Spring has sprung . . .
The warm weather has arrived, for who-knows-how-long, and it arrived with a vengeance. Today and the previous two days we have hit 80°F highs. I had to mow the lawn on Monday because it has been getting rather high from the few warm days we had before this week. I would prefer some nice, normal Spring days, with temps in the high 60s and low 70s, thankyouverymuch. Mother Nature, however, has a mind of her own, so we get what we get. One thing I know is that we will have some cold nights and cool days, because it happens every year. ;-)
Flowering trees are blooming everywhere and putting on a beautiful display. Pollen count is High and almost everyone is suffering from it. Typical April. LOL Now it is time to do some spring cleaning and start changing out the closets from winter to summer clothing.
still very warm here
I have arrived back from Melbourne, some days 34 degrees, phew. Now I have 28 days until I leave here and it is way too hot to pack,but it has to be done. we were in Aussie for the Grand Prix racing both sons were dreaming of going so we sent them off amd my DIL and I went shopping. One of my favourite things to do. Can you imagine I didn't go to any quilts shops! DIL doesn't quilt just wants to go to the malls. I found a shop which sold my size and was told that they are now in NZ about 5 miles away from me and the items I did buy were on sale the very next week, the story of my life. The clothes were both much the same in style and price to NZ , the days are well and truly over when it was good to go every 2 years and the amount you saved on prices paid for the trip. Next trip is in winter digging for bones in Queensland. Must carry on packing , I have so much junk and from now on I am not answering the phone so I can get rid of all the mess. Lovely friends but but do stop me working. Hugs to all, Bee in a hot NZ.
Maybe it's me who should be at University ?!?
Enjoying Autumn sunshine here.....
Lovely days here, sunny and warm but with a cool nip in the air, first thing in the morning. We change our time to winter time this coming w/end, so we know where we are heading. After the long and cold winter that many of you have coped with, you won't hear me complaining about a NZ winter...
Busy days here , out and about as usual, and trying to do the autumn tidy-up in the garden . I'm slower than I used to be (no surprises there !) and can't do the amount of work that I used to do. That's hard to admit to isn't it ? I put in one very long day last week, cutting things back in the garden and planting a few things for some winter colour. I felt very pleased with myself until the following day, when I could hardly even get out of bed ! So much for growing old gracefully....!
The grandchildren are back into their winter sports. The boys play Rugby football. They are both in the same team. Last w/end somebody tackled the younger boy and his brother took exception to that and tackled the "offender" . He was 'red carded" for his trouble, so that wasn't a very good start to his season !! I wish they would join a chess club or something less physical , but that's not going to happen ! The grand-daughter is still at Univercity (!) We are all pleased about that. DD#1 and family are all in HK. enjoying the end of term break from school. The grand-daughter in that family thinks she would like to go to Uni in Sydney, so she and her father will fly down this week, to look at that possibility... It would be nice for us to have her nearer, she is at school in England, as are her siblings...
Better start my day. Need to go to the city to visit my friend this morning. Her progress is slow . It is likely that she will be discharged from hospital to a Rest Home this week..
Crazy weather
We had sunny day, about 75 here. Just got a message fro DD in North Dakota. The kids stayed home from school because of a blizzard! Talk about crazy.
Long day, tired. Still waking up several times during the night. Then waking up too early. Think I'm taking a warm bath right after dinner, getting in my Jammies and going to read.
Sara in Fla.