Not as innocent as he appears!

This guy looks innocent enough, but today I realize he's been torturing
& killing my Mason Bees as they emerge from their house & drop on to
the cement of the front porch! (My 1st outdoor cat, the feral Sylar!)
Checking in
I loved the "spilled paint" phot.
Just got back from the quilt store up by the airport, and . . . .$300.00 later have a Bernina that should be working. I'm thinking of puting it on Craig's list to sell it so I can buy one that costs less to ke up repair on.
DH did well in his surgery on Tuesday. He went it at 12:00 and we came home at 4:30. He went to the quilt store with me today, just to get out of the house, and said he can breath better. Evidently the mass was pushing on his wind pipe, and even though the X-ray showed it he didn't feel it. Now that it is gone, it feels better.
Supperglue instead of stitches. I'm so thankfull for modern med.
Has anyone read the "Friday Night Kitting Group"? I just bought it in paperback, a good read so far. About the friendship of women. You could substitute quilting for knitting and we could relate more.
Our weeds are growing faster than anything else here. We are under watering restrictions again this year, and probably forever here in Fla.
Thinking up some new ideas.
Sara in Fla.
West Michigan checking in
Hi from a chilly and overcast West Michigan. We had three days
of Spring and then it left. It was long enough to clean out the flowerbeds
and get the yard raked.
Is anyone going to International Quilt Festival in Chicago this weekend? I
will be there on Saturday if anyone wants to meet up.
Jill, if you read this,I need help. My BBC Yahoo group has disappeared.
Can you help me get back in? Please? I clicked on "not seeing my groups"
says it doesn't see any memberships for me. I had three that disappeared.
Two are still there.
Thanks, Mayme
Doris - Congratulations on being a MOG! I remember when my youngest son was married, a friend told me that the Mother of the Groom was supposed to "wear beige, keep her mouth shut and her pocketbook open". LOL.
Spring in Southwest Idaho is behaving like normal Idaho weather...if you don't like it, just wait a few minutes. We had a snow squall in the middle of the night and now the weather guesser says we should anticipate 79* by Sunday. I'm still not going to run out and plant tender plants yet, though. Learned my lesson last year. After over 25 years of living with a three month growing season, we jumped the gun and had all those little marigolds go away the night after they were planted. I'm just glad we don't live next to a river, as there could be some serious flooding if the warmup happens too quickly and lasts too long.
Spring . . . and life
LAURA in AL - What a beautiful photo! I'm not worried about the freeze. Those are normal for this time of year. Last year, the problem was we had two weeks of weathers in the 80s before the freeze. We'll be okay. Frost date here is April 15 but I always give it until May 1st.
RONNA - !Que lindo verte aquí! I hope you an find a French-speaking lawyer to settle all your dad's affairs in the Caribbean.
LIFE GETS IN THE WAY --- That is my motto lately, taken from the insurance ads on TV. I cannot seem to get into my sewing room because, "Life is what happens when you've made other plans."
DH and I attended the Monday practice round, with our DS and DH's brother, of The Masters golf tournament. For DS and me it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. DH and DBIL have been there before, but it was ages ago. The golf course is really quite beautiful and much hillier than the TV allows it to appear. Throngs of people, decent weather, safe travel all the way.
DS bought a car from some friends up here, and this Saturday DS and I will each drive to and meet in Chattanooga to exchange cars. I'll give him his new one and take his old one, along with his check for the 'new' (but used) car. There's another day shot, for sewing. Ugh....
A few weeks ago, DS got engaged to be married and they finally set the date for November. So . . . I get to be a ... MOG! (LOL) I'll wait to see what the colors for the wedding will be and level of formality, before I decide if I have to sew something up or if I can wear something already in my closet. :-D Chances are, I'll be sewing. . . I've already bought some lovely cloth dinner napkins that I will monogram for them with the embroidery feature of my sewing machine.
I'm "off to the races" today, running errands, must buy fertilizer for the roses, etc.
Hugs to everyone!
weather and spring

It's spring here. The daffodils and Bartlett pears are gone, the red bud trees are in full bloom, the grass is green and needs mowing, and they're talking about a possible freeze this weekend. After the late freeze and drought last year, we do NOT need a freeze in mid April.
On the other hand, nothing here is as pretty as this!
I received it in an email titled "spilled paint."
The place God spilled the paint......
The east side of the Carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, about 50 miles due west of Bakersfield, California . Photo taken by Barbara Mathews May 14. 2005
Checking in
It's been some time since I've been on here, so I thought I'd check in and let you all know what's been happening in Vermont lately. As of Friday, we officially broke the record for the snowiest winter on record. The old record was 139 inches, and we went one tenth of an inch over that Friday. Sheesh! Fortunately, temps of 50-54 are forecast for the next few days, so I'm hoping all of the ugly frozen mounds of snow in my yard will melt this week. Nights are supposed to be cold, so we shouldn't have to worry about flooding. Melt, melt!! I want spring!!
Only seven weeks of instruction left and one week of exams and school is out!! (That doesn't count one week of spring break in a week.) DS and I will both be glad to be done! Next year I plan to put him in a small highschool and remove myself from involvement in his schoolwork. I've given him a year of one-on-one attention; now he should be ready to go on his own. I know I'm ready!!
I guess I'd best see about doing something for dinner. Have a good evening, all!
Jean in VT
Just wanted to see if I remembered
how to do this and I did. The NW is filled with spring bursting out all over. The forsythia is especially stunning.
I had a cataract removed from my right eye on Wednesday. Don't know that I see a lot of difference in the colors I'm looking at, but the world certainly seems much brighter with bolder colors. When I take the eye patch off each morning I'm astonished all over again. When the dr. says the other eye is ready, you can bet I won't wait a year while my brain accommodates to diminishing enough of that in other parts of the bod.
We are busily labelling all the equipment to go to outdoor school with a 6th grader--from boots to hats and everything in between. Wait until she realizes that I labelled her boots right and left as well as with her name, but I did write it inside.
Take care. Betty in Or