Friday, August 26, 2011


I heard from Sondra in CA this week. She has a quilt that has been juried into the Pennsylvania National Quilt Exposition that is being held in PA next month! WooHooo! I've seen a picture of the quilt and it is gorgeous.

Grace in ONT - Please keep us updated on your DH. What a scare. Maybe he can close his eyes for the MRI. It would be a little problematic for a claustrophobic person.

Still 95F here . . . ugh. I am so over the heat.

Welp,,, gotta run. We're meeting the kids for supper out.


Good luck to those who are in its path, Sarah, will you be ok? By the TV it looks as though you could be out of its path . We also use bleach in our emergency kits, we are supposed to have 3 days worth of food etc in case of trouble. I used to keep the water in our 3rd bedroom but it sprang a leak and I now have a patch on the carpet. After Christchurch I think everyone checked their supplies. Take care and I hope there is not too much damage. Grace I hope you DH is OK we had a problem with my DH a few years ago and he was just as helpful in hospital. What is it with men they seem to think they are bullet proof. Hugs Bee in NZ.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Goodness, Grace

Please let us know how your DH is faring. I do remember him as a man of few words unless he was talking about something other than quiltmaking....(smile).

Good thing this didn't happen on your trip to Newfoundland.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just came on board after a couple of days off.
No Rosey we did not get to see that bus. We only really overlapped one bus and that was by the magnetic Hill. Two tour buses pulled in at the same time as us, but they were Japanese tourist.
At times we would be pulling out of some place as a new bus would be pulling in or vice versa. It sure was an experience of a trip. So glad we took it.
My knee surgery will not be until sometime late fall . more towards Dec. Dr was already fully booked for Sept. Now I have to work around DH appointments.
He had a stroke scare on Sunday and we spent most of Sunday and Sunday night in Ottawa. He is now scheduled for a barrage of tests. Those of you who have met DH will know that , that is not going to be an easy job. He does not like going to those places and people poking and prodding him. OH NO!!!
Answering questions is also not high on his list of priorities. He would sooner just listen. He is also scheduled for an MRI. I have not told him yet what that entails. He is claustrophobic MMM should be an interesting situation. LOL
We'll just keep laughing , save on stress pills.
Okay back to the making applesauce. Got some great apples.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Guess that was sort or a strange thing to post about. Yes, for disinfecting. In years past we were told to clean tub, using 1/2 cup chlorine bleach per ??4 gal. water or some such. Then you can fill the tub with fresh water in case you don't have drinking water for 4 or 5 days. You can always use it to flush the toilets with. Don't think I would drink it now, we just go out and buy gallons of drinking water and store them for 3 or 4 months. Can wash some dishes with buckets of it in the kitchen sink. Also, for washing the body if pouring a bucket into the sink, and sponging off.
It is also good for "slime" or lots of standing water on the front side walk or driveway. If rain water stands there for days on end misquitos will start to breed. There have been 5 cases of west nile virus in our city in the past month, from misquitos biting. Yuck!
Yes, I can just keep it for future use.
Very strange to hear about an earthquake between Richmond and Washington D.C. I grew up in that area and never heard of an earthquake. Strange goings on in the world.
It looks like the hurricane will go up the East coast of U.S. and into the outer banks area of N.C.
From there, who knows?
Ran around town today going to a lunch for someone from India, and taking DH to and from getting his truck serviced. Going to bed at a decent hour tonight.
Was supposed to take the space man quilt over to the long arm quilter, but will do that tomorrow, as it is in a different direction.
Sara in Fla.

Earthquake, hurricane, tornado, oh my!

I don't know if any of our BB Chat people live in the earthquake area that occurred on our east coast. A friend of mine who lives in Wilson, NC (just east of Raleigh) said house shook a bit and things fell off her desk. <--- is a very good site that records all recent quakes, even the little ones that we never feel.

Rosey P - I read about the tornado that hit Goderich, ONT a few days ago. F-3 is pretty strong. Yikes. I'm guessing the Clorox Sara is buying is for disinfecting or sterilizing anything, in case the hurricane shuts down infrastructure like water & sewer services, etc. It's good to have in an emergency.
What a beautiful photo you posted! The purple against the green is very lovely. :-)

Sara - I hope the only thing you see from Irene is rain.

So Much to Remember

But I'll try....Grace, on your trip to Newfoundland did you meet, by any chance, on your tour, a family from the Hockley Valley area? My friend, Nancy, egg-lady, turkey-lady and who lives on a beautiful farm, was on a Hanover Tour of Newfoundland about the same time as you were. And, your knee. Will you let us know when you are scheduled for this operation?

Sara, bleach....why would this be something you would buy in the face of an impending hurricane or were you simply out of it? I appreciate your reporting of weather as I have good friends in Sarasota. While I know you're not in that area at all, it helps to hear about the hurricanes.

Marion, I guess you are used to the spectacular beauty of New Zealand by now but your photographs of home are breathtaking. The boat ride looked to be lots of fun and whoever took the photo of it was in the right place to catch the family going through. Thank you for the photographs, I find they make this board so much more interesting and I look forward to them all.

I'm likely forgetting something...but this photo by Jon Katz caught my eye tonight simply because of the juxtaposition of complementary is opposite on the colour circle to yellow/green and look at the contrast in the lower right-hand corner and why this works so well. Same as with fabric.

Annie has now progressed to Annie-OFF, instead of Annie-no.



So far so good on Irene. I'm a lot calmer now than yesterday morning at this time.
These things are so unpredictable, but all the hurricane models show it moving to the East, and I hope they are right. Will watch the 5PM update. One good thing about technology, is that it improves the weather forcasting year to year. In 2009 the whole city was in a panic about the approaching storm. Lots of people took to the roads to evacuate, only to be stuck in 2-3 hr. traffic jams.
Having said that I did go to Wally-mart last evening to buy bleach, some granola bars, and a few odds and ends. We will use them anyway.
Laura, thanks for the I-29 info.
Dorris, some rain is a good thing. We have had drought conditions, especially in central and south Fla. where the water tables in the springs and lakes are so low. It is the wind and destruction that is so bad. In so. Florida there are lots of palm trees that sway with the winds. In No. Fla. and GA. the oak trees snap, and several of the old ones are rotten in the middle anyway.
I am forced to plan ahead, fill the car with gas, refill the RX for myself and DH. These are good things anyway! I'll consider them pre-trip planning.
Sara in Fla.


Sarah be sure to read my comment about your trip to North Dakota. I too enjoyed "The Help". First movie I've gone to in the theater in ages. We had passes and it was for my birthday. Win-Win.

Monday, August 22, 2011

2 thumbs up for "The Help"

If you want to go see a good movie run, don't walk to see "The Help". It would help if you've read the book, but even if not it is a wonderful movie. There were some parts left out that would have added to the "feel" of the south, the cotton farms, etc. but overall it was an A. For those of us over 60, the furnishings, the older cars, the soda shop will look familiar. I loved the old stoves in the kitchens.
Having said that I'm keeping an eye on the Weather Chanel for Irene. We need rain in Fla. but not anything over a Cat. 1 Hurricane. Will wait until Wed. to see if I need to get the potted plants, porch furniture, bird feeders, etc. inside the garage.
Sara in Fla.