Thursday, October 6, 2016

The last posting???

This is called Electronic Intrusion.  My artist's statement, which is always difficult to limit words in juried submissions is:
Cell phones are both a blessing and a curse.  This quilt, while addressing the subject in a somewhat playful manner, speaks to the improper use of electronic devices. The portrayal of the pre-Columbian festival Mexican-Day-of-the-Dead with a sugar-masked corpse hanging from a cross of cellphones and tiny cadavers dancing mischievously amongst brightly coloured marigolds, Flowers-of-the-Dead decorating cemeteries at festival time,  is a reminder that distracted driving can end in tragedy. 
This image came to mind following several tragic accidents here in the country where I live, an hour north of Toronto.  It was accepted by the Mancuso World Quilt Competition in 2015 and travelled across the United States.  I cut up my wedding dress for the corpse.  What better use for it than to put it into a quilt.
I would like to thank Eric and Sue for providing this site for us for so many years.  And for so many years this site brought a lot of friendships together across both countries, the US & Canada and well beyond North America.  That spammers took over the public board forced this site into a private site which some unfortunately could not access for some reason or other, all cyber/computer related.  As FaceBook appears to have taken over a site like this, something I don't use myself but which I understand many do, I would like to say, again, thanks to the hosts, you've provided a beautiful site here that few have taken advantage of since it went private.  This site provided the connection for Rosey's Retreat here in 2004 which many may remember, it provided laughter and support for those going through medical issues which some did.  This site was a wonderful home to many, in its time.
Perhaps a corpse may be a fitting closure to the postings here,
Sandy Small Proudfoot          (RoseyP all these years).