WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I've changed the name to Rufus. He's already caught on. He's quite smart and has learned to sit before I put his dinner down. He doesn't have the picture about "stay" yet. I need to get him into a class. I know how to train him but he needs to learn to mind me with distractions. I think that despite his youthful silliness he will be a quick study.
I'm posting, I hope, three pictures including one showing what I found in the living room upon my return from Dr. appt. on Wednesday. That was a good news appt. as the hip pain that has almost stopped my walking at any brisk pace is not arthritis. Although there is some in hips it's not much at all. The problem is bursitis and I got a cortisone shot in each buttock.
Unfortunately vet didn't have surgery time for him for a month. I wish it could be sooner but he hasn't shown any inclination to roam except down the hill to trusted dog loving nieghbors. I'm afraid, though, that if he gets a snoot full of bear scent he might forget everything else and pursue it. Anyway, here he is.
Jane, in very wet western NC
Two weeks of rain right at harvest time is never good. I hope the farmers aren't wiped out again this year!We're busy this weekend at Con-stellation, a local sci-fi convention. We have two tables in the merchant area, at which we normally do fairly well. This year, we've sold about a quarter of what we sold last year. I've talked to several of the fans who are there; many of them had pre-paid for the convention, and food is available in the "con suite." They scraped up money for gas and came to the show, but they're not spending any money.
The Huntsville Guild is doing their show this weekend, too. I couldn't do the white glove hostess this year because of the conflict between the business (Science Fiction Collectibles) and the quilt show. I did leave DH setting up by himself yesterday, long enough to go see the show and drop a few dollars with the merchants there. I hope they're having a better show than we are.
Doris, the BOG outfit was gorgeous in the pictures you sent, and it looks even better on. Congratulations.
As an allergy sufferer, I deal with the hayfever symptoms year round. I'm allergic to mold, pollen, dust mites, etc. No one has bothered to test me for food allergies recently. I did find out that the "acid reflux" was actually chronic gastritis (no other symptoms.) Nexium makes me sick as a dog; so the doctor has me on Zantac (generic). That seems to be helping, but he doesn't want me taking aspirin for the minor to moderate aches and pains that accompany aging. Does anyone know of an OTC painkiller that doesn't tear up your stomach, but will help with pains in the joints? Tylenol lets me sleep, but research indicates I shouldn't be mixing that with alcohol, and I like an occasional glass of wine.
Well, I've written a book here, so I'll let you go. Prayers and hugs for all in need.
Sunday morning..
So good to see the BB up and running again. I've been unable to access it for a week and was beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms !A frosty morning here this morning and that won't do the newly planted seedlings any good at all. It's late for a frost . We often get caught at this time of the year. You would think that I would have learnt by now ..it's sooooo tempting though, to get out into the garden when the day is warm and sunny....
I sliced my thumb this morning when I was slicing an apple to go onto my cereal....nothing serious but messy ! Maybe I should stick with toast..
Jane, you've certainly got your hands full with your new friend !! Do you plan to keep him/her ? It sounds as if he/she has settled in really well !?!
Congrats to Doris. The suit looks lovely . I haven't done any dressmaking for years. I'm tempted to try again when I see the price of clothes in the shops.. I used to sew for myself and our two girls but when I started quilting, all that came to an end !
I've been busy "sorting" in the attic. We realise that we will have to down size "one of these days" so I thought I should make a start up there. There are many boxes of things which have not been opened for well over 20yrs. Mostly they belong to the girls. The "girls" both now over forty and with homes of their own , could really store their own belongings but that's easier said than done. One has homes in Scotland and H.K and the other is in Auckland... I found my wedding dress, Christening gown, baby blankets, school uniforms, letters, cards etc etc etc...what to do with them ? Mosty they were carefully returned to their boxes...! I'm not good at this.
Time to go. The dog is waiting for her walk and then it's off to church. Enjoy the weekend..
The flies are taking up residence !
Geesh, I do not like this aspect of cooler weather coming on...the flies are all coming indoors. They buzz around the lights at night and on the ceilings, half stupid, not enough dead to stop their infernal buzzing. Mice will also be making their appearance shortly. The realities of country living.The yellow golden rod and the tiny purple asters are dotting the fields and roadsides and the blue chickory, my favorite wildflower, is still in bloom along the sides of the road as well. The nights are definitely getting cooler here and we had our first frost of the season last night. The hummingbirds have left. This is very sad for me. They are such beauties darting in and out of the flower beds and at our feeder outside the kitchen window. I mark the date when they come and mourn the days when they leave for I never know when they've gone until I miss them at my feeder. We've had such a wet summer here that the past few weeks of sunshine, now colder nights, almost feels like we are being shortchanged on our summer as these weeks have been it.
Jane, the pictures of Walker Hounds on the internet show a very handsome hunting dog and thankfully, you rescued the young dog and not some hunter, who, as you say, might have run the dog even in the poor condition it is. I hope that you can keep him, keep him safe and well. It sounds as though Shadow may have a second wind with the young pup around. You too.
Doris, you are absolutely gorgeous...not only in that magnificent colour on you but in the stylish suit that you made. It well deserves a prize at the fall fair.
Interesting about the bloats. I am beginning to wonder if God just got tired by the time he got to the digestive system of humans because it's either feast or famine...too much, too little, bunged up, fast release...I can't see where the bloats have diminished a whole lot here even without wheat or gluten. I need to loose 5 lbs before I can see any progress.
Last night I attended the Spirit of Volunteerism award supper in Toronto where a number of volunteers were honoured for their work in volunteering for the Distress Centres of Ontario, me, among them. I tried on two outfits, a skirt which in the past, fit beautifully and now I can hardly get it done up at the waist and a dress that fell gracefully over my hips and now gets stuck on them. In desperation, I reached for my trusty woolen slacks with the drawstring...whew...I could breathe again. My jacket covered the rest of the fluffiness. Until I had a hysterical-ectomy I could not put weight on for love nor money. A week later I had the beginnings of looking like a spayed dog.
We've been inundated with rain since Wednesday. Ugh. Laura in AL, I'm sure you've been getting the same stuff. We have over four inches just Wed. to Friday, more right now, etc. and the Tennessee State Fair has been ruined by this weather.JANE IN NC - Well, sounds like you're owned by a new dog. LOL I hope he's housebroken...... If nothing else, that pup will keep you young and moving. That's what I found out with our Sophie, after losing a decrepit 16 y/o dog with dementia. WHAT was I thinking? Ah, but Sophie has been the best thing for me! I'm definitely getting more exercise and pondering the possibility of getting a 2nd dog to keep her company. (Ack)
Sophie's allergies are currently under control thanks to the wonders of pharmaceuticals. (ugh) I'm weaning her off them and using Benadryl now and hope that helps. I've also put her on a different raw food diet, one with less ingredients, in case there was a food allergy that precipitated the grass allergy.
ROSEY P - The daughter of a friend of mine went 100% off gluten, after several of her co-workers did. She felt sooo much better *and* lost weight. When she cheats, her digestive tract lets her know about it, too! Then my friend (her mom) decided to go gluten-free to see what happened. She said she feels less bloated.
I'm not giving up gluten yet. I've had to give up waaay too many vices in my old age. Recently, I've had to cut back my chocolate intake now that the many-paws has caused acne when I pig out on chocolate. This never happened before, in my life. Ggrrrr......
While in Ireland in 2002, we met a young woman who said there was a lot of research that showed a link between autism and gluten, though I don't think there are any medical studies that support it. However, many autistic children have been helped when put on a gluten-free diet.
The MOG (mother-of-groom) suit I made for our son's wedding last year won a blue ribbon at our local county fair, and won a blue at the state fair last week. Wow!
I don't know if the picture below will post here . . . Hugs to everyone!

Saturday Morning
I don't always post but read this page everyday. I have finished up a lot of UFO's and hope to start a new project today. I have the book by Elisa Wilson called Crazy Curves Continues. I did not get her first book. I is Drundard Path Patterns with many variations. Also got the rulers that go with it. My DD bought them for me for an early Birthday present. Can't wait to get started.Jane, sounds like you are having an interesting time with those two dogs. Enjoy And Hello to all I remember and those I don't Marge in Pa. who has not posted in a very long time.
Okay ladies, now that the board is up and running let's see some posts.I've got some puppy pictures. Have to load them onto computer then will post a couple. He's completely turned my life inside out. Have to wait a month for the neuter job. Vet agrees with my age estimate, approx 1 year. He chews on EVERYTHING. He has two nylabones, one of them chicken flavored, two big rolls of rawhide and one just plain large bone. They are all over the house and lately Shadow has taken up stealing one. He stands in front of her barking in frustration and she just keeps it close and snarls at him. It's like having a couple of kids in the house. I'm too old for this.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thank you, Eric
Ontario, Canada can get it: 2:01 pm Friday, the 18th.Thanks, Eric. Wasn't able to access the board for almost a whole week.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
This intruder in my life has a great affinity for the living room sofa. I'm not a fan of animals on the furniture. I must have shooed him off that sofa at least a dozen times today. Right now Shadow has gone to bed, tired of his foolishness, I'm staring at a messy kitchen but I'd like to go to bed too and Bubba is rambling around the house, restless and looking for some fun. He's rolling one of Shadow's tennis balls and then chasing it. OOPs there he goes into a recliner. He's just bored to tears and I think getting scolded is better than no attention at all. I'll be gone all day tomorrow at the guild meeting in the morning and an appointment in Asheville (an 1.5 hour drive each way) to be fitted for a more supportive orthotic on the foot that had the tendon repair last November. He has mastered the small dog door so the only way to keep him out is to lock Shadow in. He's just very young and silly. What a sweetheart even though he stinks.He and Shadow do quite well together outdoors. We took a nice hike this morning and even though he followed his nose way out of sight he kept returning to check in with me. I'm afraid he is my dog. I'll try to get him to the vet this week for a check up and just a bit of surgery. Shhh, don't tell him that I'm going to rid him of his cajones but that's an absolute requirement. Neither Shadow nor Molly ever experienced a estrous and he's not going to experience any romance either. Maybe he won't be so fond of me after that. Any way, he's spending the night in the house because I'm a softie and I don't have a dog house where he can be dry. I couldn't bring myself to make him stay outside once winter gets here anyway. I've relegated an old bedspread to be his bed. It was outside last night and it had obviously been used. Trouble was it was quite damp this AM due to due.
I'm hoping with all the other stuff going on that I can hit that wedding quilt this week. I've been saying that for months now. The new baby does demand a lot of attention.
A dietary hint
I have just had a young woman at my B&B overnight who is married to an Australian and who lived there for a year and plans to return to Australia in a year or so to live permanently. She is gluten-free. Fortunately, I have had a gluten-free pancake mix in my kitchen pantry and I suggested that she might want to come in and mix them herself...(it was a full-house booking for relatives of a close friend and I was stretched getting the others breakfasts on the table ) So she mixed the pancake mix up (El Peto brand) and I had some too as it's been recommended that I avoid wheat. I'm in the process of changing over my diet at the moment. Gluten proved not to be a problem but it's something that I may avoid while eating at home. In any case, I completely dislike maple syrup on my pancakes, something that Canadians traditionally use (Americans I've noticed here ask for ketchup for their pancakes but it may just be individual tastes) This young woman said that Australia was way ahead of Canada in providing foods without gluten and she said, over there, she found that putting fresh lemon juice on top of pancakes tasted very good. I tried it...I am now a total fan of fresh lemon juice on top of pancakes...YUM.Just thought I'd pass it along and if anyone has any other tips for eating wheat/gluten free with low sugar impact as I don't have a sweet tooth...tips are good...I can look anything up on the computer and plan to (so I don't need suggestions of websites) but it's those little tips that you don't read about when looking for information on things on the internet that are such gems.
HELP !!!!
On and off for a week or so I drove by the same beautiful Walker Hound looking thinner and thinner without a collar eating road kill in the road to civilization I drive to get anywhere. Thursday I finally stopped and very cautiously approached him. Most of those dogs have lived their lives chained to a dog house without any socializing at all and chronically underfed. In the fall they hunt for their ungrateful owners for raccoons and bear known locally as coons and bar. I know a couple of bear hunters who do appreciate their animals but that's the exception. Consequently those dogs are extremely shy and cringe if you approach them. Not this guy. He happily wagged his tail and came right up to me. He was quite happy to hop into my car and I figured that he'd been treated well and somebody was missing him. I'm afraid to advertise for the owner because any unscrupulous bar hunter could show up and he'd spend the rest of his life on a four foot chain consuming about half the calories he really needs. He is about the sweetest dog I've ever met.The problem is that Shadow is freaked out. At this moment they are having a barking contest. Bubba, as I've named him, is outside only because he can't get through the small spaniel dog door and she's guarding her realm inside confident that he can't get near her. I've walked him around the interior of the house a few times on a leash looped around his neck and he has thoroughly sniffed everything I let him get near, good hound that he is. So far he has been living outdoors and hasn't left since the first meal. I bought some healthy dry food and have been giving him two rounded cups twice a day and he's starting to look less emaciated and has lots more energy. He's younger than I first thought because once he had a few meals he became very playful galumphing around the yard and assuming what I call the play posture with the forequarter lowered and the forelegs out stretched. He's very frustrated because Shadow won't play and responds with snarls which actually intimidates him. Actually Shadow was never very playful even as a youngster and she's very insecure when any competition shows up. This big guy would get into your lap if given half a chance and I'm falling in love. There is a friend in the guild who has expressed and interest in him so I hope she will resolve my problem. She has owned many a dog and has told the usual funny dog stories so I know......GUESS WHO JUST TROTTED IN TO GIVE ME A SMOOCH! He's figured out how to slither through the dog door. Anyway I know Mary would appreciate him.
I've had concerns about him marking all over the house but haven't seen that behavior, outside or in. If I still have him here next week he's going to visit the vet for a check up and a bit of snipping. I do have two responsible hound owners asking around but Bubba thinks he's my baby. I'm 72 and I have no business taking on a young dog. Oh woe is me.
Please advise, please