floor was covered with boxes and tote bags from here and from AZ.  Bookshelves line one end and are filled with the stash.  Cubbies go along a long wall with 14 quilts hanging above them and on the other wall.  The cubbies have 19 quilt projects plus stripes, geometrics, kids prints, silks....  My work station is set at the far end of the room with the design wall on either side of the window.  A table backs up to the sewing cabinet for big projects or for cutting.  A small bookcase holds thread and tools plus disguises storage under the table.  We left the TV up should I want to watch while stitching, doubt that.  The double dresser is becoming a big ironing board.  A small table has four chairs around it for stitching friends.  The room is soft tan with tan carpet.  Some of the wood is blonde and the rest painted white.  Am using black and white to trim the curtains and for accents.  It is looking good and is even functional.
Using a drill to hang the design walls and put up curtain rods are new experiences.  Am getting better with small tools.  No desire to use any larger ones and sent them with the grandsons.  
My daughter's four children, ages 19 to 26 live here now.  They are in college or have graduated and work here.  One married which gives us five.  Two are in college, one teaches, one works in the high school library and one is getting his Masters in music ed.  All come for Sunday lunch and spend the afternoon.  The students do their laundry here.  Yesterday, they removed the antiques from over the kitchen cabinets and hung 8 quilts.  Austin is majoring in video and photography.  He climbed onto the fridge to hang the highest as the ladder didn't feel steady on the top step.  They are perfectly spaced and even cascade down where the ceiling slopes toward the dining room.  I am happy!
I'm a bit stunned to see that I've planned 19 quilts and purchased the fabric for them.  There were 21 but 4 were similar and became two.  And, there are UFOs.  Looks as though I need to live to the century mark just to finish all.  ;>)  Will only buy only an accent fabric to add to a project for the next year, am determined.  No more stash building.  Have 4 bags of fabric for donations.  Gave 5 tote bags with a project in each to my quilt group.  Each lady chose theirs.
The house has a different look and feel to it.  John loved red and it was in most rooms.  Now only two have any red.  Lime and or teal are the focus colors now.  The house feels cool and more 'mine'.  It will soon be 6 months since he passed and the grief is not as raw.  Life is good and getting better.