I don't know if Laura in AL is getting any of this rain. It started raining here nine hours ago, and we have collected 7 1/2 inches of rain already. Lots of flooding and flash floods. My sister's back yard is a lake. More is predicted tomorrow. I hope everyone else is staying dry.
Hugs to everyone!
Thanks Eric
Thanks, Eric for a really simple transition!
Thank you so much
for your emails, cards and posts on here. I will be sending cards when they arrive from the printer. Things here are settling down and I am much better than I expected I have had several suggestions on coping and they work. The family are wonderful , taking me out to lunch etc. and keeping in touch. The house is full of flowers and the perfume is lovely. It was my birthday on Thursday and I asked all to forget it this year, I was extremely lucky as Harold had my engagement ring reset for me at Christmas and that was more than enough. I miss him like crazy but try to remember all the laughs we had and we had millions. His sense of humour was legendary and that keeps me going. The funeral was a celebration of his life and although a sad time there were lots of remembering his funny ways. Even to the flowers from the family , a friend of mine asked if she could do them, her flowers have won prizes and are wonderful . She did an outdoors theme , which was perfect for him and hidden in the flowers was a fishing lure in the appropiate colours. I am sure I can hear him chuckling. Hugs to all Bee in NZ
Be thankful for ho-hums, Sara
Life often has unexpedteds around the corner; I'm thankful for ho-hum days. This morning, the screen has been inserted into the door of my studio and the storm window removed. The window over my desk has been opened and soft breezes are wafting in. The birds are singing and my wind chimes gently doing what chimes do in slight breezes. And, the grass is needing cutting, the first of the season. And tomorrow, if we post, we'll see if we are successful in making the changeover.
What's up?
OK, other than the blog moving, what's going on in people's lives?
Other than being bitten by a tick, which later got infected, a funeral, a friend having a heart attack, husband sick as a dog, not much going on here.
OH, and the pollen is gone, but the evil ligustrum is still blooming and making my head swim.
We are hoping to go to the Shrimp Festival in Ferandina Beach tomorrow, just for a fun activity.
Other than that, laundry,"The case of the missing socks" and not much sleep at night, life is just ho-hum.
I wonder if all the men's black socks get together and go to outer space to the black hole.
Sara in Fla.
Eric and Sue...
Many thanks from me too ! We've been away for a few days and it suddenly occured to me that you may have all "disappeared without trace" before I returned home. Not so ! Well done Eric and thank you. I stumbled across the WWQP. many years ago and have since made some good friends here, even had two of them visit, one from England (hi Brenda) and Fran from Australia (I'll be emailing soon Fran !) Checking on the board has become a morning ritual , I'm so pleased that it is still here .
Thanks Eric & Sue
I'm not very savvy but whatever you had to do Eric, Thanks a bunch for keeping us together!
testing 1 2 3
Just signing in to see if I'm doing everything right, but I didn't really do anything?
new site
I'm a little concerned, because nothing is all that different here. Maybe I'm just unobservant. I don't want to lose you, and I moved my bookmarks yesterday. It says I'm on
OK, when I posted, it says I'm on the blogspot site. How are you guys posting, because I think I'm still using the old interface?
PS I posted this and it was almost instantaneous. Then I clicked edit, and wham, it was back.
Thanks Eric!
New blog
All I did to get the new bookmark was to hit "Add to Favorites" after I got to the new blog page. A pop up asked if I wanted to replace the old site with the same name. Told it yes and the rest is history.
PS Has anyone else noticed that the time it takes to post is considerably less than before?
new Chat Board addy
THANK YOU ERIC for taking care of the changes, and continuing to provide us with our little Chat corner. (((Hugs)))
Rosey P --- after I was re-directed to the new blog site here, I went to my browser at the top of the page, highlighted the new web addy, and right clicked my mouse to "Copy". Next . . . I went to my Favorites/Bookmarks, found my Chat Board bookmark there, and instead of left-clicking as I always do to arrive here, I right-clicked with my mouse. A new small window pops up and at the bottom of that window, there is a "Properties" link that I left-click on. The second line of that new window that pops up, has the web address. I highlight by left=clicking on it, right click my mouse and "paste" the new addy (which automatically deletes the old one and overlays with the new, like a new layer of paint or wallpaper) and Save. (clear as mud? LOL)
I may have done it
On my tool bar I now have my new Quilt Chat blog (I hope) and at the top of that page when it comes onto my screen on the right hand sign is a new post place to click. I clicked on that, held my mouse to it and it indicated different wording so I took that from the top of my screen and brought it to my toolbar, replacing my old 'sign in' thingy. Maybe it will all work.
It's a new world
New language and I'm trying but I've lived too long to fully understand the electronic internet age. "Cannonical, Browser, Blog URL, Post Migration, Back Links, Meta Refresh Tag, Dashboard"...in my day a dashboard meant the front part of the car on which indicators sat; post migration was when the birds arrived back home here in the north after spending the winter down south; back links might have meant the back part of a golf course, a browser might have been someone who was shopping but not buying and cannonical might have been the Pope.
So you see, I don't know if my mouse (something that gets into our home here in the country in the fall and makes it's home eating the electrical wires and my insulation all winter and who sometimes come out and skitter around on my kitchen) will now automatically place me into this site to post from my toolbar, something that used to reside in my garage and now seems to reside on my computer as a short cut to posting here. I wonder how I can replace this 'whatever you call it' on my tool bar so that when I click on "sign-in" I'll know that I'm up to date. Right now my mouse is indicating that it is: www2.blogger.com/home I'm wondering if this is correct or how to get the new 'whatever it is called' onto my toolbar.
Anyone know of the new 'whateveritis'
www...or is this a URL? Have I the old one or the new one on my toolbar.
This blog is now located at http://wwqpbbchat.blogspot.com/.
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click
For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to
I just sent an email to Eric requesting guidance and will post his response if I get one in time. We have just two more days.
Jane in NC
The blog thing
Well I tried reading the "help" and instructions, but not being computer oriented don't know how it will work. Y'all need to read this, there's only 3 days left. If all else fails we can all revert to the yahoo group some of us are already on. Sure will miss this board after all these years. Hugs.
Oh thanks for the responses. I had forgotten about the back..one time I had used fleece on the back but no batting in between and just stitched thru it all to quilt it. That was for my son before he passed away, he was going to dialysis 3 x a week. Walgreens and a couple other places have some decent size fleeces for a lot less than it is in the fabric stores, I'll look into that. If not will probly try the 80/20, I think I might have a good sized piece left over from another charity quilt I just did. Thanks again. Lavinia
Blog posting changeover
Lavinia, you're right. I've known this young fellow since he was about six years old. He didn't mean anything by his comment; it was just his opinion. Most people speak from their own experience and I think he had a bad one with his bunny, once. Doesn't trust vets either; thinks they charge too much and run the bill up. I can't argue that but it's usually for a very good reason. The cost of taking Ceilidh to our teaching hospital last week would send me to Scotland, twice over. But I'll never have another Ceilidh. She's worth it.
I wonder if Eric will let us know how to handle the blog switch as well.
It's interesting the number of people who are on the forum here and don't post.
A cold front came through last night and it went down to 1C but the sun is out; it's very windy; otherwise a lovely day here in southern Ontario.
Has anyone checked out the message that there are only a couple days left in the blog posting and we have to migrate somewhere else? What is everyone doing?
Various things
Bee, I am so sorry for your loss. As others have said, words just don't do it well, but you are in our thoughts and prayers here.
Rosey, I know it's so hard. I don't think your neighbor meant ill will, he probably was trying to see something positive about the ten years. There's been a few times when I've been that stupid (for want of a better adjective) and it just comes out wrong when it is said. Story of my life..whatever I say is taken just the opposite of what I meant. I'm sorry your doggy is sick--it breaks my heart, too. ((Hugs)).
Doris, buying property in Florida these days is the cheap part. The expensive part is the taxes and insurance. A cousin found a great home on Merritt Island, but the taxes and insurance alone were over a thousand dollars a month. Thank God we moved to Tennessee and there's no looking back. The Florida we once knew is gone forever. (I lived there from 1946 to 1996). Such is life, I guess.
If y'all get a chance, look at my query on the regular BB about batting and give me your thoughts. Thanks. Hugs to all.
Sara, you might try lifting their water after supper and see if that helps. Sometimes it's just the earlier morning light that wakes them up too.
Flotation-devices...man, how plastic. Mine are down around my knees anyway... if I had them, that is.
Monday / Dog questions
Doris-glad you liked BR. It is a very up-scale town. I once read that there are more millionaires there than in Palm Beach. I think most of the Palm Beach crowd are the "old money" people, passed on from generation to generation. In BR it is people like Krissy Evert, other tennis people, and "new money".
Our friends there have a small house for sale if you know anyone who would like to buy it. They both retired last year, he from the State of Fla. and she after 30 years of teaching. They want to move here, but can't until the house sells.
Property values fell there over $100,000. They are slowly inching back up.
I'm sure most of the women there are the "flotation device"-- good term--- type. Third and forth wives of the millionaires, and would turn up their nose as something so pedestrian as quilting. The people who live there go to the Ft. Lauderdale area for lots of things.
Having said all that, please don't anyone in So. Fla. send me hate mail. My DH was born and raised there, and we have loved ones there.
It was a busy weekend. One friend's father died Friday after a long illness. The friend is a single woman, about 40, who lives with them.
Another friend -just about 30 min after we were talking to him-had a heart attack while driving home. Fortunately he wasn't on the big bridge, or on the interstate, but just turning into his neighborhood. The wife called 9-1-1 on the cell phone and she and the 16 yr. old son got him out of the car and onto the street. the 9-1-1 dispatcher had sent the call out and a police officer was just around the block and arrived and did the CPR.
We spent the evening in the ER with wife, son, and assorted people from our church praying for him. He is better today, but still sedated. He is only 45 yrs. old and a flight sergeon for the Navy. Guess even people in good health, who exercise and eat right can still have heart attacks.
Rosey, Jane, or anyone else with dogs--question. Even though we take the dogs out several times a day in the yard, walk them on leash at least 2 X, they have developed the habit of waking up at about 5:00AM and want to go out. It's more the little one, but the other one follows. (They are Yorkie and Jack Russell mix) Since they both sleep on the bed, or allow us to sleep on the bed with them, it is disturbing our sleep.
Got any suggestions?
This morning after them going in and out I gathered them up with me on the couch and had them lie down. I tossed and turned, but at least DH could get some sleep before heading off to work.
Even though they are a pain in the neck I love them dearly. Since DD and all the gang moved away, it gives me somewhere to put my love. (other than DH) He is gone during the day and the dogs are here.
OK, this is a ramble, going to try for a nap.
Sara in Fla.
back from Rat Mouth, Florida
a/k/a Boca Raton. Just not so glam when it is translated. LOL This was a small group of people who converged at BR for the weekend, a sort-of business trip for DH.
Much time spent at hotel pool, men and women alike in our group were overwhelmed at the number of women with surgically implanted "flotation devices" to fill out their swimsuits. The number of face-lifts in that town were intimidating (and scary), too.
LOTS of money in BR. Oh my..... no way DH and I could ever afford to live there. It is a beautiful city though, good building codes with very little signage on the streets and lots of landscape screening of stores. You'd need a GPS to find a Target, Walgreens or CVS or grocery store that are hiding behind all the landscaping and lack of signs on the streets. Frustrating for the tourist, but it does make the city pretty.
We were very fortunate with the weather in BR. I spent a wonderful day at a local mall, window-shopping thru their Nordstroms, Saks, Neiman Marcus, and Bloomingdales. (We don't have these stores where I live; Dillards is our 'best' dept. store here). I don't really "shop", but instead just look, and consider it on par with an educational field trip to a museum. Honest. ;o) My only purchase was some nice tee tops on sale at Talbots. WooHoooo!!!
There are no fabric stores in BR, except the type that sell drapery fabrics. It is a sewing wasteland. So sad.... and yet another reason I would not want to live there. (lol)
MOVING ON .... my next project . . . DH and I are finally replacing the carpeting in our house, all of which are 24 years old. It's time. Packing up the sewing room will be a nightmare. I have fabric in four closets of two bedrooms. This will be just like moving house, as it has to be clear for the carpet replacement. Methinks it will be a good time to clear out some old stuff that I don't use, or have never used.
We're also having wall-paper removed, including the string-yarn stuff in the two-story foyer/entry hall, and the walls painted. The string yarn was already here when we bought the house 16 years ago, it is absolutely lovely, but sadly,,, it is dirty and starting to peel at the corners. Time to have it taken down. ~sighs~ And painters will be working in some of the rooms, changing color in our family room, etc. Yep,,, staycation city!
With all these home improvements going on,,,, DH and I have declared this our "stay-cation." No big trips for us, this year. My big trip will be to collect boxes for packing up the sewing stuff. (Aaaaaack!!!!!)
Hugs to everyone,
Charity quilts
The other source you might check is Project Linus. I don't know if they have chapters in Canada, but in the US, there are chapters all over the place. I know that our local chapter makes every attempt to have a quilt for each and every one of the very sick children in our local hospitals. Project Linus also donated thousands of quilts (without batting layers) to the children of Haiti.
Charity Quilts
Hi, If i might make a comment about charity quilts. My family has all the quilts they need and I decided to start giving some of my quilts away. Last year a lady named Judi Madsen who owns the Green Fairy Quilts was on her blog telling about her trips to Romania in Europe. She goes there once a year and give out quilts to an orphanage. I decided to donate a quilt and so began my journey in giving away quilts. I sent her a small childs quilt (most of the kids are young) and when she came back from her trip she put the video on her blog of passing the quilts out. Low and behold my quilt showed up. This year i am going to send her more than one. She usually goes a about Oct. So if anyone is interested you could visit her web page and find out more infor. It is Greenfairyquilts.com and also I am making quilts for cancer patients. It is my pleasure to see the faced lite up when you hand out a quilt.
Sorry to hear of Bee's DH passing. Life is so short and as we get older it goes faster. Marge
Sunday afternoon
First to Bee.....as Rosey put it perfectly....it's only words....but I do hope that u receive all the hugs and prayers that have gone out to you and your family during this time....
Rosey.....it is a difficult time.....you are grieving now knowing what lays ahead.....enjoy the snuggles and kisses.....it is so hard to let go ......we are looking at the same with our two oldest yorkies.....but it is only because of advancing age and the ailments....we do not wish for them to suffer....at the same time I want just a bit more time.....okay that is a lie....I want lots more time but in these situations I will admit selfishness......
Moving on.......does anyone remember or have contact with the woman who did and maybe still does, organizing and making quilts for Toronto's Sick Children's Hospital ? Way back when I first came to this site there was a gal who's daughter had had a very serious illness and became quite familiar with sick kid's hospital and I believe that she started this as way of giving back to the hospital and more importantly the children a bit of comfort.....I have few children themed quilt tops and backings already to be put together and completed and thought if her group was still active then I might be able to reconnect and send on some tops and backings for them. I was able to send some a few years back and unfortuantely have not been able to find any thing in my files or papers that would ohelp me find this group.....so if you have any knowledge of this group or one similar that would accept the tops and backings for eventual donation, preferably to somewhere like Toronto Sick Kid's Hospital I would appreciate any assistance.....